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Multiline Strings in Perl

Mohd Mohtashim
Updated on 28-Nov-2019 09:12:15

1K+ Views

If you want to introduce multiline strings into your programs, you can use the standard single quotes as below −Example Live Demo#!/usr/bin/perl $string = 'This is a multiline string'; print "$string";OutputThis will produce the following result −This is a multiline stringYou can use "here" document syntax as well to store or print multiline as below −Example Live Demo#!/usr/bin/perl print

Perl String Scalars

Mohd Mohtashim
Updated on 28-Nov-2019 08:19:14


The following example demonstrates the usage of various types of string scalars. Notice the difference between single-quoted strings and double-quoted strings −Example Live Demo#!/usr/bin/perl $var = "This is string scalar!"; $quote = 'I m inside single quote - $var'; $double = "This is inside single quote - $var"; $escape = "This example of escape -\tHello, World!"; print "var = $var"; print "quote = $quote"; print "double = $double"; print "escape = $escape";OutputThis will produce the following result −var = This is string scalar! quote = I m inside single quote - $var double = This is inside single quote - ... Read More

Perl Numeric Scalars

Mohd Mohtashim
Updated on 28-Nov-2019 08:16:38


A scalar is most often either a number or a string. Following example demonstrates the usage of various types of numeric scalars −Example Live Demo#!/usr/bin/perl $integer = 200; $negative = -300; $floating = 200.340; $bigfloat = -1.2E-23; # 377 octal, same as 255 decimal $octal = 0377; # FF hex, also 255 decimal $hexa = 0xff; print "integer = $integer"; print "negative = $negative"; print "floating = $floating"; print "bigfloat = $bigfloat"; print "octal = $octal"; print "hexa = $hexa";OutputThis will produce the following result −integer = 200 negative = -300 floating = 200.34 bigfloat = -1.2e-23 octal = 255 hexa = 255

What are Perl Scalars?

Mohd Mohtashim
Updated on 28-Nov-2019 08:13:29


A scalar is a single unit of data. That data might be an integer number, floating-point, a character, a string, a paragraph, or an entire web page.Here is a simple example of using scalar variables −Example Live Demo#!/usr/bin/perl $age = 25;                # An integer assignment $name = "John Paul";      # A string $salary = 1445.50;        # A floating point print "Age = $age"; print "Name = $name"; print "Salary = $salary";OutputThis will produce the following result −Age = 25 Name = John Paul Salary = 1445.5

Perl Variable Context

Mohd Mohtashim
Updated on 28-Nov-2019 08:11:25


Perl treats the same variable differently based on Context, i.e., the situation where a variable is being used. Let's check the following example −Example Live Demo#!/usr/bin/perl @names = ('John Paul', 'Lisa', 'Kumar'); @copy = @names; $size = @names; print "Given names are : @copy"; print "Number of names are : $size";OutputThis will produce the following result −Given names are : John Paul Lisa Kumar Number of names are : 3Here @names is an array, which has been used in two different contexts. First, we copied it into another array, i.e., list, so it returned all the elements assuming that context ... Read More

Perl Hash Variables

Mohd Mohtashim
Updated on 28-Nov-2019 08:08:19


A hash is a set of key/value pairs. Hash variables are preceded by a percent (%) sign. To refer to a single element of a hash, you will use the hash variable name followed by the "key" associated with the value in curly brackets.Here is a simple example of using hash variables −Example Live Demo#!/usr/bin/perl %data = ('John Paul', 45, 'Lisa', 30, 'Kumar', 40); print "\$data{'John Paul'} = $data{'John Paul'}"; print "\$data{'Lisa'} = $data{'Lisa'}"; print "\$data{'Kumar'} = $data{'Kumar'}";OutputThis will produce the following result −$data{'John Paul'} = 45 $data{'Lisa'} = 30 $data{'Kumar'} = 40

Perl Array Variables

Mohd Mohtashim
Updated on 28-Nov-2019 08:05:52


An array is a variable that stores an ordered list of scalar values. Array variables are preceded by an "at" (@) sign. To refer to a single element of an array, you will use the dollar sign ($) with the variable name followed by the index of the element in square brackets.Here is a simple example of using array variables −Example Live Demo#!/usr/bin/perl @ages = (25, 30, 40); @names = ("John Paul", "Lisa", "Kumar"); print "\$ages[0] = $ages[0]"; print "\$ages[1] = $ages[1]"; print "\$ages[2] = $ages[2]"; print "\$names[0] = $names[0]"; print "\$names[1] = $names[1]"; print "\$names[2] = $names[2]";Here we used escape ... Read More

Perl Scalar Variables

Mohd Mohtashim
Updated on 28-Nov-2019 08:03:30


A scalar is a single unit of data. That data might be an integer number, floating-point, a character, a string, a paragraph, or an entire web page. Simply saying it could be anything, but only a single thing.Here is a simple example of using scalar variables −Example Live Demo#!/usr/bin/perl $age = 25;                   # An integer assignment $name = "John Paul";         # A string $salary = 1445.50;           # A floating point print "Age = $age"; print "Name = $name"; print "Salary = $salary";OutputThis will produce the following result −Age = 25 Name = John Paul Salary = 1445.5

Creating Variables in Perl

Mohd Mohtashim
Updated on 28-Nov-2019 08:01:10


Perl variables do not have to be explicitly declared to reserve memory space. The declaration happens automatically when you assign a value to a variable. The equal sign (=) is used to assign values to variables.Keep a note that this is mandatory to declare a variable before we use it if we use strict statement in our program.The operand to the left of the = operator is the name of the variable, and the operand to the right of the = operator is the value stored in the variable. For example −$age = 25;             ... Read More

What are Perl String Literals?

Mohd Mohtashim
Updated on 28-Nov-2019 07:58:55


Strings are sequences of characters. They are usually alphanumeric values delimited by either single (') or double (") quotes. They work much like UNIX shell quotes where you can use single-quoted strings and double-quoted strings.Double-quoted string literals allow variable interpolation, and single-quoted strings are not. There are certain characters when they are proceeded by a backslash, have special meaning and they are used to represent like newline () or tab (\t).You can embed newlines or any of the following Escape sequences directly in your double-quoted strings −Escape sequenceMeaning\Backslash\'Single quote\"Double quote\aAlert or bell\bBackspace\fForm feedNewline\rCarriage return\tHorizontal tab\vVertical tab\0nnCreates Octal formatted numbers\xnnCreates Hexideciamal ... Read More
