Found 9321 Articles for Object Oriented Programming

How to Handle Static Web Tables using Selenium WebDriver using Java?

Updated on 25-Jul-2023 16:43:27

2K+ Views

To handle static web tables with Selenium WebDriver in Java, a series of procedures must be followed to extract relevant data and operate on the table components. The initial step involves locating the table present on the webpage using suitable identifiers. Once located, individual rows and columns are accessed via HTML tags such as and . The data from web tables can be extracted and stored for further processing by iteratively scanning each row and column. Additionally, actions such as clicking on specific cells or verifying the presence of certain data in the table can also be ... Read More

How to Handle Multiple Windows in Selenium using Java?

Updated on 25-Jul-2023 16:40:30

2K+ Views

When working with Selenium and Java, it is crucial to know how to handle multiple windows effectively. Managing multiple windows in Selenium involves navigating between different browser windows or pop-ups during test automation. It allows for interaction with various elements and validating functionality across different windows. Proper handling of multiple windows ensures comprehensive testing coverage and accurate results. By leveraging Selenium's WebDriver interface and Java, you can retrieve window handles, switch between windows, perform operations on specific windows, and automate complex scenarios that involve multiple browser windows. Mastering this skill enhances the efficiency and reliability of your Selenium ... Read More

How to Handle java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError in Java?

Updated on 25-Jul-2023 16:36:46

1K+ Views

The Java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError exception occurs when an attempt to access or load a native method or library fails at runtime due to mismatch between its architecture, operating system or library path configuration and that referenced. It typically indicates there has been an incompatibility with either architecture, OS configuration or path configuration that prevents success - typically the native library being referenced is mismatched from what's installed on a system and its referenced library being unavailable during runtime. To overcome this error, it's crucial that the native library be compatible with both your system and accessible through its library path settings. ... Read More

How to Handle Dynamic Web Tables using Selenium WebDriver in Java?

Updated on 25-Jul-2023 18:22:01


Handling dynamic web tables is often one of the biggest obstacles when it comes to web automation testing, making use of Selenium WebDriver an efficient means for automating browsers. Although its powerful feature set enables interaction with website elements, dealing with dynamic tables requires additional techniques aimed at effectively extracting and locating data efficiently; in such instances Java provides various approaches that help handle dynamic tables seamlessly. With Selenium WebDriver in Java's adaptability and capabilities, testers are able to utilize dynamic web tables effectively and accurately by automating interactions between cells or rows efficiently and precisely. In this tutorial ... Read More

How to Get Unique Values from ArrayList using Java 8?

Updated on 25-Jul-2023 16:14:35

13K+ Views

By taking advantage of Java 8 functional programming features like the Stream API and streams and lambda expressions, extracting unique values from an ArrayList becomes simpler and quicker. Leveraging these capabilities you can extract distinct elements without tedious iterations or manual checks; lambda expressions allow concise yet readable code which makes this task even simpler. Whether dealing with large datasets or simply eliminating duplicates Java 8 offers powerful yet elegant solutions for retrieving unique values from an ArrayList. ArrayList Java's ArrayList class implements the List interface, providing dynamic array-like functionality for storage and manipulation of collections of elements within ... Read More

How to Get TreeMap Key or Value using Index in Java?

Updated on 25-Jul-2023 16:12:26

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Java's TreeMap class implements the SortedMap interface and offers an ordered key-value mapping system. Although TreeMap relies mainly on keys for retrieval, in certain circumstances index accessing may become necessary - however there are no direct methods in TreeMap that let developers directly retrieve elements based on index position like List or Array do. One solution would be converting your TreeMap keys or values into List or ArrayList before accessing their respective indexs using either method - thus giving developers all of the benefits associated with TreeMap while still having index access when necessary. Index in Java An ... Read More

How to get the value of System Property and Environment Variable in Java?

Updated on 25-Jul-2023 14:38:48


Acquiring values of system properties and environment variables plays a pivotal role in accessing critical configuration information within applications written using Java. System properties encompass various elements of a system, such as its Java installation directory or version number or user preferences. Environment variables, on the other hand, are dynamic values set either by an operating system or user that impact application performance. By accessing these properties and variables, you gain invaluable insights into the system configuration that enable you to adapt your code accordingly for greater compatibility, customization and seamless integration into its surrounding environment. Environment ... Read More

How to Get the Last Element from LinkedHashSet in Java?

Updated on 25-Jul-2023 16:31:13


Retrieving the last element from a LinkedHashSet in Java means retrieving its final element present in its collection. Although Java does not come equipped with built-in methods to help retrieve this last item from its LinkedHashSets, multiple effective techniques exist that provide flexibility and convenience, efficiently retrieving this final element without disrupting insertion order - something Java developers must contend with effectively within their apps. By employing such strategies effectively into their software projects they can achieve optimal solutions to meet this requirement efficiently. LinkedHashSet LinkedHashSet is an efficient data structure in Java that combines features from HashSet ... Read More

How to Get the Id of a Current Running Thread in Java?

Updated on 25-Jul-2023 14:27:09


In Java, concurrent programming often involves managing multiple threads and distinguishing them from one another. One crucial aspect of thread management is obtaining the unique identifier of the currently running thread. Knowing how to get the ID of a current running thread is essential for tasks like tracking thread behavior, synchronization, and debugging. This tutorial explores various Java methods to do just this. Thread Java's threads are lightweight units of execution within programs, providing parallel execution of tasks and providing one sequential flow of control within them allowing programs to carry out multiple operations concurrently. Each thread runs independently ... Read More

Message Passing in Java

Diksha Patro
Updated on 25-Jul-2023 14:51:34

1K+ Views

Introduction Message passing, a method of transferring communications among items or threads, is an essential idea in distributed systems and parallel programming. The transmission of messages in Java may be accomplished with an assortment of methods and structures, based on the implementation's particular needs Using the power source java.util.concurrent the container, which offers an array of interfaces and class libraries for establishing and handling threads that are active locks, and synchronization mechanisms, is a single method for implementing passing messages in Java, for instance. An Executor interface, for instance, is able to be utilized without delay to carry out duties, ... Read More
