Found 34462 Articles for Programming

How OpenCV’s blobFromImage works?

Priya Mishra
Updated on 24-Jul-2023 20:10:39


OpenCV's blobFromImage is a vital function in computer vision that allows the detection and extraction of blobs from an image. Understanding how this function works is crucial for various image processing tasks. In this article, we delve into the inner workings of OpenCV's blobFromImage, exploring its parameters and their impact on blob extraction and gain comprehensive insights into this powerful tool for blob detection in computer vision applications. What is OpenCV’s blobFromImage? OpenCV's blobFromImage is a function that allows the detection and extraction of blobs from an image. Blobs are regions in an image that share common properties such ... Read More

How Does torch.argmax Work for 4-Dimensions in Pytorch?

Priya Mishra
Updated on 24-Jul-2023 20:08:47


When working with PyTorch, a popular deep learning framework, the torch.argmax function plays a crucial role in finding the indices of maximum values in a given tensor, while it's relatively simple to understand its usage for 1-dimensional or 2-dimensional tensors, the behavior becomes more intricate when dealing with 4-dimensional tensors. These tensors typically represent images or volumes, where each dimension corresponds to the height, width, depth, and number of channels. In this article, we will explore how torch.argmax works for 4-dimensional tensors in PyTorch, and provide practical examples to help you understand how to use it effectively. What is torch.argmax? ... Read More

How does the functools cmp_to_key function works in Python?

Priya Mishra
Updated on 24-Jul-2023 20:06:54

1K+ Views

Python's functools module offers the cmp_to_key function, a valuable tool for sorting objects according to specific requirements. This function enables the transformation of a comparison function that evaluates two arguments and delivers a negative, zero, or positive outcome into a key function suitable for sorting. By utilizing cmp_to_key, the process of sorting objects based on intricate criteria becomes more straightforward. In this article, we will delve into the inner workings of the cmp_to_key function in Python and examine its practical applications. What is functools.cmp_to_key function? The functools.cmp_to_key function in Python is a utility that facilitates custom sorting of objects. It ... Read More

How Does the "View" Method Work in Python PyTorch?

Priya Mishra
Updated on 24-Jul-2023 20:01:22


The "view" method in Python's PyTorch library is a powerful tool that allows for flexible manipulation of the shapes of the tensor. Understanding how the "view" method works is essential for efficiently reshaping tensors to meet specific requirements within deep learning models. By leveraging the "view" method, developers can modify the dimensions of a tensor without altering its underlying data, enabling seamless compatibility with various network architectures. In this article, we will dive into the inner workings of the "view" method, exploring its syntax, applications, and practical examples to enhance your understanding of this fundamental PyTorch functionality. Understanding Tensors in ... Read More

How Autoencoders works?

Priya Mishra
Updated on 24-Jul-2023 19:58:46


Autoencoders are a highly effective category of neural networks utilized for unsupervised learning and reducing the dimensionality of data. They possess the ability to learn compact representations of input data by encoding it into a latent space of lower dimensions and subsequently decoding it to restore the original input. This article delves into the workings of autoencoders in Python, specifically employing the Keras library, to provide a comprehensive understanding of their functionality. What are autoencoders? Autoencoders are a specialized form of neural networks designed to reconstruct input data. They consist of two main parts: a decoder network, responsible for recreating ... Read More

How are variables stored in Python (Stack or Heap)?

Priya Mishra
Updated on 24-Jul-2023 19:56:34

2K+ Views

In Python, variables are stored differently based on their type and scope either it can be stored in the heap or in the stack which are the two main memory regions utilized for a variable storage. Python, being a high-level programming language, abstracts away many low-level memory management details from the programmer. However, it's still essential to understand how variables are stored in Python to write efficient and optimized code. In this article we will see How are variables stored in Python (Stack or Heap). Stack The stack is a region of memory used for storing local variables and ... Read More

Hover Text and Formatting in Python-Plotly

Priya Mishra
Updated on 24-Jul-2023 19:53:07

2K+ Views

Python-Plotly, a widely-used data visualization library, offers various features to enhance visualizations, one such feature is hover text and formatting, which allows users to provide additional information and customize the appearance of tooltips when hovering over data points. Data visualization is a powerful tool for understanding and presenting complex information. In this article, we will explore how to utilize hover text and formatting in Python-Plotly to improve data visualization and convey insights effectively. How to hover Text and Formatting in Python-Plotly? Below are examples of how to hover Text and Formatting in Python-Plotly with different hovermodes. Default hovermode Follow the ... Read More

House Price Prediction using Machine Learning in Python

Priya Mishra
Updated on 24-Jul-2023 19:42:36

3K+ Views

With the introduction of the power of machine learning in predicting house prices using Python has revolutionized the real estate industry. In this article, we explore the dynamic world of house price prediction using cutting-edge machine-learning techniques. By harnessing the vast potential of data analysis, feature engineering, and model training in Python, we aim to provide a comprehensive guide that equips readers with the tools to make informed decisions in the ever-changing housing market. Linear regression for house price prediction Linear regression is a mainly used technique for the prediction of house prices due to its simplicity and interpretability. It ... Read More

Horizontal Stripplot with Jitter using Altair in Python

Priya Mishra
Updated on 24-Jul-2023 19:40:58


One of the most crucial aspects of data analysis is proficiently visualizing data to pinpoint trends and patterns rapidly and a highly effective tool to visualize categorical and continuous variables is by using a horizontal strip plot with jitter . Our article will demonstrate how to create horizontal stripplot with Jitter utilizing Altair—a popular Python library renowned for its declarative statistical visualization features. What are Stripplot and Jitter? A stripplot displays individual data points in a horizontal arrangement, allowing us to observe their distribution across different categories. However, when multiple data points share the same horizontal position, they can ... Read More

Horizontal Boxplots with Points using Seaborn in Python

Priya Mishra
Updated on 24-Jul-2023 19:38:57


Boxplots are one of the most popular tools available for data visualization of the datasets which is mainly created using a python library called Seaborn, which provides a simple and powerful way to create both horizonatal and vertical boxplots and other types of visualizations. In this article, we will be focusing on how to create a horizontal boxplot with points using Seaborn in Python. What is a boxplot? First of all, let’s define what a boxplot is. A boxplot is a graphical representation of the dataset that convey the distribution of the data in the dataset using outliers, quartiles, and ... Read More
