Found 10784 Articles for Python

How to Return Custom JSON in Django REST Framework

Rohan Singh
Updated on 18-Jul-2023 16:53:27

3K+ Views

Django Rest framework is a toolkit that is used to build APIs in Django. It provides features and functionalities to handle HTTP requests and responses in Python. Django Rest framework uses Serializers and Response classes to return custom JSON data. In this article, we will explore different approaches to return custom JSON in Django REST Framework, along with examples. Serializers and Response Class Django Rest Framework(DRF) uses serializers to convert complex data types, such as Django models, into JSON, XML, or other content types that can be easily rendered into HTTP responses. To return custom JSON, you can create ... Read More

Get index in the list of objects by attribute in Python

Atharva Shah
Updated on 18-Jul-2023 17:47:00


Lists are a common data structure in Python for storing a collection of objects. On occasion, you might need to locate the index of a certain item in the list using the value of a particular characteristic. This can be a difficult process, particularly if the list has a lot of things but Python has a simple method for obtaining the index in the list of objects by attribute which we will be exploring in this article. Syntax To find the index in the list of objects according to an attribute, use the syntax shown below − index = next((i ... Read More

Get Flight Status using Python

Atharva Shah
Updated on 18-Jul-2023 17:46:16


"Flight status" refers to the present condition of a flight, such as whether it is on schedule, running behind schedule, or being cancelled. You may find out the status of a flight by visiting the airline's website and entering the flight number or the airports of departure and arrival. The essential data is then taken from the HTML page and structured by the BeautifulSoup module and used to assess if a flight is on time, delayed, or cancelled. To obtain the flight status for this blog post, we'll utilise Python. Installation It's essential that Python and the BeautifulSoup library ... Read More

Get first n records of a Pandas DataFrame

Atharva Shah
Updated on 18-Jul-2023 17:44:27

2K+ Views

Working with large datasets in Pandas can often be a daunting task, especially when it comes to retrieving the first few records of a dataset. In this article, we will explore the various ways to get the first n records of a Pandas DataFrame. Installation and Syntax We must make sure that Pandas is installed on our system before moving further with the implementation so run the pip command in your terminal − pip install pandas Once installed, we can create a DataFrame or load a CSV and then retrieve the first N records. Algorithm A Pandas DataFrame's first ... Read More

Get Financial Data from Yahoo Finance with Python

Atharva Shah
Updated on 18-Jul-2023 17:42:44

3K+ Views

Trading, investing, and other financial professionals need access to financial data since investment research is reliant on it. Yahoo Finance, which offers up-to-date market statistics, news, and analysis, is one of the most well-known sources of financial information. Python is a robust and flexible programming language that can be used to extract financial data from Yahoo Finance, so in this post, we'll be utilizing the yfinance package to do just that. Installation and Syntax Before we get started, we need to install the yfinance library, which allows us to access Yahoo Finance data from Python. We can install yfinance using ... Read More

How to Resample Time Series Data in Python

Rohan Singh
Updated on 18-Jul-2023 16:28:45

3K+ Views

Time series data is a sequence of observations collected over time at regular intervals. This data can be of any domain such as finance, economics, health, and environmental science. The time series data we collect can sometimes be of different frequencies or resolutions, which may not be suitable for our analysis and data modeling process. In such cases, we can Resample our time series data by changing the frequencies or resolution of the time series by either upsampling or downsampling. This article will explain different methods to upsample or downsample the time series data. Upsampling Upsampling means increasing the frequency ... Read More

How to Multiply All Items in a Tuple in Python

Rohan Singh
Updated on 18-Jul-2023 16:12:35

2K+ Views

In Python, tuples are immutable sequences that can contain a collection of elements. We can multiply all the items in a tuple using various methods like using a for loop, using the reduce() function from the functools module, using list comprehension, and the function, etc. In this article, we will explore all these methods and implement the functions to multiply all items in a tuple in Python. Method 1:Using for loop This method is straightforward and easy to understand. It involves iterating over each item in the tuple and multiplying them one by one using a for loop. Syntax ... Read More

How to Group Strings on Kth character using Python?

Rohan Singh
Updated on 18-Jul-2023 16:08:15


In Python, we can group strings on the kth character using several methods like using a dictionary, leveraging the groupby() function from itertools, and utilizing the defaultdict from the collection module. Grouping strings on the kth character is useful when manipulating and performing complex operations on strings. In this article, we will explore different methods to group tuples by their kth index element, using various techniques, and demonstrate their implementation. Method 1:Using a Dictionary One approach to group strings on the Kth character is by using a dictionary. We can iterate through the list of strings, extract the Kth character ... Read More

How to Get the Nth Word in a Given String using Python?

Rohan Singh
Updated on 18-Jul-2023 16:04:43


We can get the Nth Word in a Given String in Python using string splitting, regular expressions, split() method, etc. Manipulating strings is a common task in programming, and extracting specific words from a string can be particularly useful in various scenarios. In this article, we will explore different methods to extract the Nth word from a given string using Python. Method 1:Splitting the String This method involves splitting the string into a list of words and accessing the desired word based on its index. Syntax words = string.split() Here, the split() method splits the string based on whitespace ... Read More

Python - Leaf and Non-Leaf Nodes Dictionary

Asif Rahaman
Updated on 18-Jul-2023 14:43:05


Dictionary is an important data structure in Python which consists of key value pairs. They were originally designed to be non−iterable objects. However recently Python extended its support for iteration of the dictionary objects too. A nested dictionary has nodes, leaf, non−nodes etc. In this article we will understand how to manipulate leaf and non−leaf nodes using dictionaries in Python. What are leaf and non leaf nodes? Before we deep dive into the codes we first need to understand what are the leaf and non leaf nodes in dictionary data types. Leaf node:Those nodes which do not ... Read More
