Found 34494 Articles for Programming

Image Classification using Google\'s Teachable Machine

Kalyan Mishra
Updated on 06-Oct-2023 16:11:14


In this article you will learn about machine learning, image classification and how to use the googles teachable machine for training the models. Machine learning Machine learning is a subset of AI (artificial intelligence) which is used to develop the models and algorithms using which we can make our computers learn and make the decision without programming it explicitly. This is an effective way to teach machines to learn from the given data and improve the performance by time. Computers can learn the task and make predictions or find any pattern using data which shows the scenario about what we ... Read More

Role of Text to text Transfer Transformer in Data Augmentation

Kalyan Mishra
Updated on 06-Oct-2023 16:10:23


In this article we will learn about the role of Text to text Transfer Transformer technique in Data Augmentation and how we can use this technique to improve the NLP model. In the current tech scenario Natural Language Processing has observed very rapid advancement in data augmentation field. Data Augmentation is used to improve the performance of model which is based on natural language processing (NLP). There are many techniques available using which we can achieve this in which one technique is Text to Text Transfer Transformer(T5) technique. We can use this technique for performing multiple NLP tasks by using ... Read More

Python - Uneven Sized Matrix Column Product

Kalyan Mishra
Updated on 06-Oct-2023 16:08:31


In this article we will learn about various methods using which we can find products of uneven size matrix columns. Working with matrices is very common for fields like data analysis, machine learning, so there can be situations where we have to find the matrix column product which can be a challenging task. Let’s see some examples for finding the uneven size matrix column product − Method 1: Using a Simple Loop In this method we will use the concept of simple nested loop and we will iterate through the matrix column and compute their products. Example def col_product_loop(mat): ... Read More

Sorting a Vector of Numeric Strings in Ascending Order

Esha Thakur
Updated on 06-Oct-2023 11:47:34


In this article, we'll examine a C++ procedure for ascendingly sorting an array of numerical string values. Sorting is a basic operation that entails organizing elements in a predetermined order. Because they are character-based strings that represent numbers, and these numerical strings provide a special set of challenges when it is related to sorting. The issue statement, a method and algorithm for solving it, a C++ implementation, a complexity reasoning of the provided approach, and a summary of the main points will all be covered. Problem Statement Consider a vector containing numerical strings, the aim is to arrange them in ... Read More

Lexicographically smallest numeric string having odd digit counts

Esha Thakur
Updated on 23-Jan-2024 10:09:28


This article offers a thorough method for creating a lexicographically short N−length number string, where each digit must have an odd count. We offer an in−depth explanation of the problem statement, suggest a successful algorithmic strategy, and put it into practice using C++. The efficiency of the solution is revealed by the complexity analysis, and the accuracy and efficacy of the method are illustrated by an explanation using a test scenario Problem Statement Given a positive integer N, the task is to generate the smallest numeric string of size N which follows the lexicographical order, where each digit in the ... Read More

Maximum possible number with concatenations of K numbers from a given array

Esha Thakur
Updated on 23-Jan-2024 10:15:32


Finding the largest number that can be produced by concatenating K numbers from a given array is an exciting problem in the area of numerical manipulation and algorithmic difficulties. The sequence of concatenation must be carefully considered in this challenge because it affects the largest number's value. The complexity of the "Maximum Possible Number with Concatenations of K Numbers from a Given Array" problem is explored in this article. We will investigate a step-by-step method, and look at the C++ algorithmic implementation. By the end of this article, readers will have a thorough understanding of how to approach this issue ... Read More

Make Palindrome binary string with exactly ‘a’ 0s and ‘b’ 1s by replacing wild card '?'

Esha Thakur
Updated on 23-Jan-2024 09:46:41


When dealing with string manipulation problems, it's common to encounter scenarios where we need to transform a given string into a specific pattern or format. One such problem is making a palindrome binary string with a certain number of '0's and '1's while replacing wildcard characters represented by '?'. In this article, we will explore an efficient algorithmic approach to solve this problem using C++. We'll discuss the problem statement, and its approach, and analyze the time and space complexity of the algorithm. Problem Statement Given a string consisting of '0's, '1's, and wildcard characters '?', we need to convert ... Read More

Count subsequences 01 in string generated by concatenation of given numeric string K times

Esha Thakur
Updated on 09-Feb-2024 15:51:54


The analysis and manipulation of strings are fundamental operations in many applications of computer programming. Counting subsequences with the pattern "01" in a string formed by repetitively concatenating a given numeric string poses an interesting challenge. The primary question is determining the total count of such subsequences in the resulting string. This article discusses a useful C++ approach to solve this issue successfully and offers a solid answer to deal with this particular work. Concept of Subsequence A subsequence is a sequence of characters that is derived from some other sequence by eliminating zero or more characters without altering the ... Read More

How to remove decimal in MATLAB?

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 06-Oct-2023 11:25:40


In mathematics, there are several types of numeric values such as integers (having no fractional part), floating point numbers (having fractional parts separated by a decimal), and more. In some data analysis and other computational applications, we are given floating point numbers that contain a decimal part, i.e., digits after a decimal point. But we require only integers. Hence, if you are using MATLAB as your data processing tool, then you can use it to remove decimals present in the given number. This tutorial is primarily meant for explaining the different methods of removing decimals from a given number using ... Read More

How to Read Text File Backwards Using MATLAB?

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 06-Oct-2023 11:22:44


In MATLAB, reading a text file backwards involves reversing the order of the lines written in the file. We can use MATLAB to reverse the order and read the text file backwards. For this, MATLAB provides various methods using different functions and algorithms. In this tutorial, I will explain the commonly used methods to read a text file backward using MATLAB. Create a Text File in MATLAB In MATLAB, we can create a text file using the built-in functions "fopen" and "fprintf". Example The following example demonstrates the process of creating a text in MATLAB. % MATLAB code to ... Read More
