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llist module in Python

Siva Sai
Updated on 18-Jul-2023 18:27:57


Introduction The list data type that comes with Python is very flexible and useful in a wide range of situations. These lists, however, can become resource-intensive when working with enormous datasets, greatly slowing down programmes. The Python llist module can be used in this situation. Linked list data structures are provided for Python by the llist module, a third-party extension that offers greater efficiency for particular use-cases. This post will examine this useful module, explain its components, and demonstrate how to use it using real-world applications. Understanding llist Module Prior to exploring the llist module, it's critical to comprehend what ... Read More

Intensity Transformation Operations on Images in MATLAB

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 18-Jul-2023 13:01:33

1K+ Views

Introduction to Intensity Transformation in MATLAB In MATLAB, the intensity transformation operation on images is one of the most fundamental image processing technique. It is an image processing operation in which the results depend on the intensity of an image. In MATLAB, the intensity transformation operations on images are performed to correct, enhance, or manipulate the intensity of image pixels. We have various built-in MATLAB functions to perform intensity transformation operations on images. In this article, we will discuss some commonly used intensity transformation operations and will see how they can be implemented using MATLAB programming. Intensity ... Read More

Java Program to Swap the Elements of Vector

Updated on 18-Jul-2023 16:05:56


The realm of computer programming necessitates proficient organization and preservation of data for streamlined access and manipulation. The Vector, a versatile array that can expand or contract as required, serves as a pivotal data structure in this pursuit. Java, in particular, benefits greatly from the utilization of Vectors as it offers a means to store objects of varying natures. In this discourse, we shall delve into the intricacies of exchanging the components of a Vector in Java. Interchanging elements is a frequent procedure, particularly during the sorting or rearranging of data. We shall furnish two divergent methodologies to achieve this ... Read More

List all the Microphones connected to System in Python using PyAudio

Siva Sai
Updated on 18-Jul-2023 18:22:33

2K+ Views

Introduction Python programmers that work with audio data have access to the flexible PyAudio package. It offers PortAudio Python bindings, a multi-platform audio input/output (I/O) toolkit that enables Python programmes to play and record audio on several platforms. We'll look at using PyAudio to list all the microphones connected to a system in this post. This is a feature that is especially helpful when working with audio data. PyAudio Installation Let's first make sure PyAudio is installed on your system before moving on to the examples. The package installer for Python, pip, makes the process simple. Run the following command ... Read More

Get Hardware and System information using the Python Platform Module.

Asif Rahaman
Updated on 18-Jul-2023 12:51:24


Python is a versatile language that was built as a general−purpose scripting language. Hence a lot of automation tasks, along with scripting, can be done. Getting the system information becomes an important task in many applications such as machine learning, deep learning, etc., where hardware plays a crucial role. Python provides several methods to gather information about the operating system and hardware. Getting Overall System Configuration The platform module in Python provides a way to obtain the overall system configuration in a platform−independent manner. So we can run the same methods to get the system configuration without knowing about ... Read More

How to Set Axis Tick values in MATLAB?

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 18-Jul-2023 12:56:06


To apply custom axis tick values, MATLAB has two built-in functions “xticks()” and “yticks()”. Here, the “xticks()” function is used for customizing the tick values of X-axis in a MATLAB plot, while the “yticks()” function is used for setting custom tick values to Y-axis. Syntax xticks([custom_tick_values]); yticks([custom_tick_values]); The following MATLAB program demonstrate the use of “xticks()” and “yticks()” functions to create custom tick values for X-axis and Y-axis. Example % MATLAB program to specify custom axis tick values % Create a sample vector of data x = linspace(1, 5, 5); y = x.^2; % Plot the x ... Read More

List all files of certain type in a directory using Python

Siva Sai
Updated on 18-Jul-2023 18:21:52


Python's flexible features and strong libraries make manipulating files and directories a breeze. Python has you covered for generating, updating, and retrieving data from files and folders. One such typical need is a directory listing of all files of a specific type. This tutorial will walk you through the procedure using real-world examples to demonstrate Python's proficiency with filesystem operations. Introduction to Python's Os and Glob Libraries The standard Python library has a number of modules that can manage filesystem operations. The os and glob modules are two examples of well-known modules. os module − Python's os module offers ... Read More

Get Confirmed, Recovered, Deaths cases of Corona around the globe using Python

Asif Rahaman
Updated on 18-Jul-2023 12:54:10


The covid pandemic has impacted billions of life all over the world. The pandemic led to widespread concern among the people. Several applications were built to determine and get accurate information about the total number of deaths, recovered cases, confirmed cases, etc. Fetching and analyzing this information is important for developers when they want to make applications around the pandemic. In this article, we will understand how to get the statistical data of the COVID−19 case. Using APIs APIs(Application Programming Interfaces) are important in modern programming and software development. This enables the software applications to interact with each other. ... Read More

Linked list using dstructure library in Python

Siva Sai
Updated on 18-Jul-2023 18:20:09


Many different libraries are available in Python that offer effective tools for managing, manipulating, and analysing data. The Dstructure library is just one of them. There are many different data structures in this package that are simple to construct. This article serves as an introduction to linked list management using the Dstructure library. We'll begin with a fundamental overview of linked lists before moving on to how to generate and work with them using the Python Dstructure package. You need to feel at ease using the Dstructure library to operate on linked lists by the time you finish reading this ... Read More

Link Prediction - Predict edges in a network using Networkx

Siva Sai
Updated on 18-Jul-2023 18:19:03


Link prediction is a key idea in the field of network analysis. It involves foreseeing the potential for a link to establish between network nodes. A potent tool for network analysis, including link prediction tasks, is the NetworkX module for Python. This thorough tutorial will walk you through using NetworkX to anticipate links, replete with succinct and understandable examples. Introduction to Link Prediction Nodes in a network or graph represent entities, while edges or linkages between these nodes reflect their relationships. Link prediction uses the network's current topology to forecast potential links between nodes. Link prediction has various uses, such ... Read More
