Found 34494 Articles for Programming

Building a Face Recognition System with Python and the OpenCV Library

S Vijay Balaji
Updated on 31-Aug-2023 18:26:43


Facial recognition is a popular technology used in security systems, mobile devices, and social media applications. It involves identifying and verifying a person's identity by analyzing their facial features. Python is a versatile programming language, and the OpenCV library provides a wide range of image and video processing capabilities, including facial recognition. In this tutorial, we will explore how to build a facial recognition system with Python and the OpenCV library. We will start with the installation of the OpenCV library and necessary dependencies. Then we will dive into the main content, which includes facial detection, facial recognition, and tracking. ... Read More

Building a Face Recognition System with Python and the dlib Library

S Vijay Balaji
Updated on 31-Aug-2023 18:27:46


Face recognition technology has rapidly evolved in recent years, transforming the way we interact with devices and enhancing security measures. From unlocking smartphones to identifying individuals in surveillance footage, face recognition has become an integral part of many applications. In this tutorial, we will delve into the fascinating world of face recognition and explore how to build a face recognition system using Python and the dlib library. The dlib library is a powerful open-source package that offers a comprehensive set of computer vision and machine learning algorithms. It provides state-of-the-art face detection and recognition capabilities, making it an excellent choice ... Read More

Building Deep Learning Models Using the PyTorch Library

S Vijay Balaji
Updated on 31-Aug-2023 18:22:02


PyTorch is a widely used open-source machine learning framework that was developed by Facebook's AI research team. It is known for its flexibility, speed, and ability to build complex models easily. PyTorch is based on the Torch library, which was originally developed in Lua, and it provides Python bindings. PyTorch is widely used in academia and industry for various machine learning tasks such as computer vision, natural language processing, and speech recognition. In this tutorial, we will learn how to use the PyTorch library to build a deep learning model. Getting Started Before we dive into using the torch library, ... Read More

Building a Data Pre-processing Pipeline with Python and the Pandas Library

S Vijay Balaji
Updated on 31-Aug-2023 18:19:18


In the field of data analysis and machine learning, data preprocessing plays a vital role in preparing raw data for further analysis and model building. Data preprocessing involves a series of steps that clean, transform, and restructure data to make it suitable for analysis. Python, with its powerful libraries and tools, provides an excellent ecosystem for building robust data preprocessing pipelines. One such library is Pandas, a popular data manipulation and analysis library that offers a wide range of functions and methods for working with structured data. In this tutorial, we will delve into the process of building a data ... Read More

Building a Cryptocurrency Trading Bot with Python and the ccxt Library

S Vijay Balaji
Updated on 31-Aug-2023 18:06:53

2K+ Views

Cryptocurrency trading has become a popular investment option, and many traders are looking to automate their trading strategies with the use of trading bots. In this article, we will be exploring how to build a cryptocurrency trading bot with Python and the ccxt library. ccxt is a popular library for cryptocurrency trading and provides a unified API for multiple cryptocurrency exchanges. This makes it easy to switch between exchanges and automate trading strategies. We will be using Python to create a simple trading bot that can execute trades on Binance exchange. Getting Started Before we dive into using the ccxt ... Read More

Validating Indian vehicle number plate using Regular Expression

Shubham Vora
Updated on 27-Oct-2023 16:21:40

1K+ Views

In this problem, we will validate the Indian vehicle number plate using the regular expression. The regular expression is the search pattern created using the different characters, which we can use to match a particular pattern in the given string. Problem statement - We have given a string representing the Indian vehicle number plate. We need to use the regular expression to validate the given string. Sample Example Input: num1 = "GJ 03 AY 1097" Output: Yes Explanation - The given vehicle number plate is valid. Input: num2 = "TN 1A3 PZ 1287" ... Read More

Print Words with Prime length from a Sentence

Shubham Vora
Updated on 27-Oct-2023 15:24:33


In this problem, we need to show all words of the string having the prime length. The logical part of the problem is getting the words from the string and checking whether its length is prime. We can check whether the length of the number is divisible by any number to ensure whether it is a prime number. Also, we will use the sieve of Eratosthenes and the wheel factorization algorithm to check whether the word length is a prime number. Problem statement − We have given a string alpha, and we need to print all words of ... Read More

Minimize operations to make String palindrome by incrementing prefix by 1

Shubham Vora
Updated on 23-Oct-2023 16:10:04


In this problem, we will count the number of operations required by increasing the prefix characters of the given string. We will use character difference to count the minimum number of operations required to make string palindromic. Problem Statement We have given a string nums containing the numeric digits. We need to count a minimum number of operations required to convert a string into the palindrome. In one operation, we can select any prefix of the string and increment all prefix characters by 1. Sample Example Input nums = "22434" Output 2 Explanation ... Read More

Maximum number of Strings with Common Prefix of length K

Shubham Vora
Updated on 31-Aug-2023 18:22:33


In this problem, we need to count the maximum string having common prefix of length K. We can take prefix of length K from all strings and count maximum number of similar prefix using the map data structure. Also, we can use the Trie data structure to solve the problem. Problem statement - We have given an strs[] array containing multiple strings. We need to count the maximum number of strings containing a common prefix of length K. Sample Example Input strs = {"tutorialspoint", "tut", "abcd", "tumn", "tutorial", "PQR", "ttus", "tuto"}; K = 3; Output ... Read More

Maximize value of Palindrome by rearranging characters of a Substring

Shubham Vora
Updated on 31-Aug-2023 18:18:39


In this problem, we need to find the maximum palindromic string by rearranging the characters of any substring of the given string. We will use bitmasking to solve the largest palindromic substring. If any substring has bitmasking 0, it contains all characters even a number of times. So, we can generate a palindromic string using the characters of that substring, and we need to find the maximum palindromic string among them. Problem statement - We have given a string containing the N numeric characters. We need to find the maximum palindromic string by rearranging the characters of any ... Read More
