Found 34472 Articles for Programming

How to create an empty file using Python?

Sarika Singh
Updated on 17-Aug-2022 12:50:10

20K+ Views

Empty describes anything which contains nothing. Using a computer as an example, an empty file is one that has no data in it; it has 0 bytes and is in plain text format having no data kept in a file. Let us discuss various types of empty files that can be created using python. Creating an empty CSV file The plain text file format known as a CSV file (Comma Separated Values file) is used to structure tabular data in a particular way.It can only contain actual text data that is, printable ASCII or Unicode characters—because it is a plain ... Read More

Does constructor return any value in Java?

Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:20

5K+ Views

No, constructor does not return any value. While declaring a constructor you will not have anything like return type. In general, Constructor is implicitly called at the time of instantiation. And it is not a method, its sole purpose is to initialize the instance variables. Example Live Demo public class Sample{ public Sample(){ System.out.println("This is a constructor"); } public static void main(String args[]){ Sample obj = new Sample(); } } Output This is a constructor

How to find the mime type of a file in Python?

Rajendra Dharmkar
Updated on 11-Sep-2023 16:52:45

6K+ Views

In the domain of file handling and manipulation in Python, it is often critical to determine the MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) type of a file. MIME types are standardized labels used to identify the nature and format of a file's content. They play a crucial role in various applications, such as web development, email attachments, and data transmission over the internet. Being able to ascertain the MIME type of a file is vital for performing appropriate actions based on its content, such as validating, processing, or displaying it correctly. In this particular article, we will explore different methods to ... Read More

Can you use both this() and super() in a constructor in Java?

Samual Sam
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:20

1K+ Views

No, you cannot have both this() and super() in a single constructor.

What is constructor chaining in Java?

Sai Subramanyam
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:20


Constructors are similar to methods but, They do not have any return type. The name of the constructor is same as the name of the class. Every class has a constructor. If we do not explicitly write a constructor for a class, the Java compiler builds a default constructor for that class. Each time a new object is created, at least one constructor will be invoked. A class can have more than one constructor. this() and super() are used to call constructors explicitly. Where, using this() you can call the current class’s constructor and using super() you can ... Read More

How to extract file extension using Python?

Sarika Singh
Updated on 17-Aug-2022 13:43:40

5K+ Views

An operating system like Microsoft Windows uses a file extension as a suffix to the name of a computer file. It falls under the category of metadata. An operating system's understanding of a file's attributes and, to some extent, its desired usage is supported by the file extension. We could need to extract file extensions in Python. You can achieve this in a number of ways. Os.path module OS file path manipulation is made simple with the help of the Python module os.path. It covers receiving the data from file paths, opening, saving, and updating.To obtain the file extension ... Read More

What is default, defender or extension method of Java 8?

Lakshmi Srinivas
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:20


Java 8 introduces a new concept of default method implementation in interfaces. This capability is added for backward compatibility so that old interfaces can be used to leverage the lambda expression capability of Java 8. For example, ‘List’ or ‘Collection’ interfaces do not have ‘foreach’ method declaration. Thus, adding such method will simply break the collection framework implementations. Java 8 introduces default method so that List/Collection interface can have a default implementation of foreach method, and the class implementing these interfaces need not implement the same. Syntax public interface vehicle { default void print() { ... Read More

How to change file extension in Python?

Rajendra Dharmkar
Updated on 11-Sep-2023 16:32:46

13K+ Views

File extensions play a crucial role by helping in identifying the type of content a file holds. The task of changing the file extension is a common in various use cases, such as converting file formats, renaming files for compatibility, or ensuring files are correctly interpreted by specific applications. Python, being a versatile and powerful programming language, offers several methods to change the file extension of a file. In this informative and enlightening article, we will explore different techniques to change the file extension in Python. We will provide step−by−step explanations and code examples to guide you through the process. ... Read More

What is the difference between Component class and Container class in Java?

karthikeya Boyini
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:20

4K+ Views

The class Component is the abstract base class for the non-menu user-interface controls of AWT. A component represents an object with graphical representation. The class Container is the superclass for the containers of AWT. The container object can contain other AWT components.

What are Java methods equivalent to C# virtual functions?

Sharon Christine
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:22


All instance methods in Java are virtual except, static methods and private methods.
