Found 34488 Articles for Programming

LongFunction interface in Java

Naveen Singh
Updated on 28-Jul-2023 10:47:08


A LongFunction in Java is a functional interface which takes one argument of type long and returns a result of some other type. Functional interface is an interface that have only one abstract method. To use this interface first you have to import java.util.function package.  The functional method of this interface is ‘apply()’ which takes long value as an argument and returns function result denoted by R. Syntax R apply(long value); Algorithm In order to effectively implement this functional interface into your work, there are three defining steps one must abide by beforehand. First off, establishing an ... Read More

LongToIntFunction interface in Java

Naveen Singh
Updated on 28-Jul-2023 10:44:30


A LongToIntFunction in Java is a functional interface which takes one argument of type long and returns a result of int type. Functional interface is an interface that have only one abstract method. To use this interface first you have to import java.util.function package. The functional method of this interface is ‘applyAsInt()’ which takes long value as an argument and returns int valued result. Syntax int applyAsInt(long value); Algorithm To implement this functional interface, follow these steps − Step 1 − Create an instance of the functional interface by defining a lambda expression that implements the applyAsInt(long value) method. ... Read More

Create a Simple Login Web Application with Encrypted Password in Java

Naveen Singh
Updated on 28-Jul-2023 10:43:07


Building a web application with encrypted password can be a challenging task in Java. Let’s simplify this process and look into how to create a simple login web application with encrypted password using JSP and Servlets. Powered by advanced technological developments, our state-of-the-art login system grants access privileges exclusively to registered users via unique log-in credentials that are carefully verified before granting restricted entry into secure areas on our website infrastructure. Integrating with JDBC (Java DataBase Connectivity), we're ensuring industry-standard secure storage of sensitive customer details within our project's backend that strictly complies with recognised server security best-practices that stress ... Read More

Loading Resources from classpath in Java with Example

Naveen Singh
Updated on 28-Jul-2023 10:41:11

2K+ Views

Resources play an important role during runtime by providing necessary files that enable smooth software operation. These resources are accessible through a classpath system which allows them to be read from or written into with ease. For managing this process effectively within Java programs, several APIs such as the ClassLoader and Class classes exist - these offer various features for identifying resource locations within the app's environment and retrieving related information while at it. Algorithm Step 1 − Get the class loader for the current class Step 2 − Load a resource as a URL/Inputstream.For those who choose to ... Read More

Library Management System using Switch Statement in Java

Naveen Singh
Updated on 28-Jul-2023 10:33:23


In the present era of technology libraries have recognized the extensive capabilities of library management systems as a valuable resource for effectively handling their materials. To optimize these systems. It is imperative to utilize a robust programming language such as Java which can assist in creating efficient and user friendly solutions. As an illustration, a switch statement in Java will be utilized to demonstrate the implementation of a library management system in this article. Thereby, enabling libraries to better organize and optimize their resources to fulfill the increasing demands of their users. Menu for Library Management The alternatives that we ... Read More

How to Implement TextWatcher in Android?

Naveen Singh
Updated on 27-Jul-2023 15:54:25


The implementation of TextWatcher in Android enables developers to actively monitor and respond to real-time changes made to an EditText widget. The TextWatcher interface presents three essential methods: beforeTextChanged(), onTextChanged(), and afterTextChanged(). These methods are called at different stages during the text editing process, providing valuable opportunities for observation, intervention, and subsequent actions. To implement TextWatcher, there are three approaches available: utilizing an anonymous inner class, applying inline implementation, or implementing the TextWatcher interface within your activity or fragment. In each method, one needs to override the necessary TextWatcher methods. After that, the TextWatcher should be ... Read More

How to Implement Search for a Registered User Functionality in Social Media Android App?

Naveen Singh
Updated on 27-Jul-2023 15:52:30


Enabling registered users to search for others within a social media Android app involves implementing a search functionality. This allows for effective queries of the user database using an efficient search algorithm. Furthermore, by displaying relevant search results based on user input, the feature facilitates connections and promotes networking within the app's user community. Search in Android The search functionality in Android encompasses a feature that empowers users to effortlessly find specific content within an Android application. This capability allows users to enter their desired search queries through a designated search bar and promptly receive relevant results based ... Read More

How to Implement TabLayout with Icon in Android?

Naveen Singh
Updated on 27-Jul-2023 15:42:20


The TabLayout with icons has become a popular UI component in Android development. It simplifies navigation within an app by offering a horizontal layout of tabs. Each tab represents a distinct category or feature and can be enhanced visually by incorporating icons. This combination of icons and labels makes it easier for users to grasp the purpose of each tab. By selecting a tab, the corresponding content is displayed. This is typically done within a ViewPager. To implement TabLayout with icons, one needs to create the necessary layouts and manage fragments or activities for each tab's content. It ... Read More

How to Implement Stack in Java Using Array and Generics?

Naveen Singh
Updated on 27-Jul-2023 15:39:45

5K+ Views

Java enables the implementation of a stack by utilizing an array and generics. This creates a ve-rsatile and reusable data structure that operates on the principle of Last-In-First-Out (LIFO). In this principle, elements are added and removed from the top. By utilizing an array as its foundation, it ensures efficient memory allocation and access. Additionally, by incorporating generics, the stack becomes capable of accommodating elements of different types, enhancing its versatility. The implementation involves the definition of a Stack class that incorporates a generic type parameter. It includes essential methods such as push(), pop(), peek(), and isEmpty(). The ... Read More

How to Integrate Facebook Audience Network (FAN) Rewarded Video Ads in Android?

Naveen Singh
Updated on 27-Jul-2023 15:27:31


To integrate Facebook Audience Network (FAN) rewarded video ads into your Android app, you can tap into the vast reach and monetization potential of FAN. The process involves incorporating FAN's SDK into your app, creating a rewarded video ad placement through your FAN account, and then loading and displaying the rewarded video ads within your app. By integrating FAN rewarded video ads, you can offer engaging and incentivized video content to your users while generating revenue through ad impressions and interactions. This integration allows you to leverage FAN's powerful ad network and maximize your app's monetization opportunities. Facebook Audience ... Read More
