Found 9320 Articles for Object Oriented Programming

Constructor overloading with static block in Java

Updated on 01-Aug-2023 13:26:34


The act of instantiating an object calls forth its corresponding constructor underpinning much of the functionality present in object-oriented programming. Notably, a default constructor invariably exists within any given program employing objects - created seamlessly by the compiler for effortless utilization. In this discourse, we shall delve into constructor overloading with a static block in Java. Constructor overloading is a concept of defining multiple constructors with different parameters in a class. Syntax Public class class_name { Class_name() { } Class_name(par1, par2..) { } } Using a constructor ... Read More

Private vs Protected vs Final Access Modifier in Java

Updated on 01-Aug-2023 13:24:11


Whenever we declare a class we need to provide its access level so that JVM can know whether inheritance or instantiation can happen in the program and what is the scope of the class. For this we use access modifiers and these can be used with class, methods and variables etc.. Private access modifier restricts the method or variable access to the class only; that means the method or variable can be accessed within the same class only. Protected access modifier allows access to the class and any subclass of that class, including classes in other packages. Final access ... Read More

Object Pool Design Pattern

Updated on 01-Aug-2023 12:23:37


A software design pattern that is frequently used in Java programming to maximize the utilization of objects is called the Object Pool Design Pattern. The pattern controls how items are created and destroyed in a pool. The management of object production and destruction is done using the Object Pool Design Pattern. The concept behind the pattern is to accumulate reusable objects rather than making new ones each time one is required. For circumstances when the cost of producing new objects is significant, such as in network connections, database connections, or costly objects, Java programmers frequently employ the Object Pool Design ... Read More

Need of Filters in Java Servlet

Updated on 01-Aug-2023 12:19:30


In order to ensure that requests are properly handled, developers often use filters to prepare, and post-process them. These objects can perform all sorts of useful operations such as input validation, conversion, logging, compression, encryption, and decryption. What's particularly great about servlet filters is how easy they are to manipulate: as pluggable entities defined by the web.xml file, removing or adjusting filters is as simple as deleting an entry from the code base. This streamlined process means lower costs for maintenance. Usage of Filter The validation of data becomes critical when it holds inherent importance in business operations. It ... Read More

Migration to Open JDK from Oracle JDK

Updated on 01-Aug-2023 12:14:27


Let's start by talking about the need for migration. Accordingly, from January 2019, enterprises will have to buy commercial licenses (i.e, from Oracle) to obtain software upgrades, as oracle declared in the year 2018. maintain oracle java, update to the most recent patch level, and pay the membership fees. You may get a sense of the price by knowing that each server core needs to be licensed, and each core costs US $25 per month. Additionally, even if there is only one Java Server in the cluster, the license price would apply to all "cores" of the server if it ... Read More

Meta characters in Java Regex

Updated on 01-Aug-2023 12:13:16


Regex stands for Regular Expression. A pattern may be defined using regex as an API to search or modify the Text. It is frequently employed to specify string constraints, including passwords, and email validation. Once you understand this term, you might use regex to evaluate your regular expressions. Java Regex provides three classes and one interface in java.util.regex package namely, MatchResult Interface, Matcher class, Pattern class, PatternSyntaxException class. The Java regex feature is offered via the matcher and pattern classes. Meta Characters in Java Regex Meta Characters in Java Regex works as a short code for common matching patterns. ... Read More

Messages, Aggregation and Abstract Classes in Java

Updated on 01-Aug-2023 12:08:48


In contemporary computer programming practices. It is typical for programming languages to incorporate Object Oriented Programming System (OOPS) as their fundamental basis. This paradigm blends methods with data resulting in beneficial outcomes for developers. Embracing OOPS enables programmers to create an accurate class and object model that works seamlessly by replicating real life scenarios effectively. Learn about messages, aggregation, and abstract classes in the OOPS paradigm in this article. What are Messages? In terms of computers, message passing refers to communication between processes. The transfer of data is an efficient means of communication in both parallel and object-oriented programming practices. ... Read More

Message Dialogs in Java (GUI)

Updated on 01-Aug-2023 12:06:24


Message dialogs contain information to the user. Message dialogs are developed with the JOptionPane.showMessageDialog() method. To establish a message dialogue in an application. Utilize the showMessageDialog() function belonging to the JOptionPane Class. This method requires information such as a parent component reference, desired message content and title for your dialog box. Furthermore you can choose one of four constants (ERROR_MESSAGE WARNING MESSAGE etc.) for your specified type of message. Methods Used setLayout(…) − method enables us to set the layout of the container, often a JPanel, to any layout we wish to add to it, such as Flow Layout, ... Read More

Learn Java on Your Own in 20 Days- Free

Updated on 01-Aug-2023 12:04:55


When it comes to software development. Few tools are as dynamic and powerful as Java -- ideal for both small and industrial scale projects alike. Its versatility enables developers to create an extensive range of applications and systems with ease: from simple mobile apps all the way up to intricate company wide software solutions. However, If taking formal training courses isn't feasible or desirable for you right now but learning Java is still something that interests you greatly -- don't worry! There are numerous free resources accessible online that allow self learners like yourself to become proficient in no more ... Read More

Checking Last Modification of a File on the Server in Java

Updated on 01-Aug-2023 12:04:20


Last Modification of a File Many computer programs rely on the critical aspect of accessing and modifying files on a server in today's digital age. Yet, in order to guarantee the utilization of the latest information, it is frequently imperative to determine the last modification time of a file. Several strategies exist in Java for confirming the last modification of a file on a server, all of which have their benefits and drawbacks. Method 1: (Using file.lastModified) Accessing various file properties in Java can be done using the File class, including checking the last modification of a server ... Read More
