Found 34484 Articles for Programming

Java Developer Learning Path - A Complete Roadmap

Rushi Javiya
Updated on 24-Jul-2023 12:40:24


Java, a widely-used programming language, has become the backbone of many robust and scalable software applications. With its platform independence, extensive libraries, and vast ecosystem, Java offers a lot of opportunities for aspiring developers. If you are looking to embark on a journey to become a proficient Java developer, this comprehensive guide will outline a learning path that covers essential concepts and technologies. Understanding the Basics of Java To begin your Java developer journey, it's crucial to grasp the basics of the language. Develop a comprehensive understanding of fundamental concepts like variables, data types, operators, control structures (if-else, loops), and ... Read More

Java Program to Delete a Node From the Middle of the Circular Linked List

Rushi Javiya
Updated on 24-Jul-2023 12:40:00


In this DSA problem, we will learn to delete the middle node from the circular linked list. We can delete the middle node from the circular linked list as we delete the middle node from the regular linked list. We need to locate the previous and next node of the middle node and connect them directly to remove the middle node. Problem Statement We have a circular linked list and need to delete the middle node from the linked list. If the linked list contains an even number of nodes, (N/2)th node is the middle node. Sample Examples Input 90 ... Read More

Java Program to Delete a Node From the Ending of the Circular Linked List

Rushi Javiya
Updated on 24-Jul-2023 12:39:05


In this DSA problem, we will learn the remove the last node of the circular linked list. We set Null to the next pointer of the second-last node to remove the last node from the regular linked list, but in the circular linked list, we need to set the root node to the next pointer of the second-last node. Problem Statement We have given a circular linked list containing the N nodes. The given task is to delete the last node of the linked list. Sample Examples Input Hello -> World! -> How -> are -> You -> Doing? ... Read More

Java Program to Delete a Node from the Beginning of the Circular Linked List

Rushi Javiya
Updated on 24-Jul-2023 12:38:34


In this DSA problem, we will learn to create a circular linked list and delete the node from the beginning of that. The circular linked list connects the last node with the first node. To remove the first node from the linked list, we can make the second node a root node, and connect the last node with the second node. Problem statement We have given a circular linked list. We need to delete the starting node of the linked list. Sample examples Input 1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> 8 -> 10 Output 2 -> ... Read More

How to Convert NumPy datetime64 to Timestamp?

Prince Yadav
Updated on 24-Jul-2023 12:42:44

3K+ Views

When it comes to working with dates and times in Python, the NumPy library's datetime64 data type is a reliable choice that offers efficient storage and manipulation capabilities for temporal data. However, there may arise situations where you need to convert NumPy datetime64 objects to a more versatile timestamp format, such as pandas' Timestamp object. By converting NumPy datetime64 to Timestamp, you unlock the extensive functionality offered by pandas for time−series analysis, data manipulation, and visualization. This conversion enables working with time−indexed data, performing date arithmetic, and applying various time−related operations, expanding the possibilities for data analysis. In this article, ... Read More

Java Integer Cache

Rushi Javiya
Updated on 24-Jul-2023 12:37:54


Java is one of the most used programming languages nowadays, as it contains advanced features and functionalities. In every new version of Java, its developers add new features and functionalities, and an integer cache is one feature introduced in Java 5. In this tutorial, we will understand what integer cache is in Java and the importance of that in programming. What is Integer Cache in Java? From the 'cache' word, readers can guess that we are talking about storing integer in the memory and reusing it whenever required. Yes, you have guessed correctly. But the question comes to mind is ... Read More

Java Equivalent of C++'s lower_bound() Method

Rushi Javiya
Updated on 24-Jul-2023 12:37:21


In this problem, we will learn to implement the equivalent algorithm of C++'s lower_bound() method in Java to find the lower bound index of a given element in the sorted array. Lower bound − The lower bound is the index in the sorted array, such that the index contains the minimum element greater or equal to the targeted element. We can use the searching algorithms to find the lower bound of any element in the sorted array without using built-in methods. Here, we will use the linear search, iterative, and recursive binary search to get the lower bound of any ... Read More

How to get keyboard input in PyGame?

Updated on 24-Jul-2023 13:16:37

2K+ Views

For building video games and multimedia applications, Python users frequently use the Pygame library. Any game must incorporate human input, which is one of its most important components. For many games, user input from the keyboard is a crucial source. Keyboard input is the term used in Pygame to describe the process of capturing keyboard input and using it to control game elements. Python's "pygame.event" module is a convenient tool provided by Pygame for receiving keyboard input. When a key on the keyboard is pushed, this module's "pygame.KEYDOWN" event is launched. Algorithm to Get Keyboard Input in Pygame In Pygame, ... Read More

Delegates vs Interfaces in C#

Siva Sai
Updated on 24-Jul-2023 12:35:16

1K+ Views

Delegates and interfaces are both powerful constructs in C# that allow for flexible and extensible code. While they serve different purposes, they can sometimes be used to achieve similar ends, leading to confusion about when to use one over the other. This article will elucidate the differences and similarities between delegates and interfaces, and provide guidelines for their use. Understanding Delegates in C# A delegate in C# is a type that defines a method signature, and can hold a reference to a method. When a delegate is invoked, it calls the method it references. This provides a way to pass ... Read More

Default Interface Methods in C#

Siva Sai
Updated on 24-Jul-2023 12:33:59


Default interface methods are a game-changing feature that allow developers to add new methods to an interface without breaking existing implementations. This article will explain default interface methods in C#, showing you how to use them effectively in your own code. Traditional Interface Methods in C# Traditionally, interfaces in C# could only contain declarations of methods, properties, events, or indexers, but not their implementations. Any class or struct that implemented the interface had to provide the implementation for each member of the interface. Introduction to Default Interface Methods Default interface methods were introduced to address the limitation of traditional interfaces. ... Read More
