Found 34488 Articles for Programming

Modify a string by circularly shifting each character to the right by respective frequencies

Shubham Vora
Updated on 10-Aug-2023 10:28:16


In this problem, we need to right-shift each character of a given string by its frequency. To solve the problem, we can count the frequency of each character and store it in a data structure like an array or map. After that, we can use the ASCII values of the characters to right-shift each character by their frequency. Problem statement- We have given string str containing lowercase characters and a length equal to N. We need to right-shift each character of the string by the frequency of that particular character in the given string. Sample examples Input – str = ‘tutorialspoint’ ... Read More

Minimum subsequences of a string A required to be appended to obtain the string B

Shubham Vora
Updated on 10-Aug-2023 10:26:30


In this problem, we need to construct the str2 by using the subsequences of the str1. To solve the problem, we can find subsequences of the str1 so that it can cover the substring with a maximum length of str2. Here, we will learn two different approaches to solving the problem. Problem statement – We have given two strings, str1, and str2, of different lengths. We need to construct the str2 from the str1 by following the condition below. Pick any subsequence from the str1, and append it to the new string, which is empty initially. We need to return ... Read More

Count permutations possible by replacing ‘?’ characters in a Binary String

Shubham Vora
Updated on 10-Aug-2023 10:24:47


In this problem, we have given a string containing 0, 1, and ? characters. We need to find permutations of the string by replacing ‘?’ with 0 and 1. The logic to solve the problem is that we can replace every ‘?’ with either 0 or 1. So, by replacing one ‘?’, we can generate two different permutations, and by replacing N ‘?’ with 2 possibilities, we can generate 2^N permutations. In this tutorial, we will learn two different approaches to solving the given problem. Problem statement – We have given string str containing ‘0’, ‘1’ and ‘?’ characters. We ... Read More

Count new pairs of strings that can be obtained by swapping first characters of pairs of strings from given array

Shubham Vora
Updated on 10-Aug-2023 10:22:24


In this problem, we need to select the pair of strings and swap their first character. After that, we need to count the total number of new pairs. We can solve the problem by swapping the first character of each pair and checking whether it exists in the array. The efficient approach to solve the problem can be using the hashmap data structure. Problem statement – We have given an array containing N strings. We can take any of two strings from all array elements and swap the first characters of both strings. We need to count the total ... Read More

Check if the number formed by concatenating all array elements is a Harshad number or not

Shubham Vora
Updated on 10-Aug-2023 10:19:29


In this problem, we have given the array of integers. We need to combine all elements in a single integer and check if it is a Harshad number. Before we move with the solution, let’s understand Harshad number. All numbers are Harshad numbers which are divisible by the sum of their digits. For example, 12 is Harshad number, as 12 is divisible by 3 = 1 + 2. To solve the problem, we can combine all array elements, and after that, we can check whether the resultant number is the Harshad number. Problem statement – We have given an array ... Read More

Check if all characters of a string can be made equal by increments or decrements

Shubham Vora
Updated on 10-Aug-2023 10:17:50


In this problem, we need to check if we can make all characters of strings equal by increment and decrement operations. We can get the weight of each character based on their ASCII values and check whether the total weight can be used to make all characters equal. Problem statement – We have given string str of length N containing lowercase alphabetical characters. We need to check whether we can make all characters of the string equal by choosing any of two characters, increasing one, and decreasing another by 1. If possible, print ‘yes’, else ‘no’. Sample examples Input– ... Read More

Creating a Nested Dictionary using a given List in Python

Atharva Shah
Updated on 09-Aug-2023 17:13:50


Python dictionaries are flexible data structures that hold key-value pairs effectively. A nested dictionary is a hierarchical data structure to organize and manage large amounts of data. This article shows how to construct a nested dictionary from a given list, enabling dictionary users to perform a variety of tasks. Syntax Nest multiple levels of dictionaries to accommodate complex data structures. nested_dict = { 'outer_key': { 'inner_key': 'value' } } Algorithm 1. Create a new dictionary to contain the layered structure. 2. Go through the given list iteratively. 3. Extract the necessary information for keys and ... Read More

How to Create Multiple Toolbars in wxPython

Atharva Shah
Updated on 09-Aug-2023 17:12:31


In the realm of GUI programming, wxPython has emerged as a powerful and versatile library, empowering developers to craft stunning graphical user interfaces with ease. Among the many essential components, toolbars play a vital role in providing users with quick access to various functionalities. In this tutorial, we'll dive into the art of creating multiple toolbars using wxPython. By the end, you'll be equipped with the knowledge to enhance your GUI applications with multiple toolbars, thereby offering an improved user experience. Installation wxPython Library for GUI Prototyping As a wrapper for the C++ library wxWidgets, wxPython allows ... Read More

Create list of Tuples using for Loop using Python

Atharva Shah
Updated on 09-Aug-2023 17:09:36


Python's key data structures are lists and tuples. Once elements of tuples are set they cannot be changed. This is called immutability. But list elements can be modified after initialization. When dealing with data that needs to be grouped together, a for loop is used to create tuple lists. Lists are more adaptable than tuples due to their ability to be modified. This tutorial demonstrates creating a list of tuples using a for loop, simplifying repetitive tasks. Syntax for variable in iterable: # loop code Basic Operations on Tuples Example # Initializing my_tuple = ... Read More

How to Create a Dictionary Of Tuples in Python

Atharva Shah
Updated on 09-Aug-2023 17:07:55


This walkthrough is all about creating a dictionary of tuples in Python. This data structure stores key-value pairs. By combining dictionaries and tuples, a dictionary of tuples can be created. The benefit is organized and accessible data in a structured format. Becomes easy to represent multiple values for each key, such as student grades or contact information. Let us see how this efficiently stores and retrieves complex data. Syntax Ensure Python is installed on your system for its simplicity and readability. Create a dictionary of tuples using the following syntax: dictionary_name = {key1: (value1_1, value1_2, ...), key2: ... Read More
