Found 2065 Articles for Operating System

SCAN (Elevator) Disk Scheduling Algorithm

Updated on 17-Jul-2023 18:54:32

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In the Operating System, the requests from the input or output of the programs or applications are handled by Disk scheduling algorithms. The System receives countless numbers of requests from different programs and only one request can be processed at a time by the system and all other requests has to wait in queue. The major work of disk scheduling is to increase the performance of the system by reducing seek time, rotating latency, and transfer time. For these processes, different algorithms are used and one among them is SCAN (Elevator). Scan Disk Scheduling Algorithm The Scan Disk Scheduling algorithm ... Read More

Round Robin Scheduling with different arrival times

Updated on 17-Jul-2023 18:49:49

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Scheduling algorithms of the operating system are used for scheduling the input process to the respective processor. The process scheduler has the allocation rights to decide on which process to start its execution based on any one of the scheduling algorithms. Any process in the execution state that uses CPU resources can be preempted and other process in the ready queue is chosen for execution based on priority, in terms of priority-based algorithms. Preemptive algorithms provide access to the CPU to the process which has higher priority, and preempt if any other process which is already running with lower priority. ... Read More

Raymond’s tree based algorithm

Updated on 17-Jul-2023 18:48:20

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Raymond’s tree-based algorithm is used to protect the distributed systems from the occurrence of sections by the lock method. Distributed systems are networks with numerous numbers of nodes that involves the message flow from one node to another. When the process is locked or in the critical section, then only one thread or process can be allowed inside and other threads will be in the waiting state. As there are many nodes involved in the distributed systems, it can be reduced by spanning trees.Raymond’s Tree Based Algorithm Definition The Algorithm follows the method that only the threads with tokens are ... Read More

Read-Copy Update

Updated on 17-Jul-2023 18:46:05


RCU is a method that can manage multiple process execution and can be deployed to any operating system and one among them is the Linux kernel. It is an easy process synchronization method and it splits the RCU update into two phases namely removal and reclamation. This mechanism allows the reads along with the updates to occur simultaneously. The process occurs concurrently between the many readers and updaters of the operating system. Apart from the easy process, it is also reliable to access for the simultaneous process. Read-Copy Update Definition Read-copy update (RCU) is one of the best data structures ... Read More

Resource Allocation

Updated on 17-Jul-2023 18:43:34

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When each process request for the resources available in the system, the operating system allocates the needed resources for its execution purpose. The resources allocated can be either a hard drive, scanner, any files in memory, or even a printer. Any program that enters into a ready or execution state is termed a process. This program requires resources from one or other processes to complete its assigned task. In a multiprogramming environment, a process may request multiple resources at the same time, so those processes have to be waiting until it receives all the resources. A resource allocator present in ... Read More

Resource Reservation Protocol in Real-time Systems

Updated on 17-Jul-2023 18:38:07


In the OSI (Open Source Interconnection) model, the resource reservation model comes under the fourth layer which is the transport layer protocol. This protocol is particularly used for the purpose of reserving network resources. In RSVP, the resources are associated and maintained by the receiver so it is also known as a receiver-oriented protocol. The Real-time system means the work that has to be delivered to the client within a specific time. In this article, two real-time systems are explained using the resource reservation protocol. Resource Reservation Protocol (RSVP) Definition In networking, Resource Reservation Protocol is used as it provides ... Read More

Resource Deadlocks vs Communication Deadlocks in Distributed Systems

Updated on 17-Jul-2023 18:36:17


Deadlock in an operating system happens when a process gets into a waiting state as other processes hold the resources which need to be used. This problem generally happens during multi-processing environments, distributes systems, and parallel computation systems. In distributed systems, deadlocks are considered the major problem, where the resources requested by the process are not available due to other processes holding onto it. A distributed system contains a set of processes p1, p2, p3…pn that do not share a common memory, and communication is made only by passing messages through the network. This does not have a global clock ... Read More

Requirements of memory management system

Updated on 17-Jul-2023 18:30:42

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Memory is considered a major part of the operating system to store and access the data. Memory management is a complex task that is performed by the OS when the main memory has limited space and requires more switching operations during multiuser environments. It functions to manage the status of the processes which are in ready, waiting, or execution states and allocates or frees the memory location based on the completion of each process. Each process is allocated to a specific memory location and its status of it is monitored and updated in the memory management system. During a multiprogramming ... Read More

Responsibilities of a File Manager

Updated on 17-Jul-2023 18:29:01


Introduction Each file stored in computer memory has specific information that is given by the user. The files stored in the file system can be in various forms like image, audio, video, text etc. All these forms of data have different format extensions. Operating system is responsible for managing the operations of the file that are stored in the computer. The input file data can be stored in primary memory or secondary memory devices to store and retrieve information. The file is represented in terms of bits, bytes, or any records that can be defined by the author of the ... Read More

Install MongoDB Community Edition 4.0 on Linux

Satish Kumar
Updated on 17-Jul-2023 16:31:43

1K+ Views

Introduction MongoDB is a popular open-source NoSQL database management system known for its scalability, flexibility, and ease of use. If you're using a Linux operating system and looking to install MongoDB Community Edition 4.0, this article will provide you with a detailed guide accompanied by examples and the corresponding command outputs. Prerequisites Before proceeding with the installation, ensure that you have the following prerequisites − A Linux-based operating system (e.g., Ubuntu, CentOS, or Debian). Root or sudo privileges. An active internet connection. Step 1: Import the MongoDB GPG Key To begin the installation process, we first need to ... Read More
