Found 2065 Articles for Operating System

Elementary OS – A Linux Distro for Windows and macOS Users

Prateek Jangid
Updated on 18-May-2023 13:56:15

1K+ Views

Elementary OS, a Ubuntu-based Linux OS, offers a stable, fast, and beautiful experience. Linux is always confusing for Windows and macOS users due to various reasons, some of which are as follows − Windows and macOS have a more standardized GUI (Graphical User Interface) quite different from the Linux user interface. So it is difficult for the users to find the correct tools for their requirements The command line interface of Linux is quite different from that of Windows and macOS. That's why users are not able to use it widely. Sometimes Linux only supports less popular or newer ... Read More

Copy Directory Structure Without Files on Linux

Prateek Jangid
Updated on 18-May-2023 13:33:10

2K+ Views

There are various commands in Linux to copy directories from one destination to another. In Linux, you can copy a directory recursively using the -R option with the cp command that copies the source directory, including all its files, to the destination. Conversely, sometimes we need to copy only the empty directory structure to a different target directory without copying its files from the source directory. It takes a long time if you copy the directory structure one by one without the files. In this case, you can use some commands in Linux to copy the empty directory structure directly ... Read More

Changing the Default Shell in Linux

Prateek Jangid
Updated on 18-May-2023 12:15:34

1K+ Views

Changing the default shell in Linux is simple, it gives you the freedom to use any shell accordingly. The default shell of most Linux systems is 'bash, ' which you replace from any other shell such as sh, fish, dash, zsh, etc. There can be many reasons in Linux why you need to change your default shell; some of the main reasons are as follows − To disable or block normal user logins using a nologin shell. Change the default shell on a shared network to meet the user's specific demands. It is associated with many administrative rights. A ... Read More

Semaphore Introduction

Shubhi Rastogi
Updated on 15-May-2023 14:50:03


Semaphores are assorted data types with 2 areas set of procedures and non-negative integers within a waiting list. It is utilized to explain precarious section drawbacks, and through utilizing 2 processes, it shall be explained. Pause and signal are utilized for the technical organization. It may be a variable utilized to control access to a shared supply by manifold threads and escape critical segment drawbacks in a system like a multitasking process. Semaphores permit a random resource count is known as calculating semaphores. Levels of the Operation There are the levels that come with life that may assist with accepting ... Read More

Best Slack Alternatives for Team Chat [Free & Paid]

Pradeep Jhuriya
Updated on 15-May-2023 14:35:37


Introduction Slack has become a ubiquitous team chat tool for remote and distributed teams around the world. However, it's not the only option available. There are many great alternatives to Slack, both free and paid, that offer unique features and benefits to meet the needs of different teams. This article will explore the best Slack alternatives for team chat, highlighting both the pros and cons of each option to help you make an informed decision. Free Slack Alternatives If you're looking for a free team chat tool that can replace Slack, here are three great options to consider − Discord ... Read More

Best Open Source Text Editors (GUI + CLI) in 2023

Pradeep Jhuriya
Updated on 15-May-2023 14:34:27


Introduction Text editors are an essential tool for developers and programmers alike. They enable users to write and edit code with ease and efficiency, making it easier to create and maintain software applications. In this article, we will be discussing the best open source text editors available in 2023. Open source text editors are software programs that are freely available and can be modified by users to fit their specific needs. Using open source text editors has numerous benefits, including cost savings, flexibility, and a large community of users contributing to their development and support. Graphical User Interface (GUI) Text ... Read More

Best Music Players That Are Worth Trying On Linux

Pradeep Jhuriya
Updated on 15-May-2023 14:33:01

1K+ Views

Introduction Linux users often need a reliable music player that can handle various audio formats, import and export playlists, and provide an enjoyable listening experience. In this article, we will introduce you to the best music players for Linux, both open-source and proprietary, that are worth trying. We will learn about their details, benefits, and drawbacks of each player, along with a step-by-step guide on how to install and use them on your Linux system. Rhythmbox Rhythmbox is a popular and feature-rich music player for Linux. It is a simple and easy-to-use player that supports a wide range of audio ... Read More

‘DNF’ (Fork of Yum) Commands for RPM Package Management in Linux

Pradeep Jhuriya
Updated on 15-May-2023 14:27:10


Introduction DNF is a package manager for RPM-based Linux distributions and it is a successor to Yum, another package manager. DNF stands for Dandified Yum and it was introduced in Fedora 18 as a replacement for Yum. The key benefits of using DNF over Yum are faster performance, better memory usage, and a more modern codebase. In this article, we will explore DNF commands for RPM package management in Linux. We will cover basic DNF commands, advanced DNF commands, managing repositories with DNF, updating and upgrading packages with DNF, and troubleshooting DNF. Basic DNF Commands DNF provides several basic commands ... Read More

Ways to Create an ISO from a Bootable USB in Linux

Pradeep Jhuriya
Updated on 15-May-2023 14:24:40

8K+ Views

Introduction A bootable USB is a USB drive that has been formatted to contain an operating system, allowing you to boot up a computer using the USB drive rather than the computer's hard drive. Bootable USB drives are useful for a variety of reasons, such as installing a new operating system, running a portable version of a program, or recovering data from a malfunctioning computer. Creating an ISO from a bootable USB might be necessary if you want to make a backup of your bootable USB or share it with others who don't have a USB drive. An ISO file ... Read More

Kubernetes Best Practices for Building Efficient Clusters

Pradeep Jhuriya
Updated on 15-May-2023 14:22:27


Introduction Building efficient Kubernetes clusters is important for any organization that wants to achieve optimal performance, scalability, and cost savings. A well-designed cluster can handle increased workload demands and ensure that resources are utilized efficiently. In this article, we will discuss the best practices for building efficient Kubernetes clusters. Choose the Right Node Size Choosing the right node size for your cluster is crucial for ensuring that your workload requirements are met while also optimizing resource utilization. Here are some best practices for node sizing − Consider the workload requirements − Your choice of node size should be based ... Read More
