Found 34494 Articles for Programming

Show Power - Function Distribution in Statistics using Python

Kalyan Mishra
Updated on 13-Oct-2023 16:30:23


In this article we will learn about Power-Function distribution in statistics. We will checkout various methods using which we can analyze the power function distribution. In this post we will also know about how to fit the power function distributions if required. Before that let’s get to know about what Power-Function Distribution is. Power-Function Distribution This is continuous probability distribution used to model the data. Using the power function, we can analyze the small event which create some impact. Using the power function, we can get detail about rare events, identify outliers and can also make predictions about extreme values. ... Read More

Show Power Normal Distribution in Statistics using Python

Kalyan Mishra
Updated on 13-Oct-2023 16:28:55


In this article we will get to know Power Normal Distribution, its application and uses. We will learn to analyze the distribution by the help of different methods including PDF and CDF. Before that let's see what Power Normal Distribution is. Power Normal Distribution Power Normal Distribution is same as normal distribution only difference is, this distribution includes the power parameter which is used to control the shape of the distribution. It provides us easy way for modeling the data which will show the characteristics of non-normal distribution. Let’s see the power normal distribution using various methods − Method 1: ... Read More

Show Power Log-Normal Distribution in Statistics using Python

Kalyan Mishra
Updated on 13-Oct-2023 16:28:00


In this article we will learn about Power Log-Normal Distribution, its application and uses. We will learn to analyze the distribution by the help of different methods including PDF and CDF. Before that let's see what Power Normal Distribution is. Power Log-Normal Distribution Power Log-Normal Distribution is variation of log-normal distribution. The only difference is, we obtain power log-normal distribution by applying power transformation into the log-normal distribution. Difference between the power normal distribution and the power log-normal distribution is the power normal distribution is the variation of normal distribution whereas power log-normal distribution is a variation of log-normal distribution. ... Read More

Python - Possible Substring count from String

Kalyan Mishra
Updated on 13-Oct-2023 16:27:03


This article we will learn about various methods using which a substring can be counted inside the given string. While working with python you may have come to a scenario when you need to check a given word has occurred how many times in the sentence or any string, so to get the count of substring inside the larger main stirring we will see some programs. Method 1: Using the Count Method This is a simple and easy built-in method in the python which allows us to count the substring inside the main string. Its time complexity is O(n). Example ... Read More

Popup Menu in wxPython

Kalyan Mishra
Updated on 13-Oct-2023 10:30:55


In this article we will get to know about wxPython and we will create a program to make a pop-up item menu. Pop-up menus are graphical user interfaces (GUIs) which allow us to show some specific items and options. Here in this tutorial, we will learn how to create and implement popup menus in wxPython. It is a GUI toolkit for python language which provides us with a set of bindings and allows developers to create cross platform applications having native interface. Installing wxPython Using pip Command pip install wxPython in case it is not getting installed type ... Read More

Python - Pairwise distances of n-dimensional Space Array

Kalyan Mishra
Updated on 13-Oct-2023 16:08:09


Pairwise distance calculation is used in various domains including data analysis, machine learning and image processing. We can calculate the pairwise distance between every pair of elements in each dataset. In this article we will get to know about various methods to calculate pairwise distances in python for arrays representing data in multiple dimensions. We will also get to know about the pdist function available in the SciPy library. Pairwise Distance One thing to remember: While calculating the pairwise distance in n-dimensional space we have to find the distance between each pair of points. You can choose any distance metrics ... Read More

Jupyter Notebook Extension in Visual studio Code

Arpana Jain
Updated on 12-Oct-2023 12:36:51


Jupyter Notebook Extension in Visual Studio Code: Introduction A well-known web-based interactive environment for data analysis and scientific computing is Jupyter Notebook. It enables users to create and distribute documents with narrative text, live code, mathematics, and visualization. Python, R, and Julia are just a few of the programming languages supported by Jupyter Notebook. Jupyter Notebook offers a wide range of functionality, such as data visualization tools, scientific computing libraries, and data manipulation tools, to help users with data analysis. The web-based environment of Jupyter Notebook can be constrictive in terms of performance and user experience, despite the fact ... Read More

Julia Fractal in Python

Arpana Jain
Updated on 12-Oct-2023 12:31:40


Julia Fractal in Python: Introduction Fractals are intriguing mathematical entities that display complex and repetitive patterns. The Julia fractal, which bears the name of French mathematician Gaston Julia, is one such fascinating fractal. Iterating a straightforward mathematical function over complex integers creates the Julia fractal. In the fields of mathematics and computer graphics, it has been a topic of research and investigation. We will explore the world of Julia fractals and discover how to make them using Python in this article. Julia Fractal in Python Definition An intricate iterative function serves as the formula for the Julia fractal. It is ... Read More

Joke App in python using Bottle Framework

Arpana Jain
Updated on 12-Oct-2023 12:29:09


Joke App in python using Bottle Framework: Introduction With the introduction of joke applications, humour and amusement have taken on a new shape in the current digital era. Users of these applications can access a huge library of jokes, puns, and humorous stories to add humour and happiness to their life. Python, a powerful programming language, provides a number of frameworks for creating web applications, with the Bottle framework being a well-liked option. In this article, we'll look at how to make a comedy app using the Python Bottle framework. We'll discuss the framework's description, syntax, explanation of syntax, a ... Read More

Inventory Management with JSON in Python

Arpana Jain
Updated on 12-Oct-2023 12:14:02


Inventory Management with JSON : Introduction Any firm that handles and tracks items or products needs to have effective inventory management. In order to guarantee that there is a sufficient supply of goods for clients and avoid overstocking or stockouts, it entails the process of monitoring and controlling the input and outflow of commodities. We'll look at using JSON for inventory management in Python in this tutorial. Inventory Management with JSON Definition JSON, or JavaScript Object Notation, is a simple data exchange format that is simple for both humans and robots to read and write. For data sharing between ... Read More
