Found 9297 Articles for Object Oriented Programming

Fix Problem with .sort() method in JavaScript, two arrays sort instead of only one

Updated on 18-Aug-2020 07:28:30


One property of the Array.prototype.sort() function is that it is an inplace sorting algorithm, which means it does not create a new copy of the array to be sorted, it sorts the array without using any extra space, making it more efficient and performant. But this characteristic sometimes leads to an awkward situation.Let’s understand this with an example. Assume, we have a names array with some string literals We want to keep the order of this array intact and want another array containing the same elements as the names array but sorted alphabetically.We can do something like this −const names ... Read More

What is this problem in JavaScript’s selfexecuting anonymous function?

Updated on 18-Aug-2020 07:27:22


Let’s say here is a sample code snippet and we are required to tell the possible output for this snippet and provide an explanation for itvar name = 'Zakir'; (() => {    name = 'Rahul';    return;    console.log(name);    function name(){       let lastName = 'Singh';    } })(); console.log(name);Let’s go through this problem line by line with a naive approach1 → ‘Zakir’ stored in variable name3 → We enter inside a self-executing anonymous function4 → The variable name is reinitialized to ‘Rahul’5 → return statement is encountered, so we exit the function15 → print the ... Read More

Strange syntax, what does `?.` mean in JavaScript?

Updated on 18-Aug-2020 07:26:17

1K+ Views

Let’s try to understand ‘?.’ with an example.Consider the following object example describing a male human being of age 23 −const being = {    human: {       male: {          age: 23       }    } };Now let’s say we want to access the age property of this being object. Pretty simple, right? We will just use chaining to access like the below code −Exampleconst being = {    human: {       male: {          age: 23       }    } }; console.log(being.human.male.age);OutputConsole output is ... Read More

Combine unique items of an array of arrays while summing values - JavaScript

Updated on 18-Aug-2020 07:25:12


We have an array of array, each subarray contains exactly two elements, first is a string, a person name in this case and second is a integer, what we are required to do is combine all those subarrays that have their first element same and the second element should be a sum of the second elements of the common subarrays.Following is our example array −const example = [[    'first',    12 ], [    'second',    19 ], [    'first',    7 ]];Should be converted to the followingconst example = [[    'first',    19    ], [ ... Read More

Reverse a number in JavaScript

Updated on 18-Aug-2020 07:23:26

7K+ Views

Our aim is to write a JavaScript function that takes in a number and returns its reversed numberFor example, reverse of 678 −876Here’s the code to reverse a number in JavaScript −Exampleconst num = 124323; const reverse = (num) => parseInt(String(num) .split("") .reverse() .join(""), 10); console.log(reverse(num));OutputOutput in the console will be −323421ExplanationLet’s say num = 123We convert the num to string → num becomes ‘123’We split ‘123’ → it becomes [‘1’, ‘2’, ‘3’]We reverse the array → it becomes [‘3’, ‘2’, ‘1’]We join the array to form a string → it becomes ‘321’Lastly we parse the string into a Int and returns it → 321

How to create a function which returns only even numbers in JavaScript array?

Updated on 18-Aug-2020 07:22:21


Here, we need to write a function that takes one argument, which is an array of numbers, and returns an array that contains only the numbers from the input array that are even.So, let's name the function as returnEvenArray, the code for the function will be −Exampleconst arr = [3,5,6,7,8,4,2,1,66,77]; const returnEvenArray = (arr) => {    return arr.filter(el => {       return el % 2 === 0;    }) }; console.log(returnEvenArray(arr));We just returned a filtered array that only contains elements that are multiples of 2.OutputOutput in the console will be −[ 6, 8, 4, 2, 66 ]Above, we returned only even numbers as output.

Filtering of JavaScript object

Updated on 18-Aug-2020 07:21:11


Here we need to create a function that takes in an object and a search string and filters the object keys that start with the search string and returns the objectHere is the code for doing so −Exampleconst obj = {    "PHY": "Physics",    "MAT": "Mathematics",    "BIO": "Biology",    "COM": "Computer Science",    "SST": "Social Studies",    "SAN": "Sanskrit",    "ENG": "English",    "HIN": "Hindi",    "ESP": "Spanish",    "BST": "Business Studies",    "ECO": "Economics",    "CHE": "Chemistry",    "HIS": "History" } const str = 'en'; const returnFilteredObject = (obj, str) => {    const filteredObj = {}; ... Read More

Display array items on a div element on click of button using vanilla JavaScript

Updated on 18-Aug-2020 07:19:57

4K+ Views

To embed the elements of an array inside a div, we just need to iterate over the array and keep appending the element to the divThis can be done like this −Exampleconst myArray = ["stone", "paper", "scissors"]; const embedElements = () => {    myArray.forEach(element => {       document.getElementById('result').innerHTML +=       `${element}`;       // here result is the id of the div present in the DOM    }); };This code makes the assumption that the div in which we want to display the elements of array has an id ‘result’.The complete code for this ... Read More

Combine objects and delete a property with JavaScript

Updated on 18-Aug-2020 07:17:45


We have the following array of objects that contains two objects and we are required to combine both objects into one and get rid of the chk property altogether −const err = [    {       "chk" : true,       "name": "test"    },    {       "chk" :true,       "post": "test"    } ];Step 1 − Combining objects to form a single objectconst errObj = Object.assign(...err);Step 2 − Removing the chk propertydelete errObj['chk']; console.log(errObj);Let us now see the entire code with output −Exampleconst err = [    {       ... Read More

Clearing localStorage in JavaScript?

Updated on 18-Aug-2020 07:16:30


There exists two ways actually to clear the localStorage via JavaScript.Way1 − Using the clear() methodlocalStorage.clear();Way2 − Iterating over localStorage and deleting all keyfor(key in localStorage){ delete localStorage[key]; }Both ways will work.Example if (typeof(Storage) !== "undefined") {    localStorage.setItem("product", "Tutorix");    // cleared before displaying    localStorage.clear();    document.getElementById("storage").innerHTML = localStorage.getItem("product"); } else {    document.getElementById("storage").innerHTML = "Sorry, no Web Storage    compatibility..."; }
