Found 34494 Articles for Programming

Java Multicasting (Typecasting multiple times) Puzzle

Bamdeb Ghosh
Updated on 04-Oct-2023 18:39:35


Introduction Java Multicasting known as typecasting multiple times. It is the process of converting a value from one data type to another and it involves multiple typecasting conversions. It allows us to change the data type of a variable to perform operations that would not be possible otherwise. Let us discuss multicasting in Java. We will talk about numeric multicasting to convert between numeric data types. We will also discuss object multicasting to treat subclass objects as superclass objects. We will also provide simple programming examples to understand this topic easily. Numeric Multicasting in Java In this programming example we ... Read More

Java Method Parameters

Bamdeb Ghosh
Updated on 04-Oct-2023 18:35:39


Introduction We know that Java Method Parameters are variables used in method declarations to accept inputs and enable the methods to work with data that are dynamic. Let us discuss the Java Method Parameters and their use in making methods reusable and adaptable. We will discuss the importance of data input, code reusability, and flexibility. We will also explain about the pass−by−value and pass−by−reference by using Java Parameters with basic programming examples. By understanding the article, we hope our readers will understand the importance of the Java Method Parameters as it helps to create essential and maintainable Java programs. Definition ... Read More

Java JSON Processing (JSON-P) with Example

Bamdeb Ghosh
Updated on 04-Oct-2023 18:14:08


Introduction Java programs can operate with JSON data due to the strong Java JSON Processing (JSON-P) API. Web servers and clients frequently exchange data using the lightweight JSON data transfer standard. JSON-P offers the Object Model API and the Streaming API as its two primary methods for processing JSON data. Let us talk about these two strategies and use examples to show how they work and what they can do. We hope that our readers will learn about the Object Model API and Streaming API, together with Programming examples, by understanding this article's explanations on Java JSON Processing (JSON-P) with ... Read More

Update a Column in a Table using Java JDBC

Bamdeb Ghosh
Updated on 04-Oct-2023 18:04:18


Introduction Updating a column in a database table is a relatively frequent activity in software development. Java Database Connectivity (also known as JDBC API), which serves as a link between Java programmers and databases like MySQL, may be used to carry out this task in Java. Using the JDBC API, we may establish a connection to the database, get data from tables, and carry out a number of tasks, including altering columns. We will talk about how to update a column in a table using Java JDBC. We will start by make a connection to the database and then we ... Read More

What's the best RESTful web framework to use with Java

Bamdeb Ghosh
Updated on 04-Oct-2023 17:58:55


Introduction Let us talk about what’s the best Java RESTful web framework to use with Java language. We know there are a lot of frameworks available but the “Spring Boot” is the best choice among other Java frameworks. Here we will talk about the usage of the RestTemplate and integration of various data formats including JSON, XML, and HTML using the Spring Boot framework. We will also discuss various approaches to handling HTTP requests. We will learn why Spring Boot is the ideal framework for creating RESTful web services in Java by understanding this article. Support of HTTP in ... Read More

Does it make sense to choose JavaScript instead of Java for server-side programming and why

Bamdeb Ghosh
Updated on 04-Oct-2023 17:54:22


Introduction We know that over a period of time JavaScript has gained popularity for its versatility and it’s easy to use. Java remains a top choice for server-side programming due to its reliability, scalability, and large ecosystem. Let us discuss about why choosing Java as a server-side programming language over JavaScript is a better choice. We will talk about different approaches to explain the strengths of Java. Firstly, we will discuss the stability and robustness of Java by using Spring boot. Then we will explain the scalability and performance of Java. At last, we will explain the advantage of server-side ... Read More

Is Java dying at the hands of Oracle What future is there for Java?

Bamdeb Ghosh
Updated on 04-Oct-2023 15:47:55


Introduction Java is a widely used programming language since 1995 and Java has played a very important role in software development. Although there are many issues regarding its future due to events involving Oracle. Let us discuss these concerns and explore different viewpoints surrounding future of Java. We will explain whether Java is dying at the hands Oracle's influence or if it has the potential for a promising future. In this article at first, we will discuss about the challenges faced due by Oracle and the simplicity of coding in Java language. After that we will also discuss Java's ... Read More

Statistical Simulation in Python

Pranay Arora
Updated on 04-Oct-2023 15:08:37


Statistical simulation is the task of making use of computer based methods in order to generate random samples from a probability distribution so that we can model and analyse complex systems which exhibit random behaviour. In this article we are going to see how to make use of this powerful tool in Python to make predictions, generate insights as well as evaluate the performance of statistical algorithms. There are different types of statistical simulations, which are as follows: Monte Carlo simulations − Generation of random samples from a probability distribution in order to estimate the expected value of a ... Read More

Network Analysis in Python

Pranay Arora
Updated on 04-Oct-2023 14:47:51


A network is a collection of nodes and edges that represent the relationships or connections between those nodes. The nodes can represent various entities, such as individuals, organizations, genes, or websites, while the edges represent the connections or interactions between them. Network analysis is the study of the relationships between these entities are node represented as a network. In this article, we are going to see how to implement network analysis using python. It involves the use of many mathematical, statistical and computational techniques. Network analysis can provide insights into the behaviour of complex systems and help to make ... Read More

Introduction to Financial Concepts using Python

Pranay Arora
Updated on 04-Oct-2023 14:37:17


Python provides us with a variety of tools as well as libraries that help us work with the foundations of probability. Probability has a wide scale use case from AI content detection to card games. The random module is often used for probability related problem statements. This combined with libraries like numpy and scipy (and matplotlib and seaborn for visualization) can be of great advantage when the data is large scale and mainly in the form of csv files. Probability problem statements can further be clubbed with statistics to gain more insights. It doesn’t matter if you are a beginner ... Read More
