Found 34472 Articles for Programming

Application for Internet speed test using pyspeedtest in Python

Priya Mishra
Updated on 24-Jul-2023 18:09:11

3K+ Views

We can create a Python application using the pyspeedtest library to assess and evaluate the efficiency of our internet connection. This application allows us to perform instantaneous speed tests with minimal code, offering valuable information regarding our download and upload speeds. In this article, we will delve into the process of constructing an internet speed test application using pyspeedtest in Python. pyspeedtest Pyspeedtest is a Python library that facilitates internet speed testing. It provides a convenient way to measure the download and upload speeds of an internet connection programmatically. With pyspeedtest, developers can incorporate speed testing capabilities into their ... Read More

Find Count of Pair of Nodes at Even Distance

Ayush Singh
Updated on 14-Jul-2023 09:42:56


To discover the tally of sets of hubs at an indeed remove in a chart, we will utilise the chart traversal calculation. Beginning from each hub, we perform a traversal, such as a breadth−first look (BFS) or a depth−first look (DFS), and keep track of the separations of all hubs from the beginning hub. While navigating, we tally the number of hubs at indeed separations experienced. By repeating this handle for all hubs, we get the entire check of sets of hubs at separations within the chart. This approach permits us to productively decide the number of sets of hubs ... Read More

Animated Data Visualization using Plotly Express

Priya Mishra
Updated on 24-Jul-2023 18:04:07


Animated data visualization is now an essential tool for data analysis, as it provides a clear and dynamic way to explore trends and patterns over time, this can be done with the help of a Python library known as Plotly Express, which is used to create these visualizations easily and intuitively and also provides a high-level interface for creating interactive plots. In this article, we will be discussing how to perform Animated data visualization using Plotly Express. The Power of Animation in Data Visualization Animated data visualization takes storytelling with data to a whole new level. By adding motion ... Read More

Find All Cliques of Size K in an Undirected Graph

Ayush Singh
Updated on 14-Jul-2023 09:40:57


Finding all cliques of a certain size in an undirected graph is a fundamental graph theory issue that has many applications in social network research, biology, and data mining. A clique is a graph subset with all vertices linked.Recursive backtracking considers each vertex a potential candidate and updates the candidate and excluded sets depending on neighbourhood connections. Backtracking quickly finds all cliques of the appropriate size. Methods Used Backtracking approach Backtracking Recursive backtracking is a frequent method for finding cliques of a certain size in undirected graphs. It verifies all possible vertices combinations for cliques under the provided ... Read More

Analyzing selling price of used cars using Python

Priya Mishra
Updated on 24-Jul-2023 17:55:29


Analyzing the selling price of used cars is crucial for both buyers and sellers to make informed decisions which can easily be done using Python. By leveraging Python's data analysis and visualization capabilities, valuable insights can be gained from the available dataset. This article explores the process of data preprocessing, cleaning, and analyzing the selling price using various plots. Additionally, it covers predicting the selling price using a Linear Regression model. With Python's powerful libraries such as pandas, matplotlib, seaborn, and scikit-learn, this analysis provides a comprehensive approach to understanding the factors influencing used car prices and making accurate price ... Read More

Golang Program to Create Two Goroutines

Akhil Sharma
Updated on 13-Jul-2023 22:39:39


When working with go language there may be instances where you need to create two goroutines for parallel processing, asynchronous operations and more. In this go language article we will explore how to create two goroutines using anonymous functions, named functions as well as using function calls.In golanguage a goroutine is an independent concurrent function, it enables concurrent programming by allowing the functions to run concurrently. Syntax time.Sleep(duration) It is a built-in go language function used to pause the execution of a program. It ... Read More

D’Esopo-Pape Algorithm : Single Source Shortest Path

Ayush Singh
Updated on 14-Jul-2023 09:39:27


The D'Esopo−Pape technique works with a single source vertex as a starting point to find the shortest path between that vertex and all other vertices in a directed graph. This method outperforms the conventional Bellman−Ford approach for charts with negative edge weights. During execution, this technique swiftly chooses the vertices that are spaced the closest together using a priority queue. By iteratively relaxing edges and updating distances when a shorter path is identified, the D'Esopo−Pape method finds the shortest pathways in a graph. The approach optimises efficiency and reduces needless calculations by using a priority queue to choose the vertices ... Read More

Count ways to Change Direction of Edges such that Graph Becomes Acyclic

Ayush Singh
Updated on 14-Jul-2023 09:36:39


The goal of the "Count ways to change direction of edges such that graph becomes acyclic" issue is to count the number of configurations where the edges of a graph may be changed so that the graph becomes acyclic. No cycles or loops exist in an acyclic network.A set of edges, or a graph, is given to us as the starting point of this issue. The aim is to find out how many different ways there are to change the orientation of these edges while still producing an acyclic graph. The code presented utilises a hybrid of backtracking and depth−first ... Read More

Convert Directed Graph into a Tree

Ayush Singh
Updated on 14-Jul-2023 09:29:08

2K+ Views

Strong data structures that depict connections among entities are directed graphs. To facilitate analysis or boost algorithmic effectiveness, it could be beneficial to transform a directed graph into a tree structure in some circumstances. In this post, we'll look at two CPP algorithmic approaches for turning a directed graph into a tree. We will go over the algorithm for each method, offer related code applications, and show off each approach's unique results. Methods Used Depth−First Search (DFS) Topological Sorting Depth−First Search (DFS) The first approach traverses the graph using a depth−first search algorithm to create a ... Read More

Golang Program to Creates a Unidirectional Sending Channel and Passes it to a Function that Returns a Unidirectional Receiving Channel

Akhil Sharma
Updated on 13-Jul-2023 22:35:50


A unidirectional sending channel is used to send the values to the channel, while the unidirectional receiving channel is used to receive the data from the channel. These channels are used in concurrent data processing, data sharing and more. In this golang article we are going to create a program to create a unidirectional sending and pass it to a function that returns a unidirectional receiving channel using function parameters, type conversion as well as channel composition. Algorithm Define the sender Function that accepts a send-only channel named “ch” of type integer. ... Read More
