Found 2065 Articles for Operating System

How to Check and Patch Meltdown CPU Vulnerability in Linux?

Satish Kumar
Updated on 31-Aug-2023 14:28:41


Introduction Released in early 2018, news of a previously unknown hardware vulnerability in Intel's CPUs shocked the IT industry. Dubbed as 'Meltdown, ' this exploit can potentially expose sensitive data on your computer such as passwords, encryption keys, and login credentials to hackers. In worst-case scenarios, it could allow attackers to take complete control of your system without leaving any trace of their activity. Understanding the Meltdown Vulnerability The Meltdown vulnerability is a security flaw that affects modern processors, including those found in most Linux-based systems. The vulnerability takes advantage of a fundamental feature of modern CPUs known as speculative ... Read More

How to Check and Install Updates On CentOS and RHEL?

Satish Kumar
Updated on 31-Aug-2023 14:27:55

2K+ Views

Introduction Keeping your system up to date is essential for maintaining the security, stability, and performance of your computer. Cybercriminals are always looking for vulnerabilities in operating systems and software to exploit, putting you at risk of data breaches, identity theft, and other cyber threats. Moreover, software updates usually include bug fixes and enhancements that improve the functionality and compatibility of your applications with other programs. Therefore, it is crucial to regularly check for updates on CentOS/RHEL and apply them promptly. In this guide, you will learn how to use Yum Package Manager and DNF Package Manager - two popular ... Read More

How to Change User Password in Ubuntu?

Satish Kumar
Updated on 24-Aug-2023 20:47:16

1K+ Views

Introduction If you are a Linux user, there is no doubt that you have heard of Ubuntu OS. Ubuntu is an open-source operating system based on the Debian architecture and is one of the most popular distributions of Linux. It's user-friendly interface, and versatile nature makes it a great operating system for both personal and professional use. As with any operating system, password security in Ubuntu is of utmost importance. With cyberattacks increasing day by day, secure passwords are essential to keep your information safe from unauthorized access. This guide aims to simplify the process of changing your user password ... Read More

How to Change Sudo or Root Password in Ubuntu?

Satish Kumar
Updated on 24-Aug-2023 20:45:55

10K+ Views

Introduction Ubuntu is a popular Linux operating system that gives users access to powerful tools for managing files, processes, and other system settings. One of the key features of Ubuntu is the ability to use "sudo" or "root" access to perform administrative tasks. This allows you to make changes to the system that would otherwise require special permissions. Sudo access is a type of temporary privilege escalation that allows a user to perform an action with administrative privileges. It requires the user's password before making any changes and is often used for one-time tasks like installing software. On the other ... Read More

How to Change SSH Port in Linux?

Satish Kumar
Updated on 24-Aug-2023 20:45:03


Introduction Secure Shell (SSH) is a protocol that provides a secure channel over an unsecured network in Linux systems. It is commonly used for remote logins, file transfers, and executing commands on a remote machine securely. SSH is an essential tool for Linux system administrators, developers, and users who access their machines remotely. Checking Current SSH Port Before we can proceed to changing the SSH port, it is important to know the current port number being used. By default, the SSH service listens on port 22. However, this is a well-known port and is often targeted by attackers. Therefore, it ... Read More

How To Change Speed & Duplex of Ethernet Card in Linux with Ethtool Command?

Satish Kumar
Updated on 24-Aug-2023 20:43:43

3K+ Views

Introduction Ethernet cards, also known as network interface cards (NICs), are hardware components that allow computers to connect to networks. These cards enable data transmission between devices by converting digital signals from a computer into electrical signals that can be sent over the network's physical medium, such as copper wires or fiber-optic cables. Ethernet cards are essential for accessing the internet, file sharing and printing in a local network. Understanding Ethtool Command Definition and Functionality Ethtool is a Linux command-line utility that allows users to query and change various network interface card (NIC) settings. It provides detailed information about the ... Read More

How to Change Runlevels (targets) in SystemD?

Satish Kumar
Updated on 24-Aug-2023 20:42:26


SystemD is a system and service manager for Linux operating systems. It manages the boot process, system services, and provides a centralized way to manage processes. One of the key features of SystemD is its use of runlevels (targets) to define the state of the system at startup. Runlevels (targets) are a set of services and processes that are started or stopped depending on the current state of the system. Understanding how to change runlevels (targets) is an important skill for any Linux administrator. Understanding Runlevels (Targets) In the traditional Unix system, runlevels were used to determine which set of ... Read More

How to Change Port for Jenkins?

Satish Kumar
Updated on 24-Aug-2023 20:37:55

1K+ Views

Introduction Jenkins is an open-source automation server that helps developers build, test, and deploy their software. It is one of the most popular tools in the DevOps world due to its flexibility, ease of use, and extensive plugin ecosystem. When you install Jenkins, it uses a default port number (8080) to listen for incoming HTTP requests. However, sometimes this port can conflict with other applications on your system or may not be suitable for your environment's security needs. In such cases, changing the port number is necessary. Understanding Ports Before we dive into the steps of changing the port for ... Read More

How to Change or Set Hostname on CentOS 8/RHEL 8?

Satish Kumar
Updated on 24-Aug-2023 20:34:32


Introduction In computer networking, a hostname is a label that is used to identify devices connected to a network. It is essentially a human-readable name assigned to a device, which can be used instead of its IP address. Hostnames are important because they make it easier for users on the network to access other devices by name rather than having to remember the IP addresses of each device. Hostnames are also crucial for network communication and resource sharing. When two devices communicate on a network, they typically use their hostnames to identify themselves rather than their IP addresses. This makes ... Read More

How to Change or Reset Administrator Password on Windows Server?

Satish Kumar
Updated on 24-Aug-2023 20:33:07


Introduction In today's world, security is one of the top priorities for any organization. The consequences of a security breach can be catastrophic, leading to loss of critical data, financial losses, and reputational damage. One way to ensure that your Windows Server environment stays secure is by maintaining strong passwords for your administrator accounts. As the administrator account has elevated privileges and access to sensitive data and systems in the network, it's crucial to secure it with a strong password that can't be easily guessed or cracked by attackers. A weak password is akin to leaving the front door open ... Read More
