Found 34494 Articles for Programming

How to Select Random Rows from a Matrix in MATLAB?

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 25-Oct-2023 14:14:22


In MATLAB, we can perform various operations on matrices. One such operation is selecting random rows from a matrix. MATLAB provides several different methods of selecting random rows from a matrix. In this tutorial, I will explain different methods of selecting rows from a matrix randomly using MATLAB. Select Random Rows from a Matrix in MATALB In MATLAB, we have various built-in functions that can be used to randomly select rows from a matrix. The following are some commonly used functions to randomly select rows from a matrix − randperm() Function randsample() Function randi() Function datasample() Function Let ... Read More

How to Round toward Negative Infinity in MATLAB?

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 25-Oct-2023 13:53:29


Rounding toward negative infinity is a method of rounding a number "N" down to the nearest integer less than or equal to the number "N". This method is also called "flooring". In simple words, rounding a number toward negative infinity is a method of finding the largest integer number which is less than or equal to the given number. For example, consider a number 4.8, when this number is round to negative infinity. Then, it will become 4. This is because, 4 is the largest integer number less than or equal to 4.8. Similarly, if we have a negative ... Read More

Check if a path exists for a cell valued 1 to reach the bottom right corner of a Matrix before any cell valued 2

Divya Sahni
Updated on 25-Oct-2023 13:28:50


Problems involving grids and matrices are mostly solved using either BFS or DFS traversal algorithms. Taking a look into the first one, Breadth First Traversal − BFS or Breadth First Traversal is an algorithm for searching a tree or a graph data structure. It starts at the root node and explores all the nodes at the present level before moving on to the next level. Algorithm procedure BFS(G, root) is let Q be a queue label root as explored Q.enqueue(root) while Q is not empty do ... Read More

Reduce the array to a single element by repeatedly removing an element from any increasing pair

Divya Sahni
Updated on 25-Oct-2023 13:26:49


Reducing an array to a single element by repeatedly removing element is done by the following criteria − Select indices i and j such that i < j and arr[i] < arr[j] and convert one of the two elements to 0. Problem Statement Given an array arr[] containing positive integers. Find if the array can be reduced to a single element by repeatedly removing an element from any increasing pair. If possible return true along with the indices chosen and the index of the element that is removed. Sample Example 1 Input arr[] = {5, 7, 10, 2, 4, ... Read More

Nth term of given recurrence relation having each term equal to the product of previous K terms

Divya Sahni
Updated on 25-Oct-2023 13:24:35


Recurrence Relation − In mathematics, recurrence relation refers to an equation where the nth term of the sequence is equal to some combination of the previous terms. For a recurrence relation where each term equals the product of previous K terms, let’s define N and K along with an array arr[] containing the first K terms of the relation. Thus, the nth term is given by − $$\mathrm{F_N= F_{N−1} ∗ F_{N−2} ∗ F_{N−3} ∗ . . .∗ F_{N−K}}$$ Problem Statement Given two positive integers N and K and an array of integers containing K positive integers. Find the Nth term ... Read More

Maximize the length of a subarray of equal elements by performing at most K increment operations

Divya Sahni
Updated on 25-Oct-2023 13:18:47


A subarray is a contiguous part of an array i.e. it can be considered as an array inside another array. For example, take the following array, array[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6} For the above array, one possible subarray is subarry[] = {2, 3, 4} Problem Statement Given an array arr[] having N positive integers and a positive integer K representing the maximum number that can be added to the elements of the array. The task is to increment the elements of the array by most K increment operations and return the maximum possible ... Read More

Difference between sums of odd level and even level nodes in an N-ary Tree

Divya Sahni
Updated on 25-Oct-2023 13:12:30


The N-ary tree is a tree data structure where each node can have a maximum of N children where N is a positive integer (N >= 0). N-ary trees are used in many applications like file systems, organisational charts and syntax trees in programming languages. Example of N-ary tree with N = 4. A / / \ \ B C D E / | \ ... Read More

Detect a negative cycle in a Graph using the Shortest Path Faster Algorithm

Divya Sahni
Updated on 25-Oct-2023 13:07:40


The Shortest Path Faster Algorithm is an improved or more optimized version of the Bellman-Ford Algorithm. It calculates the single source's shortest path in a weighted directed graph. This algorithm is especially suitable for graphs with negatively weighted edges. Algorithm Given a weighted directed graph and a source vertex , the algorithm finds the shortest path from , to each vertex , in the graph. The length of thh shortest path from to is stored in for each vertex . procedure Shortest-Path-Faster-Algorithm(G, s) for each vertex v ≠ s in V(G) ... Read More

Check if a Binary Tree is an Even-Odd Tree or not

Divya Sahni
Updated on 25-Oct-2023 13:01:21


Even-Odd Tree − A binary tree is called an even-odd tree if all the nodes at the even level (taking root node at level 0) have even values and all the nodes at the odd level have odd values. Problem Statement Given a binary tree. The task is to check if the binary tree is an even-odd tree or not. Sample Example 1 Input 6 / \ 3 7 / \ ... Read More

Check if a Binary Tree contains node values in strictly increasing and decreasing order at even and odd levels

Divya Sahni
Updated on 25-Oct-2023 12:51:49


Level of a Binary Tree − In a binary tree, the level of the node refers to its distance from the root node. The root node is considered at level 0, its immediate children are at level 1, their children at level 2 and so on. Levels of a binary tree are explained in the following example, A
