Found 448 Articles for Programming Scripts

Introduction to Python for Data Science

Prabhdeep Singh
Updated on 11-Jan-2023 11:15:18


Python is a general-purpose, object-oriented, interpreted, high-level language and is very popular in the market. Python has a very rich library that contains pre-defined code for almost every purpose and to use python for a task using only needs the logic, as most of the coding part is handled by python itself. Python has a large community of developers which provides an extra benefit to newcomers and the experienced python user that there is no issue with any bugs. Before moving to the introduction of python for data science let’s see some basics of data science. What is Data Science? ... Read More

Difference between Interlingua Approach and Transfer Approach?

Jay Singh
Updated on 28-Dec-2022 10:35:10


In natural language processing, the interlingua and transfer techniques are employed to facilitate language translation and other language-related activities. These techniques are valuable because they enable automatic text translation from one language to another, which may be beneficial in a number of scenarios such as international communication or the processing of vast volumes of multilingual text data. In this post, we will examine and contrast the Interlingua Approach with the Transfer Approach. What is the Interlingua Approach? The interlingua approach is a method for translating text from one language to another in natural language processing. Its foundation is the idea ... Read More

How To Perform Welchís Anova In Python?

Jay Singh
Updated on 28-Dec-2022 10:24:21


Welch's ANOVA, is an expansion of the standard ANOVA test that allows for different sample sizes and variances. Frequently, the samples that are being compared in an ANOVA test may not have comparable variances or sample sizes. In certain situations, Welch's ANOVA should be performed rather than the standard ANOVA test since it can not be acceptable. In this post, we'll take a detailed look at Welch's ANOVA What is Welch’s ANOVA? Welch's ANOVA is a variant of the ANOVA test, which is used to compare the means of two or more samples. ANOVA determines if the means of two ... Read More

How To Perform An Ancova In Python?

Jay Singh
Updated on 28-Dec-2022 10:21:50

3K+ Views

ANCOVA (analysis of covariance) is a useful statistical method because it enables the inclusion of covariates in the analysis, which may assist adjust for auxiliary variables and increase the precision of group comparisons. These additional factors, or covariates, may be incorporated into the study using ANCOVA. In order to be sure that any observed differences between the groups are caused by the therapy or intervention under study and not by unrelated factors, ANCOVA can be used to adjust for the impact of the covariates on the group means. This can make the comparisons between the groups more accurate and give ... Read More

How To Find A P-Value From A Z-Score In Python?

Jay Singh
Updated on 28-Dec-2022 10:17:57

2K+ Views

Obtaining a p−value from a z−score is a typical statistical procedure. The number of standard deviations a value is from the mean of a normal distribution is expressed as a z−score, sometimes referred to as a standard score. The z-score can be used to assess the probability that a specific value will appear in a normal distribution. The probability of getting a test statistic at least as severe as the one that was observed is the p-value, assuming that the null hypothesis is true. Because the z−score is typically the test statistic, determining the p-value from the z−score allows one ... Read More

How To Calculate Studentized Residuals In Python?

Jay Singh
Updated on 28-Dec-2022 10:15:42


Studentized residuals are typically used in regression analysis to identify potential outliers in the data. An outlier is a point that is significantly different from the overall trend of the data, and it can have a significant influence on the fitted model. By identifying and analyzing outliers, you can better understand the underlying patterns in your data and improve the accuracy of your model. In this post, we will be closely looking at Studentized Residuals and how you can implement it in python. What are Studentized Residuals? The term "studentized residuals" refers to a particular class of residuals that have ... Read More

How To Perform Dunnís Test In Python?

Jay Singh
Updated on 28-Dec-2022 09:53:57


Dunn's test is a statistical technique for comparing the means of several samples. When it's required to compare the means of numerous samples to identify which ones are noticeably different from one another, Dunn's test is frequently employed in a range of disciplines, including biology, psychology, and education. We shall examine Dunn's test in−depth in this article, along with a python implementation. What is Dunn’s Test? Dunn's test is a statistical analysis used to compare the means of numerous samples. It is a form of multiple comparison test used to compare the means of more than two samples to identify ... Read More

How to Perform Bartlettís Test in Python?

Jay Singh
Updated on 28-Dec-2022 09:45:14


Many statistical tests and procedures presume that the data is normal and has equal variances. These criteria frequently determine whether a researcher can apply a parametric or non-parametric test, frame hypotheses in specific ways, and so on. Bartlett's test is a prominent inferential statistics test that deals with data from a normal distribution. This post will show you how to run Bartlett's test in python. What is Bartlett’s test?  Bartlett's test is a statistical test that determines whether or not samples have equal variances. It is a hypothesis test that analyzes the variances of two or more samples to see ... Read More

Top Python Machine Learning Libraries

Sohail Tabrez
Updated on 27-Dec-2022 11:38:10


Introduction As the name implies, machine learning is the practice of creating computer algorithms that can learn from various types of data. In a broader definition, Arthur Samuel states that "machine learning is the scientific field which offers computers the power to learn and without being expressly taught." They are frequently used to deal with a variety of everyday difficulties. The algorithms, mathematical equations, and statistical calculations used in the past to perform Machine Learning tasks were all manually coded. As a result, the procedure was time-consuming, challenging, and ineffective. But because of a number of libraries, frameworks, and modules, ... Read More

How to compare two arrays for equality in Perl?

Mukul Latiyan
Updated on 26-Dec-2022 16:44:26

2K+ Views

In Perl, there are two ways to check if two arrays are equal. We can compare two arrays in Perl with the help of "Storable freeze" function or by creating our own custom function. In this tutorial, we will explore both these approaches with the help of examples. Example 1 Let's first explore the "Storable freeze" code and understand how it works. Consider the code shown below. use Storable qw/freeze/; use strict; $Storable::canonical = 1; my @countriesOne = ('India', 'China', 'Russia', 'USA', 'Germany'); my @countriesTwo = ('India', 'China', 'Russia', 'USA', 'Germany'); my @countriesThree = ... Read More
