Found 34472 Articles for Programming

Add and Remove Edge in Adjacency List Representation of Graph

Ayush Singh
Updated on 13-Jul-2023 18:51:28


Adjacency lists effectively store graph relationships. Graph algorithms and operations use it. Adding and deleting edges can dynamically change the connections between vertices. Graph modification, connection analysis, and evolution need this procedure.Adding and deleting edges link and detach vertices, respectively. The adjacency list representation commonly performs these actions by altering the vertices' adjacency lists. Using a vector of vectors, sets, or maps of sets may change the implementation.New edges create pathways and linkages in the graph. However, removing edges breaks connections, changing graph structure and dynamics. These procedures are essential for graph adjacency list integrity and evolution. Methods Used ... Read More

How to stop event propagation in Python Tkinter?

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 05-Sep-2023 11:39:11


Tkinter events are very powerful in handling the different objects and attributes of the widgets as well as the elements of an application. There are events such as mouse events and keyboard button events that can be handled by binding the event or callback function with the button. Let us assume that we are creating an application that has two events of clicking the objects defined in a canvas widget. The two objects are basically the shapes (a rectangle and an oval) defined inside the canvas. We can perform actions like the Button Click event to verify if the use ... Read More

Python: How to update tkinter labels using a loop?

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 05-Sep-2023 11:35:19

1K+ Views

We normally use the Tkinter Label widget to display text and images in an application. Let us assume that we want to create an application such that the Label widget continuously gets updated with a value whenever the application executes. To achieve this, we will use a StringVar object and update its value using a while loop that will iterate as long as a particular condition satisfies. A StringVar object in Tkinter can help manage the value of a widget such as an Entry widget or a Label widget. You can assign a StringVar object to the textvariable of a ... Read More

Python: How to put a border around an OptionMenu using Tkinter?

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 05-Sep-2023 11:33:48


To save the contents of a Textbox in Tkinter, we can take the following steps − Create an instance of tkinter frame. Set the size of the frame using win.geometry method. Define a user-defined method "open_text" to open a text file in "read" mode. Read the contents of the text file and save it in a variable called "content". Then, use the "insert" method to insert the content in a Textbox. Next, define another user-defined method called "save_text" and in it, use the "write" method to save the contents of the textbox in the text file. Create ... Read More

Data Distribution in Cassandra

Amrendra Patel
Updated on 14-Jul-2023 15:49:15


Data distribution is done through consistent hashing to make the data evenly distributed across the nodes in a cluster. Instead of getting rows of table on a single node, rows gets distributed across the clusters which make the load of table data get evenly divided. The partition key is used to distribute data among nodes and determine data locality. In Cassandra, data distribution and replication work together. Mainly depends on three things i. e. partition key, key value, and token range. Cassandra Table This table consists of two rows in which one row has four columns followed by ... Read More

Cursors in DBMS

Amrendra Patel
Updated on 14-Jul-2023 14:53:42

4K+ Views

A temporary work area known as a cursor is established in the system memory whenever DML statements are performed. Although a cursor may contain many rows, processing−wise, only one row is taken into consideration. Cursors are very helpful to the kind of DBMSs like Oracle, Mysql, SQL servers, etc. A cursor is a control structure to go through database records and is used in databases. Cursors are of two types Implicit Cursors Explicit Cursors Implicit Cursors If you don't use an explicit cursor for the statement, Oracle will create implicit cursors while the SQL statement is performed. Some ... Read More

Double Buffering

Amrendra Patel
Updated on 14-Jul-2023 12:06:27


Double buffering is essential for improving user experience and performance. This method is extensively used to reduce delays, increase performance, and enable smooth multitasking in database management systems, streaming media applications, and graphics rendering. In order to optimise data transit and processing, double buffering is used which is a programming approach that uses two buffers or temporary storage spaces. It enables the execution of input and output processes simultaneously, thereby minimising delays and enhancing system performance as a whole. Double buffering allows for efficient multitasking and effective resource management by using one buffer for data storage while the other ... Read More

Encapsulation of Operations and Persistence of Objects

Amrendra Patel
Updated on 13-Jul-2023 17:23:41


Encapsulation of Operations Encapsulation of operations refers to the behavior of objects in object−oriented database systems(ODBS)through the responsibilities that can be carried out. Objects can be created, changed, retrieved, or deleted by the use of encapsulation of operations. Customers simply receive knowledge of the operations like interface or signature and aren't made privy to how those operations are honestly achieved. The implementation includes the specification of any hidden internal information systems in addition to the common sense that determines the operations, while the interface presents the call and parameters of each action. ODBs offer a sure stage of abstraction ... Read More

All types of ambiguities in NLP

Aaryamaan Kartha
Updated on 13-Jul-2023 14:17:05

4K+ Views

Since Natural language can be open to multiple interpretations at times, this would pass on to the computers who will try to understand the natural language input given to them. Often, it can be difficult to fully understand a sentence when we are not given enough context or if there is poor grammar. In this article we will be going over many different types of ambiguities that are found in NLP. Part Of Speech (POS) Tagging Ambiguity POS tagging refers to the process of classifying words in a text to a part of speech - whether the word is ... Read More

NLP language models_ What are they_ Example with N-grams

Aaryamaan Kartha
Updated on 19-Jul-2023 10:19:05


Language models in NLP are statistically generated computational models that capture relations between words and phrases to generate new text. Essentially, they can find the probability of the next word in a given sequence of words and also the probability of a entire sequence of words. These language models are important as they help in various NLP tasks such as machine translation, language generation, and word completion among others. You may not realize it, but when typing on computers or phones often the corrections made and your writing are essentially guided by NLP; Word completion and sometimes error detection ... Read More
