Found 34494 Articles for Programming

filter_input() function in PHP

Ankith Reddy
Updated on 27-Dec-2019 10:24:27


The filter_input() function gets a name of external variable and filters it optionally.Syntaxfilter_input(type, var, filtername, options)Parameterstype − There are five types of inputs to check i.e. INPUT_GET, INPUT_POST, INPUT_COOKIE, INPUT_SERVER, or INPUT_ENV.var − The name of variable.filtername − The name of filter to get ID.options − Specifies options to use.ReturnThe filter_input() function returns the value of the variable on success, false on failure, or null if the parameter of variable is not set.Example Live Demo

filter_id() function in PHP

Arjun Thakur
Updated on 27-Dec-2019 10:23:35


The filter_id() function returns the filter ID of provided filter name.Syntaxfilter_id(filtername)Parametersfiltername − The name of filter to get the ID from.ReturnThe filter_id() function returns filter ID on success or FALSE, if the filter does not exist.ExampleOutputThe following is the = 257 boolean = 258 float = 259 validate_regexp = 272 validate_domain = 277 validate_url = 273 validate_email = 274 validate_ip = 275 validate_mac = 276 string = 513 stripped = 513 encoded = 514 special_chars = 515 full_special_chars = 522 unsafe_raw = 516 email = 517 url = 518number_int = 519 number_float = 520 magic_quotes = 521 callback = 1024

Send email using Java Program

Rishi Raj
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:23


To send an e-mail using your Java Application is simple enough but to start with you should have JavaMail API and Java Activation Framework (JAF) installed on your machine. You can download latest version of JavaMail (Version 1.2) from Java's standard website. You can download latest version of JAF (Version 1.1.1) from Java's standard website. Download and unzip these files, in the newly created top level directories you will find a number of jar files for both the applications. You need to add mail.jar and activation.jar files in your CLASSPATH. Send a Simple E-mail Here is ... Read More

Private and final methods in Java Programming

Vikyath Ram
Updated on 27-Jun-2020 08:12:16

7K+ Views

In Java private methods are the methods having private access modifier and are restricted to be access in the defining class only and are not visible in their child class due to which are not eligible for overridden. However, we can define a method with the same name in the child class and could access in parent class.Like private methods final methods in Java are the methods having final non-access modifier instead of private and are again restricted to be accessed in the defining class only and are not visible in their child class due to which are not eligible ... Read More

filter_has_var() function in PHP

Ankith Reddy
Updated on 27-Dec-2019 10:22:28


The filter_has_var() function is used to check that variable of specified type exists or not.Syntaxfilter_has_var(type, var)Parameterstype − There are five types of inputs to check i.e. INPUT_GET, INPUT_POST, INPUT_COOKIE, INPUT_SERVER, or INPUT_ENV.var − The name of variable.ReturnThe filter_has_var() function returns true on success and false on failure.ExampleThe following is an example that is a quick check for the input variable "email”. The value INPUT_GET is used for this. Live Demo

Private Constructors and Singleton Classes in Java Programming

Rishi Raj
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:23

1K+ Views

As we know the primary role of the constructor is to instantiate a class object now if we made the constructor as private then we restrict its calling to be only in defining a class and not in some other class. Now the singleton class in Java is defined as the class which restricts the instantiation of a class and ensure that only one instance of the class exists in the JVM. After first time if instantiate the singleton class the new variable also points to the first instance created. In order to create a singleton class we could use ... Read More

PriorityQueue Class in Java Programming

Rishi Raj
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:23


The java.util.PriorityQueue class is an unbounded priority queue based on a priority heap.Following are the important points about PriorityQueue − The elements of the priority queue are ordered according to their natural ordering, or by a Comparator provided at queue construction time, depending on which constructor is used. A priority queue does not permit null elements. A priority queue relying on natural ordering also does not permit insertion of non-comparable objects. Class declaration Following is the declaration for java.util.PriorityQueue class − public class PriorityQueue extends AbstractQueue implements Serializable Parameters Following ... Read More

Print a 2 D Array or Matrix in Java Programming

Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:23

1K+ Views

In this post we will try to print an array or matrix of numbers at console in same manner as we generally write on paper. For this the logic is to access each element of array one by one and make them print separated by a space and when row get to emd in matrix then we will also change the row Example Live Demo public class Print2DArray { public static void main(String[] args) { final int[][] matrix = { ... Read More

Math class methods in Java Programming

Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:23


The java.lang.Math class contains methods for performing basic numeric operations such as the elementary exponential, logarithm, square root, and trigonometric functions. Class Declaration Following is the declaration for java.lang.Math class − public final class Math extends Object Field Following are the fields for java.lang.Math class − static double E − This is the double value that is closer than any other to e, the base of the natural logarithms. static double PI − This is the double value that is closer than any other to pi, the ratio of the circumference of a circle ... Read More

How to prevent Cloning to break a Singleton Class Pattern in Java?

Rishi Raj
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:23


A Singleton pattern states that a class can have a single instance and multiple instances are not permitted to be created. For this purpose, we make the constructor of the class a private and return a instance via a static method. But using cloning, we can still create multiple instance of a class. See the example below − Example - Breaking Singleton Live Demo public class Tester{ public static void main(String[] args) throws CloneNotSupportedException { A a = A.getInstance(); ... Read More
