Found 9301 Articles for Object Oriented Programming

How to create a ScrollBar using JavaFX?

Maruthi Krishna
Updated on 18-May-2020 07:47:12


A scroll bar contains a thumb, right and left buttons attached to a scrollable pane. Using this you can scroll the pane (attached to it) up and down.In JavaFX the javafx.scene.control.ScrollBar represents a scrollbar. You can create a scroll bar instantiating this class.You can create either a vertical or a horizontal scroll bar, by default a horizontal scroll bar is created, you can change it to vertical using the setOrientation() method.Usually, a scroll bar is associated with other controls such as ScrollPane, ListView, etc.Exampleimport javafx.application.Application; import javafx.scene.Group; import javafx.scene.Scene; import javafx.scene.control.Label; import javafx.scene.control.ScrollBar; import javafx.scene.paint.Color; import javafx.scene.text.Font; import javafx.scene.text.FontPosture; import ... Read More

How to create a MenuBar in JavaFX?

Maruthi Krishna
Updated on 18-May-2020 07:45:24


A menu bar is a user interface element that holds all the menus, it is usually placed on the top. In JavaFX the javafx.scene.control.MenuBar class represents a menu bar. You can create a menu bar by instantiating this class.A menu is a list of options or commands presented to the user. In JavaFX a menu is represented by the javafx.scene.control.Menu class.Adding menus to the MenuBarThe MenuBar class contains an observable list which holds all the menus, you can get this list by invoking the getMenus() method.You can create the required number of menus and add them to the observable list ... Read More

How to save files using a File Chooser in JavaFX?

Maruthi Krishna
Updated on 18-May-2020 07:43:13

4K+ Views

Using JavaFX file chooser, you can open files browse through them and save the files. The class javafx.stage.FileChooser represents a file chooser, you can open a file dialog open single or multiple files using this. You can create a file chooser in your application by instantiating this class.Opening multiple filesThe showSaveDialog() method displays a save dialog which allows you to save a file and return it. This method returns null if you haven’t chosen any fileTo save a file using JavaFX −Instantiate the FileChooser class.Set the required properties.Invoke the showSaveDialog() method.Add the file chooser to a root node.Add the root ... Read More

How to open multiple files using a File Chooser in JavaFX?

Maruthi Krishna
Updated on 18-May-2020 07:40:16

1K+ Views

Using JavaFX file chooser, you can open files browse through them and save the files. The class javafx.stage.FileChooser represents a file chooser, you can open a file dialog open single or multiple files using this. You can create a file chooser in your application by instantiating this class.Opening multiple filesThe showOpenMultipleDialog() method displays an open dialog that allows you to choose multiple files and returns a list (of File type) containing the chosen files. This method returns null if you haven’t chosen any file.To open multiple files using JavaFX −Instantiate the FileChooser class.Set the required properties.Invoke the showOpenMultipleDialog() method.Add the file chooser ... Read More

How to create a File Chooser using JavaFX?

Maruthi Krishna
Updated on 18-May-2020 07:35:41

1K+ Views

Using JavaFX file chooser, you can open files browse through them and save the files. The class javafx.stage.FileChooser represents a file chooser, you can open a file dialog open single or multiple files using this.You can create a file chooser in your application by instantiating this class. This class has for properties −initialDirectory − This property specifies the initial directory of the file chooser. You can set value to it using the setInitialDirectory() method.selectedExtensionFilter − This property specifies the extension filter displayed in the dialog. You can set value to it using the setSelectedExtensionFilter() method.Title − The property specifies the ... Read More

How to add image to the menu item in JavaFX?

Maruthi Krishna
Updated on 18-May-2020 07:31:13

1K+ Views

A menu is a list of options or commands presented to the user. In JavaFX a menu is represented by the javafx.scene.control.Menu class, you can create a menu by instantiating this class.A menu item is an option in the menu it is represented by the javafx.scene.control.MenuItem class, a superclass of the Menu class. You can display a text or a graphic as a menu item and add the desired cation to it.Image as menu itemThe menu item class has a property named graphic, representing the optional graphical element for the menu item. Generally, images are used along with the title ... Read More

How to add mnemonics to a menu in JavaFX?

Maruthi Krishna
Updated on 18-May-2020 07:14:18


A menu is a list of options or commands presented to the user. In JavaFX a menu is represented by the javafx.scene.control.Menu class, you can create a menu by instantiating this class.Setting mnemonic to a MenuA mnemonic is a number or character, in the menu title of User interface component (button, text field, etc.) typically with an underscore. If you press this character along with the Alt key the respective menu item will be focused.You can set a mnemonic to a menu using the setMnemonicParsing() method. Pass the boolean value true as an argument to this method.To set mnemonic parsing ... Read More

JavaFX example to set action (behavior) to the menu item

Maruthi Krishna
Updated on 18-May-2020 07:11:50

2K+ Views

A menu is a list of options or commands presented to the user, typically menus contain items that perform some action. The contents of a menu are known as menu items.In JavaFX a menu is represented by the javafx.scene.control.Menu class, a menu item is represented by the javafx.scene.control.MenuItem class.Setting action to MenuItemThe MenuItem class inherits a property named onAction from the javafx.scene.control.ButtonBase class, which is of the type ObjectProperty. This property represents the action that is invoked whenever you press the button. You can set the value to this property using the setOnAction() method.One of the ways to set an action ... Read More

How to create a Menu using JavaFX?

Maruthi Krishna
Updated on 18-May-2020 07:06:30

3K+ Views

A menu is a list of options or commands presented to the user. In JavaFX a menu is represented by the javafx.scene.control.Menu class, you can create a menu by instantiating this class.While instantiating, you can pass the title of the menu as a parameter to its constructor. The Menu class contains an observable list that holds the contents of the menu (menu items).Menu items and menu barThe menu items are represented by the javafx.scene.control.MenuItem class, a superclass of the Menu class. You can display a text or a graphic as a menu item and add the desired cation to it.To ... Read More

How to set action to a slider using JavaFX?

Maruthi Krishna
Updated on 18-May-2020 07:04:50

2K+ Views

JavaFX provides a class known as Slider, this represents a slider component which displays continuous range of values. This contains a track on which the number values are displayed. Along the track there is a thumb pointing to the numbers. You can provide the maximum, minimum and initial values of the slider.Setting action to the sliderThe property of the slider class named value, represents the current value of the slider, the valueProperty() returns a property object representing the current value of the slider. You can set action when the value is changed, by adding listener to this property, using the ... Read More
