Found 34484 Articles for Programming

What are Java Records and How to Use them Alongside Constructors and Methods?

Siva Sai
Updated on 19-Jul-2023 20:59:38


Introduction Java continually evolves to meet modern programming needs, and one of its newest features, Java Records, introduced in JDK 16, simplifies the task of modeling data. This article sheds light on Java Records, detailing how they work alongside constructors and methods to streamline your Java coding experience Understanding Java Records Java Records are a type of class that aims to simplify the representation of "plain data" in your applications. Essentially, they are immutable data carriers used to encapsulate a few final fields, termed 'components', along with methods to access them Before Records, developers had to write a substantial amount ... Read More

What are the Alternatives of Servlet?

Siva Sai
Updated on 19-Jul-2023 21:01:10


Introduction Servlets have long been a cornerstone of Java-based web development. However, as web technologies have evolved, several alternatives to Servlets have emerged, offering various features and paradigms that suit different development needs. This article provides an overview of these alternatives and discusses their strengths and applicability in different contexts Understanding Servlets Servlets are Java programs that run on a web server, acting as a middle layer between a request from a web browser or other client and the server's response. Despite being a powerful technology for building web applications, Servlets can become complex when used in large-scale applications. Let's ... Read More

WebApplicationContext in Spring MVC

Siva Sai
Updated on 19-Jul-2023 20:16:02


Introduction Spring MVC, an integral part of the Spring Framework, has made web development a streamlined process. One of its noteworthy features, the WebApplicationContext, is central to understanding how Spring applications work. This article provides an in-depth exploration of the WebApplicationContext in Spring MVC, its significance, and its role in enhancing your web application's efficiency What is Spring MVC? Spring MVC (Model-View-Controller) is a Java framework used to create flexible, secure, and scalable web applications. Built on the Spring Framework's core concepts, it leverages Dependency Injection (DI), Aspect-Oriented Programming (AOP), and several other features to make web application development seamless ... Read More

Web Development Using Java Technology For Beginners

Siva Sai
Updated on 19-Jul-2023 20:12:44


Introduction In the vibrant world of web development, Java remains one of the top programming languages that offer robust solutions for diverse projects. It is versatile, platform-independent, and packed with powerful features that make it ideal for developing dynamic, data-driven web applications. If you're just starting your web development journey, learning Java can be a game-changer. This comprehensive beginner's guide will provide a clear understanding of web development using Java technology. What is Java? Java is a high-level, object-oriented programming language designed with simplicity and versatility in mind. It was developed by Sun Microsystems (now Oracle Corporation) with the mantra ... Read More

Web Browsers that support Java Applets and how to enable them

Siva Sai
Updated on 19-Jul-2023 20:09:20

2K+ Views

Welcome to this comprehensive guide on web browsers that support Java applets and how to enable them. As one of the oldest technologies used for adding interactive content to web pages, Java applets are still occasionally encountered, even though the technology is considered outdated and many modern browsers no longer support it. This article aims to provide you with an understanding of how Java applets work with various web browsers and how to enable them. Understanding Java Applets Java applets are small applications written in the Java programming language and embedded in a web page. The primary purpose of a ... Read More

ViewResolver in Spring MVC

Siva Sai
Updated on 19-Jul-2023 20:07:37


Welcome to this comprehensive guide on utilizing the ViewResolver interface in Spring MVC. As a core component of Spring's MVC framework, ViewResolver plays a pivotal role in mapping view names to actual views. Whether you're new to Spring MVC or looking to refresh your understanding, this article aims to provide a clear and detailed examination of ViewResolver Understanding ViewResolver in Spring MVC In the context of Spring MVC, the ViewResolver interface assists in mapping logical view names, returned by the Controller, to actual view objects, such as JSPs or Thymeleaf templates. It forms a bridge between the controller and the ... Read More

Version Enhancements in Exception Handling introduced in Java

Siva Sai
Updated on 19-Jul-2023 19:49:19


Exception handling in Java has undergone several enhancements over the years, with each version introducing new features to make error handling more robust, easier to use, and more efficient. This article provides a comprehensive overview of these improvements, focusing on the crucial enhancements introduced in each version. It serves as a one-stop guide to understand the evolution of exception handling in Java and highlights how to best utilize these features in modern programming. Java 1.0 The Foundations of Exception Handling The concept of exception handling was introduced in the very first version of Java. This initial implementation allowed developers ... Read More

Precedence Graph in Operating System

Updated on 19-Jul-2023 17:16:58


Operating systems utilize a data structure called a precedence graph to show the interdependencies between various tasks or processes. Another name for it is a Task Dependency Graph. Several processes may be running at once in a multi-tasking operating system, and some of these processes may wait for others to finish before they can start executing. These dependencies are represented by a Precedence graph, which is a directed graph with each node being a process or task and edges denoting dependencies between tasks. In the precedence graph, each node's label indicates which process or task it corresponds to, and each ... Read More

Validation in Spring Boot

Siva Sai
Updated on 19-Jul-2023 19:14:42

2K+ Views

Data validation is a critical component of any application development. It ensures that only high-quality data that adheres to predefined standards gets processed. Spring Boot, a renowned framework in the Java ecosystem, offers robust and straightforward validation methods that developers can leverage. This article provides a comprehensive look at how validation is conducted in Spring Boot applications, enabling you to implement these essential techniques effectively. Importance of Data Validation in Spring Boot In Spring Boot, as with any application, data validation is paramount. It involves ensuring that the data received aligns with certain criteria before it's processed. Examples of validation ... Read More

Variables in Java Do Not Follow Polymorphism and Overriding

Siva Sai
Updated on 19-Jul-2023 19:38:16


In the world of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP), polymorphism and overriding are key concepts that lend flexibility and dynamism to programming languages. Java, being a robust OOP language, fully supports these features. However, it's crucial to understand that these characteristics apply to methods in Java and not to variables. In this article, we will explore why variables in Java do not follow polymorphism and overriding, providing a deeper understanding of Java's variable behavior. Polymorphism in Java Polymorphism, a Greek word meaning "many forms, " is a fundamental concept of OOP. It allows objects of different types to be treated as objects ... Read More
