Found 34492 Articles for Programming

Check if three Straight Lines are Concurrent or Not

Rinish Patidar
Updated on 21-Aug-2023 17:53:02


The problem includes checking if the three given straight lines are concurrent or not. If all three lines in a plane pass through the same point, they are said to be concurrent. They must intersect with each other exactly at one point to be concurrent. The three concurrent lines are depicted in the above illustration. According to the above illustration, the point of intersection of any two lines should be located on the third line to be concurrent. The point of concurrence is the intersection of these lines.As everyone is aware, a straight line can be written as ... Read More

Flipkart Product Price Tracker using Python

Atharva Shah
Updated on 21-Aug-2023 17:09:16


Flipkart, one of India's biggest online retailers, offers a variety of products at competitive costs, yet it may be difficult to manually monitor pricing due to Flipkart's rapid price fluctuations in response to discounts and offers. This step-by-step tutorial will teach you how to build a Python Flipkart product price tracker that will allow you to locate reasonable sales pricing and follow price changes in the background. Syntax To build a Flipkart product price tracker using Python, we need to install the following modules − requests − to fetch the webpage of the product BeautifulSoup − to parse the ... Read More

Flight-price checker using Python and Selenium

Atharva Shah
Updated on 21-Aug-2023 17:08:10


Web scraping has been a useful technique for extracting data from websites for various purposes, including price checking for airline tickets. In this article, we will explore how to build a flight price checker using Selenium, a popular web testing automation tool. By leveraging Selenium's capabilities, we can automate the process of collecting and comparing prices for flights across different airlines, saving time and effort for users. Setup Firefox Executable Download the Firefox browser installer from here Once downloaded, install the browser and an exe file will be placed automatically in C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe. We will be needing it ... Read More

Flattening JSON objects in Python

Atharva Shah
Updated on 21-Aug-2023 17:07:06

3K+ Views

JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a lightweight data interchange format. It is extensively used in web applications for transmitting data between the server and the client. JSON data often comes in a nested format, which can be difficult to manipulate. Flattening JSON objects involves converting complex hierarchical JSON structures to simpler structures. This process is often required when analyzing JSON data or transforming it into a different format. In this blog post, we will explore the process of flattening JSON objects in Python. Syntax Python has a built-in JSON module that provides functions to encode and decode JSON data. data= ... Read More

Flask project – Create a Joke App with PyJokes

Atharva Shah
Updated on 21-Aug-2023 17:05:32


Flask is an incredible choice in the event that you're a Python engineer needing to fabricate a web application. It is a lightweight web framework that is easy to use and understand. Using PyJokes, a Python package with a large number of jokes, we'll show you how to use Flask to create an amusing and interactive joke app in this article. Installation and Syntax To get started with our Flask news application, we need to first install Flask and the pyjokes library which will fetch jokes for us randomly pip install pyjokes flask Before we dive into the implementation ... Read More

Flask NEWS Application Using Newsapi

Atharva Shah
Updated on 21-Aug-2023 16:41:01


Python developers may create tiny to medium-sized web apps using the well-liked Flask web framework. It is easy to operate and lightweight. This project showcases the use of the News API, a well-known API for gathering news headlines and stories from many sources, to build a straightforward news application. Installation and Syntax To get started with our Flask news application, we need to first install Flask and the News API library. We can install Flask using pip, which is a package installer for Python. We can then install the News API library using the following command − pip install newsapi-python ... Read More

Finding the Quantile and Decile Ranks of a Pandas DataFrame column

Atharva Shah
Updated on 21-Aug-2023 16:36:52


Quantile and decile ranks are commonly used statistical measures to determine the position of an observation in a dataset relative to the rest of the dataset. In this technical blog, we will explore how to find the quantile and decile ranks of a Pandas DataFrame column in Python. Installation and Syntax pip install pandas The syntax for finding the quantile and decile ranks of a Pandas DataFrame column is as follows − # For finding quantile rank df['column_name'].rank(pct=True) # For finding decile rank df['column_name'].rank(pct=True, method='nearest', bins=10) Algorithm Load the data into a Pandas DataFrame. Select the ... Read More

Finding the largest file in a directory using Python

Atharva Shah
Updated on 21-Aug-2023 16:32:05


Finding the largest file may be helpful in a number of circumstances, including locating the biggest files on a hard drive to make room for smaller ones or examining the size distribution of files in a directory. The biggest file in a directory may be found using a Python script, which will be covered in this article. Algorithm Import the os module. Define a function called find_largest_file that takes a directory as input. Initialize a variable called largest_file to None and a variable called largest_size to 0. Use os.walk to traverse the directory tree recursively, starting from the root ... Read More

Finding the k smallest values of a NumPy array

Atharva Shah
Updated on 21-Aug-2023 16:29:49


Finding the k smallest values of a NumPy arra Installation and Syntax Pip, Python's package installer, is often used to install NumPy. pip install numpy The following function may be used to identify the k NumPy array elements with the smallest values − np.sort(array)[:k] This returns the first k items of the sorted array after sorting it in ascending order. The array may be be sorted using the alternative syntax shown below, which will retrieve the last k entries and sort the array in descending order − np.sort(array)[::-1][:k] Algorithm The algorithm for finding the k smallest ... Read More

Finding Duplicate Files with Python

Atharva Shah
Updated on 21-Aug-2023 16:28:01

2K+ Views

Copy documents, which consume additional room on the hard drive as we assemble information on our PC, are a commonplace event and therefore, finding and removing duplicate files manually can be time-consuming and tiresome; Thankfully, we are able to automate this procedure with Python so in this lesson we will take a look at exactly how to do that with a short script. Setup For this tutorial, we'll use the built-in os and hashlib modules in Python, so no additional packages need to be installed. import os import hashlib Algorithm Compose a function called hashfile() that utilizes the ... Read More
