Found 448 Articles for Programming Scripts

What is the role of source RegExp property in JavaScript?

Akshaya Akki
Updated on 23-Jun-2020 08:02:06


The source RegExp property in JavaScript is a read-only string property of RegExp objects. It contains the text of the RegExp pattern. This text does not include the delimiting slashes used in regular-expression literals, and it does not include the "g", "i", and "m" attributes.ExampleYou can try to run the following code to learn how to implement source RegExp property in JavaScript −           JavaScript RegExp source Property                        var str = "JavaScript is an interesting scripting language";          var re = new RegExp( "script", "g" );          re.test(str);                    document.write("The regular expression is : " + re.source);          

What is availHeight property in JavaScript?

karthikeya Boyini
Updated on 23-Jun-2020 08:03:15


Use the screen.availHeight property to return the width of the user’s screen. The result will be in pixels and Taskbar feature won’t be included.ExampleYou can try to run the following code to learn how to work with the screen.availHeight property in JavaScript −Live Demo                    document.write("Height of the screen: "+screen.availHeight);          

What is the role of pageYOffset property?

Fendadis John
Updated on 19-May-2020 10:59:13


If you want to get the pixels of the document scrolled to from the upper left corner of the window, then use the pageXoffset and pageYoffset property. Use pageYoffset for vertical pixels.ExampleYou can try to run the following code to learn how to work with pageYOffset property in JavaScript.Live Demo                    div {             background-color: green;             height: 1500px;             width: 1500px;          }                              function scrollFunc() {             window.scrollBy(200, 200);             alert("Vertical: " + window.pageYOffset);          }             Scroll                      

With JavaScript RegExp how to search a string for text that matches regexp?

Priya Pallavi
Updated on 23-Jun-2020 07:53:50


To search a string for a text that matches RegExp, use rhe exec() method in JavaScript. If it finds a match, it returns an array of results; otherwise, it returns null.The following is the parameter −string − The string to be searchedExampleYou can try to run the following code to search a string for text matching RegExp −           JavaScript RegExp exec Method                        var str = "JavaScript is an interesting scripting language";          var re = new RegExp( "script", "g" ); ... Read More

What is availWidth property in JavaScript?

Sharon Christine
Updated on 23-Jun-2020 07:54:22


Use the screen.availWidth property to return the width of the user’s screen. The result will be in pixels and the Taskbar feature won’t be included.ExampleYou can try to run the following code to learn how to work with the screen.availWidth property in JavaScript −Live Demo                    document.write("Width of the user’s screen: "+screen.availWidth);          

How to convert a date to a string using current locale's conventions?

Manikanth Mani
Updated on 23-Jun-2020 07:54:51


JavaScript date toLocaleString() method converts a date to a string, using the operating system's local conventions.The toLocaleString method relies on the underlying operating system in formatting dates. It converts the date to a string using the formatting convention of the operating system where the script is running. For example, in the United States, the month appears before the date (04/15/98), whereas in Germany the date appears before the month (15.04.98).ExampleYou can try to run the following code to learn how to convert a date to a string using current locale’s conventions −           JavaScript toLocaleString Method ... Read More

With JavaScript RegExp search a hexadecimal number character.

Smita Kapse
Updated on 23-Jun-2020 07:55:32


To find a hexadecimal number character with JavaScript Regular Expression, use the following. Add the hexadecimal number here −\xddExampleYou can try to run the following code to find hexadecimal number character. It searches for hexadecimal number 53 i.e. S −           JavaScript Regular Expression                        var myStr = "Secure and Responsive!";          var reg = /\x53/g;          var match = myStr.match(reg);                    document.write(match);          

Match Unicode character specified by the hexadecimal number XXXX.

Alankritha Ammu
Updated on 23-Jun-2020 07:56:14


To match a Unicode character specified by the hexadecimal number xxx with JavaScript Regular Expression, use the following −\uxxxxExampleYou can try to run the following code to match the hexadecimal number character xxxx. It matches the hexadecimal number 53 i.e. S −           JavaScript Regular Expression                        var myStr = "Secure and Responsive!";          var reg = /\u0053/g;          var match = myStr.match(reg);                    document.write(match);          

With JavaScript RegExp search an octal number character.

Ankitha Reddy
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:21


To find an octal number character with JavaScript Regular Expression, use the following. Add the octal number here − \xxx You can try to run the following code to find an octal number character. It searches for octal number 123 i.e S − Example Live Demo JavaScript Regular Expression var myStr = "Secure and Responsive!"; var reg = /\123/g; var match = myStr.match(reg); document.write(match); Output S

What is the role of pageXOffset property in JavaScript?

Samual Sam
Updated on 23-Jun-2020 07:56:50


If you want to get the pixels the document scrolled to from the upper left corner of the window, then use the pageXoffset and pageYoffset property. Use pageXoffset for horizontal pixels.ExampleYou can try to run the following code to learn how to work with pageXOffset property in JavaScript −Live Demo                    div {             background-color: green;             height: 1500px;             width: 1500px;          }                              function scrollFunc() {             window.scrollBy(200, 200);             alert("Horizonal: " + window.pageXOffset);          }             Scroll                      
