Found 34494 Articles for Programming

Codecademy Alternatives

Shirjeel Yunus
Updated on 29-Feb-2024 14:28:10


What is Codecademy? Codecademy is a platform which students can use to gain knowledge about different types of programming languages. The platform consists of a large number of courses The platform consists of courses related to 12 programming languages along with HTML and CSS. Students can choose either the paid or the free membership to join the platform. The cost of the paid version is $39.99 per month. Price Plans of Codecademy Codecademy comes with two plans one of them is free and users do not have to pay anything. The paid plan is $39.99 per month. Why Codecademy alternatives? ... Read More

Python | Measure similarity between two sentences using cosine similarity

Mithilesh Pradhan
Updated on 26-Sep-2023 12:03:35

1K+ Views

Introduction Natural Language Processing for finding the semantic similarity between sentences, words, or text is very common in modern use cases. There are numerous ways to calculate the similarity between texts. One such popular method is cosine similarity. It is used to find the similarity between two vectors that are non-zero in value and measures the cosine of the angle between the two vectors using dot product formula notation. Through this article let us briefly explore cosine similarity and see its implementation using Python. Cosine similarity – Finding similarity between two texts Cosine Similarity is defined as the cosine of ... Read More

Draw an Ellipse Using Arcade Library in Python

Utkarsha Nathani
Updated on 11-Oct-2023 15:14:49


Python is one of the most popular languages in the programming world. The wide range of libraries and tools which are offered by the python language makes it mostly used language. Talking about the libraries we have Arcade library, a python library which works as the multimedia library helps in creating 2D games and graphics which can be included in them. In this article, we will be using the Arcade library for drawing an ellipse in Python. What is Arcade Library? A multimedia library in python, it provides various functions for creating 2D games, graphical objects, using shapes such ... Read More

Draw an Arc Using Arcade in Python

Utkarsha Nathani
Updated on 11-Oct-2023 15:15:54


Python is an extensively used programming language. The presence of wide range of libraries and tools makes it a popular language. One of the libraries of python is Arcade. This library works as a multimedia library and provides graphic tools for the creation of 2D games, objects used in graphic applications and many more. In this article, we will be drawing an arc using Arcade library in Python. We will be using two different methods for completing the task provided to us. Let’s start by understanding the basics of Arcade library. Arcade Library Arcade library was developed for ... Read More

Draw a Triangle Using Arcade in Python

Utkarsha Nathani
Updated on 11-Oct-2023 15:20:14


Arcade library is one of the built-in libraries of python. It is extensively used in creating a variety of multimedia objects, which can be used in making of 2D games and other applications where graphics are required. In this article, we will be using Arcade library in Python for completing a task of creating a triangle. We will start by a brief introduction of Arcade library, its functions and use. What is Arcade Library? Arcade library was developed for removing the limitations of the module, since it was the only module used by the python game programmers. This ... Read More

Draw a Tree Using Arcade Library in Python

Utkarsha Nathani
Updated on 11-Oct-2023 15:21:37


Python is a modern programming language. The wide range of features, such as extensive libraries, simple syntax etc. has increased its popularity in different fields such as web development, data science, and many more. In this article, we will be using one of the libraries of python which is Arcade. This library will help us build a tree using different structures. What is Arcade Library? The arcade library was developed for creating more appealing graphics for games and other graphical applications. Less number of choices gave rise to a different library which became a modern python module. This ... Read More

Draw a Tic Tac Toe Board Using Python – Turtle

Utkarsha Nathani
Updated on 11-Oct-2023 15:22:58


The wide range of libraries and tools makes python a popular and widely used programming language. One of the library which we will use in this article to complete the task of drawing a tic tac toe is Turtle. This library helps in creating graphics by using a virtual turtle. The commands are given to the virtual turtle on the window. In this article, we will use simple functions of the turtle library to draw the tic tac toe. What is Tic Tac Toe Board? Tic tac toe is a popular game, played on a 3*3 grid board. The ... Read More

Draw a Sun Using Arcade Library Python

Utkarsha Nathani
Updated on 13-Sep-2023 11:21:01


Python is a highly multipurpose programming language with a vast network of libraries and frameworks that has capabilities beyond the standard language features. Arcade is one of the libraries used for creating graphics and handling user input. It uses basic shapes like circles and lines, a gradient approach, and many other techniques for creating attractive graphics. In this article, we will learn different methods for drawing a sun using the Arcade library in Python. Arcade Library and Its Features Arcade library is a Python library built on top of Pyglet, a multimedia library for python. It is a python library ... Read More

Django Shortcuts – get_list_or_404()

Utkarsha Nathani
Updated on 13-Sep-2023 11:09:47


Django is a popular web framework written in python, helps the web developers to create web applications efficiently. One of the most important features of Django is the built-in functions known as shortcuts. These shortcuts help in providing useful features for completing the task. In this article, we will be learning about one of the commonly used shortcuts in Django which is ‘get_list_or_404()’. What is Django Shortcut Module? This is a collection of useful functions which can be used for completing the operations such as rendering templates, handling errors, etc. Some of the commonly used shortcut module are render(), ... Read More

Connecting to SQL Database using SQLAlchemy in Python

Utkarsha Nathani
Updated on 13-Sep-2023 11:07:16

2K+ Views

SQLAlchemy is one of the popular Python libraries used for working with the databases. It offers a high-interface for connecting to variety of databases, including MySQL, PostgreSQL, and MongoDB. So, with the help of SQLAlchemy, Python codes can be written which interacts with the database in a more meaningful and intuitive way, that is without writing the SQL queries directly. In this article, we will discuss how to connect to a SQL database using SQLAlchemy in Python. First of all, let us understand what is and SQL database and what is SQLAlchemy. SQL Database A SQL database is ... Read More
