Found 34494 Articles for Programming

Nested Classes in C++

Ankith Reddy
Updated on 24-Jun-2020 11:40:43

23K+ Views

A nested class is a class that is declared in another class. The nested class is also a member variable of the enclosing class and has the same access rights as the other members. However, the member functions of the enclosing class have no special access to the members of a nested class.A program that demonstrates nested classes in C++ is as follows.Example Live Demo#include using namespace std; class A {    public:    class B {       private:       int num;       public:       void getdata(int n) {          num = n;       }       void putdata() {          cout

Local Class in C++

George John
Updated on 24-Jun-2020 11:23:17

2K+ Views

A class declared inside a function is known as a local class in C++ as it is local to that function.An example of a local class is given as follows.#include using namespace std; void func() {    class LocalClass {    }; } int main() {    return 0; }In the above example, func() is a function and class LocalClass is defined inside the function. So, it is known as a local class.A local class name can only be used in its function and not outside it. Also, the methods of a local class must be defined inside it only. ... Read More

Abstraction in C++

Arjun Thakur
Updated on 24-Jun-2020 11:25:15

1K+ Views

Abstraction involves providing only the pertinent information to the outside world and hiding the background details. It relies on the separation of interface and implementation for programming.Classes provide abstraction in C++. They provide public methods for the outside world to manipulate data and keep the rest of the class structure to themselves. So the users can use the class as required without knowing how it has been implemented internally.A program to implement abstraction in C++ using classes is given as follows.Example Live Demo#include using namespace std; class Abstraction {    private:    int length, breadth;    public:    void setValues(int ... Read More

rand() and srand() in C

Samual Sam
Updated on 24-Jun-2020 11:26:35

12K+ Views

rand()The function rand() is used to generate the pseudo random number. It returns an integer value and its range is from 0 to rand_max i.e 32767.Here is the syntax of rand() in C language, int rand(void);Here is an example of rand() in C language, Example Live Demo#include #include int main() {    printf("%d", rand());    printf("%d", rand());    return 0; }Output1804289383 846930886srand()The function srand() is used to initialize the generated pseudo random number by rand() function. It does not return anything.Here is the syntax of srand() in C language, void srand(unsigned int number);Here is an example of srand() in C ... Read More

strdup() and strdndup() in C/C++

karthikeya Boyini
Updated on 24-Jun-2020 11:27:03

5K+ Views

strdup()The function strdup() is used to duplicate a string. It returns a pointer to null-terminated byte string.Here is the syntax of strdup() in C language, char *strdup(const char *string);Here is an example of strdup() in C language, Example Live Demo#include #include int main() {    char *str = "Helloworld";    char *result;    result = strdup(str);    printf("The string : %s", result);    return 0; }OutputThe string : Helloworldstrndup()The function strndup works similar to the function strndup(). This function duplicates the string at most size bytes i.e. the given size in the function. It also returns a pointer to null-terminated ... Read More

Use of fflush(stdin) in C

Samual Sam
Updated on 24-Jun-2020 11:27:30

6K+ Views

The function fflush(stdin) is used to flush the output buffer of the stream. It returns zero, if successful otherwise, returns EOF and feof error indicator is set.Here is the syntax of fflush(stdin) in C language,int fflush(FILE *stream);Here is an example of fflush(stdin) in C language,Example Live Demo#include #include int main() {    char s[20] = "Helloworld";    printf("The string : %s", s);    fflush(stdin);    return 0; }OutputThe string : Helloworld

ispunct() in C

karthikeya Boyini
Updated on 24-Jun-2020 11:28:00


The function ispunct() is used to check that the passing character is a punctuation or not. It returns zero, if it is not a punctuation, otherwise it returns a non-zero value.Here is the syntax of ispunct() in C language, int ispunct(int character);Here is an example of ispunct() in C language, Example Live Demo#include #include int main() {    int a = '!';    int b = 'a';    if(ispunct(a))    printf("The character is a punctuation.");    else    printf("The character is not a punctuation.");    if(ispunct(b))    printf("The character is a punctuation.");    else    printf("The character is not a ... Read More

strspn() in C

Samual Sam
Updated on 24-Jun-2020 11:28:22


The function strspn() is used to calculate the length of substring of first string which is present in second string. It returns the length of that substring.Here is the syntax of strspn() in C language,size_t strspn(const char *string1, const char *string2);Here is an example of strspn() in C language,Example Live Demo#include #include int main() {    const char s1[] = "Helloworld!";    const char s2[] = "Hello";    int length = strspn(s1, s2);    printf("The length of string : %d", length);    return 0; }OutputThe length of string : 5

strcoll() in C/C++

karthikeya Boyini
Updated on 24-Jun-2020 11:14:50


The function strcoll() is used to compare two strings using locale - specific collating sequence.It returns −zero, when both strings are same, greater than zero value when first string is greater than otherless than zero value, when first string is less than other.Here is the syntax of strcoll() in C language, int strcoll(const char *first_string, const char *second_string);Here is an example of strcoll() in C language, Example Live Demo#include #include int main () {    const char s1[] = "Helloworld";    const char s2[] = "Blank";    char *result;    result = strcoll(s1, s2);    if(result > 0)   ... Read More

strpbrk() in C

Samual Sam
Updated on 24-Jun-2020 11:16:33


The function strpbrk() is used to find the first character of first string and matches it to any character of second string. It returns NULL, if no matches are found otherwise, it returns a pointer to the character of first string that matches to the character of second string.Here is the syntax of strpbrk() in C language, char *strpbrk(const char *string1, const char *string2)Here is an example of strpbrk() in C language, Example Live Demo#include #include int main () {    const char s1[] = "Helloworld";    const char s2[] = "Blank";    char *result;    result = strpbrk(s1, ... Read More
