Found 9297 Articles for Object Oriented Programming

How to change an object Key without changing the original array in JavaScript?

Updated on 18-Jul-2020 09:09:12


Following is the code to change an object key without changing the original array in JavaScript −Example Live Demo Document    body {       font-family: "Segoe UI", Tahoma, Geneva, Verdana, sans-serif;    } Change an object Key without changing the original array CLICK HERE Click the above button to change the name object key to fullName    let BtnEle = document.querySelector(".Btn");    let resEle = document.querySelector(".result");    let sampleEle = document.querySelector(".sample");    let obj = [       { name: "Rohan Sharma", age: 12 },     ... Read More

Joining a JavaScript array with a condition?

Updated on 18-Jul-2020 09:06:07


Following is the code to a JavaScript array with a condition in JavaScript −Example Live Demo Document    body {       font-family: "Segoe UI", Tahoma, Geneva, Verdana, sans-serif;    }    .result, .sample {       font-size: 18px;       font-weight: 500;       color: rebeccapurple;    }    .result {       color: red;    } Joining a JavaScript array with a condition CLICK HERE Click the above button to join the array elements that are divisible by 2.    let BtnEle = ... Read More

How to join two arrays in JavaScript?

Updated on 18-Jul-2020 09:03:20


Following is the code to join two arrays together in JavaScript −Example Live Demo Document    body {       font-family: "Segoe UI", Tahoma, Geneva, Verdana, sans-serif;    }    .result, .sample {       font-size: 18px;       font-weight: 500;       color: rebeccapurple;    }    .result {       color: red;    } Join two arrays in JavaScript CLICK HERE Click the above button to join the above two arrays together.    let BtnEle = document.querySelector(".Btn");    let resEle = document.querySelector(".result");   ... Read More

How to merge two JavaScript objects?

Updated on 18-Jul-2020 08:59:49


Following is the code to merge two JavaScript objects together −Example Live Demo Document    body {       font-family: "Segoe UI", Tahoma, Geneva, Verdana, sans-serif;    }    .result {       font-size: 18px;       font-weight: 500;       color: rebeccapurple;    } Merge two JavaScript objects CLICK HERE Click the above button to merge person and adress object together.    let BtnEle = document.querySelector(".Btn");    let resEle = document.querySelector(".result");    let person = {       name: "Rohan",       age: 22,    };    let address = {       state: "Delhi",       country: "India",    };    let mergedObj = { ...person, ...address };    BtnEle.addEventListener("click", () => {       for (let i in mergedObj) {          resEle.innerHTML += "Key = " + i + " : Value = " + mergedObj[i] + "";       }    }); OutputThe above code will produce the following output −On clicking the ‘CLICK HERE’ button −

Replacing array of object property name in JavaScript

Updated on 18-Jul-2020 08:57:43


Following is the code to replace array of object property name in JavaScript −Example Live Demo Document    body {       font-family: "Segoe UI", Tahoma, Geneva, Verdana, sans-serif;    }    .result {       font-size: 18px;       font-weight: 500;       color: rebeccapurple;    } Replacing array of object property name CLICK HERE Click the above button to change the property name of an object in array    let BtnEle = document.querySelector(".Btn");    let resEle = document.querySelector(".result");    var person = [     ... Read More

How to find elements of JavaScript array by multiple values?

Updated on 18-Jul-2020 08:55:14


Following is the code to find elements of JavaScript array by multiple values −Example Live Demo Document    body {       font-family: "Segoe UI", Tahoma, Geneva, Verdana, sans-serif;    }    .result {       font-size: 18px;       font-weight: 500;       color: rebeccapurple;    } Find elements of JavaScript array by multiple values CLICK HERE Click the above button to see if arr contains all elements of arr1 or not    let BtnEle = document.querySelector(".Btn");    let resEle = document.querySelector(".result");    let arr = ... Read More

How to convert array of comma separated strings to array of objects?

Updated on 18-Jul-2020 08:53:17


Following is the code to convert array of comma separated strings to array of objects −Example Live Demo Document    body {       font-family: "Segoe UI", Tahoma, Geneva, Verdana, sans-serif;    }    .result, .sample {       font-size: 18px;       font-weight: 500;       color: rebeccapurple;    }    .result {       color: red;    } Convert array of comma separated strings to array of object CLICK HERE Click the above button to convert the above array of strings to objects ... Read More

How to convert a string to JavaScript object?

Updated on 18-Jul-2020 08:50:26


Following is the code to convert a string to JavaScript object −Example Live Demo Document    body {       font-family: "Segoe UI", Tahoma, Geneva, Verdana, sans-serif;    }    .sample {       font-size: 18px;       font-weight: 500;       color: red;    } convert a string to JavaScript object {"name":"Rohan", "sports":["Cricket", "Football"], "country":"India"} CLICK HERE Click on the above button to convert the above string to JavaScript object    let sampleEle = document.querySelector(".sample");    let resultEle = document.querySelector(".result");    let parsedJson = ... Read More

Explain equality of objects in JavaScript.

Updated on 18-Jul-2020 08:48:11


In JavaScript the primitive like string, number, boolean etc are compared by their values while objects (native or custom) are compared by their reference. Comparing by reference means whether the two or more object point to same location in memory or not.Following is the code to explain equality of objects in JavaScript −Example Live Demo Document    body {       font-family: "Segoe UI", Tahoma, Geneva, Verdana, sans-serif;    }    .result {       font-size: 18px;       font-weight: 500;       color: rebeccapurple;    } Equality of ... Read More

How to parse a string from a JavaScript array?

Updated on 18-Jul-2020 08:43:44


Following is the code to parse a string from a JavaScript array −Example Live Demo Document    body {       font-family: "Segoe UI", Tahoma, Geneva, Verdana, sans-serif;    }    .result {       font-size: 18px;       font-weight: 500;       color: rebeccapurple;    } Parse a string from a JavaScript array CLICK HERE Click the above button to convert the array arr to string    let BtnEle = document.querySelector(".Btn");    let resEle = document.querySelector(".result");    let arr = ["Cow", "Lion", "Tiger", "Dog", "Cat"];    BtnEle.addEventListener("click", () => {       resEle.innerHTML = arr.toString();    }); OutputThe above code will produce the following output −On clicking the ‘CLICK HERE’ button −
