Found 10784 Articles for Python

What is the difference between re.match(), and re.findall() methods in Python?

Rajendra Dharmkar
Updated on 02-Nov-2023 07:01:15

4K+ Views

re.match(),, and re.findall() are methods of the Python module re (Python Regular Expressions). The re.match() method The re.match() method finds match if it occurs at start of the string. For example, calling match() on the string ‘TP Tutorials Point TP’ and looking for a pattern ‘TP’ will match.   Example import re result = re.match(r'TP', 'TP Tutorials Point TP') print Output TP The method The method is similar to re.match() but it doesn’t limit us to find matches at the beginning of the string only.  Example import re result ='Tutorials', 'TP Tutorials Point TP') ... Read More

Can you explain Python Regular Expression Syntax in a simple way?

Md Waqar Tabish
Updated on 04-Apr-2023 12:27:42


You will study regular expressions (RegEx) in this blog and interact with RegEx using Python's re-module (with the help of examples). A Regular Expression (RegEx) is a sequence of characters that defines a search pattern. For example, ^a...s$ A RegEx pattern is defined by the code above. Any five-letter string with an a and a s at the end forms the pattern. Python has a module named re to work with RegEx. Here's an example − import re pattern = '^a...s$' test_string = 'abyss' result = re.match(pattern, test_string) if result: print("Search successful.") else: ... Read More

How to simulate scanf() method using Python?

Rajendra Dharmkar
Updated on 02-Nov-2023 13:26:24

5K+ Views

According to Python documentationPython does not currently have an equivalent to scanf(). Regular expressions are generally more powerful, though also more verbose, than scanf() format strings. The table below offers some more-or-less equivalent mappings between scanf() format tokens and regular expressions.scanf() TokenRegular Expression%c.%5c.{5}%d[-+]?\d+%e, %E, %f, %g[-+]?(\d+(\.\d*)?|\.\d+)([eE][-+]?\d+)?%i[-+]?(0[xX][\dA-Fa-f]+|0[0-7]*|\d+)%o[-+]?[0-7]+%s\S+%u\d+%x, %X[-+]?(0[xX])?[\dA-Fa-f]+To extract the filename and numbers from a string like/usr/sbin/sendmail - 0 errors, 4 warningsyou would use a scanf() format like%s - %d errors, %d warningsThe equivalent regular expression would be(\S+) - (\d+) errors, (\d+) warningsRead More

How to compare regular expressions in Perl and Python?

Rajendra Dharmkar
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:21


The most basic regex features are nearly the same in nearly every implementation: wild character ., quantifiers *, +, and ?, anchors ^ and $, character classes inside [], and back references \1, \2, \3etc.Alternation is denoted | in Perl and PythonPerl and Python will let you modify a regular expression with (?aimsx). For example, (?i) makes an expression case-insensitive. These modifiers have the same meaning on both languages. Also, both languages let you introduce a comment in a regular expression with (?# … ).Perl and Python support positive and negative look-around with the same syntax: (?=), (?!), (?Both languages ... Read More

What is difference between '.' , '?' and '*' in Python regular expression?

Rajendra Dharmkar
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:21


Special character dot '.'(Dot.) In the default mode, this matches any character except a newline. If the DOTALL flag has been specified, this matches any character including a newline.Special character '?'Causes the resulting RE to match 0 or 1 repetitions of the preceding RE. ab? will match either ‘a’ or ‘ab’Special character asterisk'*"Causes the resulting RE to match 0 or more repetitions of the preceding RE, as many repetitions as are possible. ab* will match ‘a’, ‘ab’, or ‘a’ followed by any number of ‘b’s.

What are some basic examples of Python Regular Expressions?

Rajendra Dharmkar
Updated on 13-Jun-2020 06:54:06


Here are two basic examples of Python regular expressionsThe re.match() method finds match if it occurs at start of the string. For example, calling match() on the string ‘TP Tutorials Point TP’ and looking for a pattern ‘TP’ will match. However, if we look for only Tutorials, the pattern will not match. Let’s check the code.Exampleimport re result = re.match(r'TP', 'TP Tutorials Point TP') print resultOutputThe method is similar to re.match() but it doesn’t limit us to find matches at the beginning of the string only. Unlike in re.match() method, here searching for pattern ‘Tutorials’ in the string ‘TP ... Read More

How to extract floating number from text using Python regular expression?

Rajendra Dharmkar
Updated on 02-Nov-2023 13:27:48

5K+ Views

The following code extracts floating numbers from given text/string using Python regex. Example import re s = "Sound Level: -11.7 db or 15.2 or 8 db" result = re.findall(r"[-+]?\d*\.\d+|\d+", s) print result OutputThis gives the output['-11.7', '15.2', '8']

How to extract date from text using Python regular expression?

Md Waqar Tabish
Updated on 02-Nov-2023 13:42:10

9K+ Views

We must first understand some regular expression fundamentals as we will use them. There are various ways to declare patterns in regular expressions, which might make them appear complex but are pretty simple. Regular expressions are patterns that can be used to match strings that adhere to that pattern. You need to read the following article to learn how regular expressions operate. You may commonly extract dates from a given text when learning to code. If you are automating a Python script and need to extract specific numerical figures from a CSV file, if you are a data scientist and ... Read More

How to extract numbers from text using Python regular expression?

Rajendra Dharmkar
Updated on 20-Feb-2020 07:17:09

1K+ Views

If we want to extract all numbers/digits  individually from given text we use the following regexExampleimport re s = '12345 abcdf 67' result=re.findall(r'\d', s) print resultOutput['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7']If we want to extract groups of numbers/digits from given text we use the following regexExampleimport re s = '12345 abcdf 67' result=re.findall(r'\d+', s) print resultOutput['12345', '67']

How can I use Python regex to split a string by multiple delimiters?

Md Waqar Tabish
Updated on 02-Nov-2023 13:48:28

23K+ Views

Classes that encompass a collection of characters are known as regular expression classes. One of these classes, d, which matches any decimal digit, will be used. Learning how to split data may be valuable. Data arrives in various kinds and sizes, and it's sometimes not as clean as we'd like. You frequently wish to divide a string by more than one delimiter to make it easier to deal with. The built-in regular expression library re is the easiest way to split a string. The library has a.split() function that works similarly to the above example. This approach stands out since ... Read More
