Found 34494 Articles for Programming

An Introduction to Shiny App Development with R

Swatantraveer Arya
Updated on 30-Aug-2023 19:45:33


A Guide to Developing Shiny Apps with R Shiny is an excellent R framework for web application development that has revolutionized the way we design dynamic and data-driven programmes. It allows R users to easily turn their R scripts into web-based apps with dynamic user interfaces. This post will go into the realm of Shiny app creation using R, studying its capabilities, components, and deployment choices. Understanding Shiny Shiny is a fantastic R framework for web application development that has revolutionized the way we design dynamic and data-driven programmes. It allows R users to turn their R code into web-based ... Read More

Count Substrings with even frequency of each character and one exception

Shubham Vora
Updated on 16-Oct-2023 17:27:46


In this problem, we will count the number of substrings of the given string containing all characters with even frequency or any single character with odd frequency. We will use the bitmasking technique to solve the problem. In bitmasking, each bit of the binary string represents the character. Problem Statement We have given a string alpha of length N. It is also given that 'a'

How to merge a transparent PNG image with another image using PIL?

Tarun Singh
Updated on 31-Aug-2023 11:25:28

1K+ Views

In the world of image processing, merging two or more images together is a common operation. One common use case is to merge a transparent PNG image with another image to create a composite image that contains both images. In this article, we will learn how to merge a transparent PNG image with another image using PIL. PIL is a powerful library for working with images in Python. It provides a range of functions for opening, manipulating, and saving different types of image files. The library is compatible with a wide range of image formats, including JPEG, PNG, BMP, ... Read More

Multiplying Alternate elements in a List using Python?

Adeeba Khan
Updated on 05-Sep-2023 13:57:22


Every programmer needs to be able to work with arrays and perform calculations on the data they contain. Multiplying alternative elements in a list is the specific task that will be the focus of this Python program. By solving this issue, we will improve our programming abilities and learn more about manipulating arrays and doing mathematical computations. Because they are flexible data structures, arrays are essential for storing and managing collections of elements. To manage arrays effectively, Python provides a large selection of effective tools and features. By addressing the problem of multiplying alternative items, we will investigate various techniques ... Read More

Count of triplets in Binary String such that Bitwise AND of S[i], S[j] and S[j], S[k] are same

Prabhdeep Singh
Updated on 31-Aug-2023 12:06:32


A binary string is a type of string which contains only binary characters that are '0' and '1'. We are given a binary string and have to find the triplets that fulfill the condition that the bitwise 'AND' of the first two characters is equal to the bitwise 'AND' of the last two characters. Mathematically: For 0

Maximum distance between Peaks in the given Linked List

Prabhdeep Singh
Updated on 31-Aug-2023 12:05:11


A linked list is a linear data structure that stores the data in the nodes and each node contains the address of the next node to make the connection. A peak or the peak node is the node that is not present at the first or the last place and has a value strictly greater than both of the neighbors. We have to find the maximum distance between two consecutive peaks as there could be more than one peak available. Sample Examples Input Given Linked list: 1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 2 -> 7 -> 1 ... Read More

C++ Program to Find Mth element after K Right Rotations of an Array

Prabhdeep Singh
Updated on 31-Aug-2023 12:03:45


Right Rotations means we have to shift each element towards the right as the 0th index element shift to the 1st index, the 1st index element shift to the 2nd index, ..., and the last element shift to the 0th index. Here we have given an array of integers of size n, integer m, and integer k. Our task is to find the mth element after k right rotations of an array. Here are some examples and explanations to help you understand the issue. Sample Examples Input Array: [ 1, 3, 2, 5, 6, 7 ], k: ... Read More

Count elements in Array having strictly smaller and strictly greater elements present

Prabhdeep Singh
Updated on 31-Aug-2023 12:01:24


A number is strictly a smaller element means the number should be less than by a minimum difference is 1 and similarly strictly greater element means the number should be greater than by a minimum of difference 1. Here we have given an array of integers of size n and we have to return the count of elements in the array having strictly smaller and strictly greater elements present. Let's see examples with explanations below to understand the problem in a better way. Sample Examples Input N = 5 Array: [ 3, 2, 1, 4, 5 ] ... Read More

Minimize operations to convert K from 0 to B by adding 1 or A * 10^c in each step

Prabhdeep Singh
Updated on 31-Aug-2023 11:59:45


We are given an integer B and A, and we have to convert the number K from 0 to exactly B by applying the given operations in the minimum steps. We can increase the current number K by 1 i.e. K = K + 1 We can add the product of the number A with any power of 10 to the number K i.e. K = K + A * 10^p, where p is any non-negative number. Sample Examples ... Read More

Minimize cost to reduce Array if for choosing every 2 elements, 3rd one is chosen for free

Prabhdeep Singh
Updated on 31-Aug-2023 11:51:21


We are given an array it this problem and we have to remove all the elements of the array with the minimum cost required. We have to remove two elements at a time and add them to the total cost. Also, we can remove the third number without any cost if we remove two elements and the third element's value is at most equal to the minimum of them. Also, it is given that the given array will be of a size greater than 1. Sample Examples Input int arr[] = {7, 6, 5, 2, 9, ... Read More
