Found 34494 Articles for Programming

What is Convolution in Computer Vision

Parth Shukla
Updated on 17-Aug-2023 16:56:18


Introduction In machine learning, computer vision is a field where image datasets are used and analyzed to perform several complex tasks related to the same. Here different algorithms and techniques are used related to handling and analyzing the images in order to use the data and train high-performing models. Convolution is a very important term or a phenomenon that occurs in the name of Convolutional neural networks, which is the most famous technique used for handling and dealing with image datasets in machine learning. In this article, we will discuss convolution, what are convolutional operations, and other important ... Read More

How to Conduct a Paired Samples T-Test

Parth Shukla
Updated on 17-Aug-2023 16:53:46


Introduction In machine learning and data science, many statistical tests are used to compare and find the differences between variables or the features of the data. These tests are mainly hypothesis tests where the conditions are defined, and according to the different tests being conducted, the relationship between variables is assumed. The t-test is also a type of statistical test that is used to compare the means of different groups of the categorical variable. In this article, we will discuss the paired t-test, which is an extension or a type of t-test used in statistics, and we will ... Read More

What is Padding in Neural Networks

Parth Shukla
Updated on 17-Aug-2023 16:37:13


Introduction Padding is one of the most used concepts in neural networks while working with convolutional neural networks. It is a most known concept to every neural network engineer and deep learning engineer to efficiently extract useful information from the given dataset in deep learning. In this article, we will discuss padding, what it is, why we need padding in neural networks, what is the significance of the same, and how we can apply padding in neural networks with code examples. This article will help one to understand padding from scratch and apply it when necessary. What is ... Read More

Difference between Developer and Programmer

Md. Sajid
Updated on 17-Aug-2023 13:32:46


The terms "developer" and "programmer" are sometimes used interchangeably in the field of software development; however, they might have specific consequences and responsibilities. While the two roles have considerable overlap, there are significant variations in their focus and skill sets. Read this article to find out more about Developer and Programmer and how they are different from each other. Who is a Developer? A developer is a professional who is involved in the full process of building software applications or systems in the context of software development. They are essential in converting ideas and needs into practical and efficient software ... Read More

Interesting interview question on hashCode and equals method

Shriansh Kumar
Updated on 17-Aug-2023 10:27:15


One of the most interesting interview questions that I have encountered in my Java programming career is about the hashCode and equals methods. Interviewers always check whether the candidate knows equals() and hasCode() methods as they are the most important yet most confusing methods of the Java Object class. Both methods are used to check the equality of two or more objects. This article aims to provide some interesting interview questions related to hashCode() and equals() methods that will improve one's knowledge as well as skills. Java Interview Questions on hashCode() and equals() method When an interviewer starts questioning about ... Read More

Interesting and Cool Tricks in Java

Shriansh Kumar
Updated on 17-Aug-2023 09:59:56


Java is a widely used programming language available nowadays. It serves to develop a variety of software including web and mobile applications. It is also preferable when it comes to developing a backend system. Java has made tremendous progress over the year that has changed the world. This is the reason why the demand for Java developers is still in the market. Being a Java developer, one might be interested in learning some cool tricks that can make the code more elegant, efficient and fun. In this article, we are going to share some useful tricks that we can use ... Read More

Is there any equivalent to typedef of C/C++ in Java?

Shriansh Kumar
Updated on 17-Aug-2023 09:57:11


We can find many similarities between Java and C/C++ programming languages in terms of syntaxes and features. But, there are several functionalities that have been omitted from Java like 'typedef'. If someone coming from a C/C++ background, must have heard the 'typedef' keyword, and often wonders, is there any equivalent to typedef in Java? In simple words, Java does not provide a direct equivalent to typedef. The creators of Java replaced this feature with classes. In fact, a class can do even more than a typedef can do. Replacement to typedef of C/C++ in Java? Before exploring the ... Read More

Iterate Over Unmodifiable Collection in Java

Shriansh Kumar
Updated on 17-Aug-2023 09:49:19


Being a programmer we must have developed an application that performs CRUD operations. Here, the term CRUD means Create, Read, Update and delete. The collection on which these operations can be performed is called as modifiable collection. However, there is a way to make a collection unmodifiable so that one cannot make any changes to the original collection. Although we can't alter the elements, we can iterate over this collection. To iterate over unmodifiable collections in Java, we can use either the for-each loop or iterator(). Let's discuss it in detail. Iterate Over Unmodifiable Collection in Java As mentioned earlier, ... Read More

What is Iterable Interface in Java?

Shriansh Kumar
Updated on 17-Aug-2023 09:47:54


In simple words, the iterable interface is a common interface that allows us to iterate over a collection of objects. It was first introduced with the release of JDK 1.5 and made available in 'java.lang' package. The Java Collection Framework extends this interface, hence all the classes available in this collection framework by default implement the iterable interface. In other words, the classes of collection framework such as ArrayList, TreeSet, TreeMap and HashMap are iterable. This article aims to explain the iterable interface of Java along with its use case. Iterable Interface in Java The only use case exhibited ... Read More

What is Interface Naming Conflicts in Java?

Shriansh Kumar
Updated on 17-Aug-2023 09:41:48


In Java, interfaces serve two purposes pure abstraction and multiple inheritance. Generally, an interface consists of abstract methods and variables that define the behavior which a class can implement. If we create two interfaces that contain methods and variables with the same name, then interface naming conflicts may arise. However, it is not the only scenario that can cause this conflict, we are going to explore all the possible situations causing interface naming conflicts. Interface Naming Conflicts in Java Before heading to the interface naming conflicts, it is necessary to understand the abstract methods and how to create interfaces in ... Read More
