Found 254 Articles for Node.js

How to Debug a Node.js app in a Docker Container?

Hemant Sharma
Updated on 05-Jan-2023 15:40:21


Introduction Bugs are bugging mankind since ancient times. At that time they produced different diseases but today’s bugs are logical errors in the program. Sometimes these are also a nightmare for developers. Here in this article, we will learn to create a Node.js app on a Docker container and also how to attach a debugger to the node application. What is debugging? Debugging is nothing but resolving the issues or errors in the code of the Node.js application. This application might be going through a rough time implementing all the tasks given to it. Debugging helps in smoothing all ... Read More

Explain Passport in Node.js?

Rushi Javiya
Updated on 29-Dec-2022 15:11:01

2K+ Views

The Passport is a node package, or library which we can install in any nodeJs project. The Passport provides the functionality for authentication in the app. Also, it provides different encryption strategies to encrypt user information, such as a password. For example, what if Facebook or Google employees could see the password of their users? It is against user privacy. So, in such cases, we can use the Passport, which encrypts the password and stores it in the database. We should know the decryption algorithm and secret key to decrypt the password. Also, the Passport allows us to establish the ... Read More

Generating Random Short Id in Node.js

Mayank Agarwal
Updated on 06-Apr-2022 08:07:04


The 'shortId' package from NPM can be used to create short non-sequential URL-friendly unique ID's. By default, it returns a 7-14 URL-friendly characters from the following categories: "A-Z, a-z, 0-9, _, -". This package also supports clusters (automatically), custom seeds, and custom alphabets. It can generate any number of ID's without duplication.SyntaxSetting up the NPM project:npm init -yInstalling the 'shortId' dependency:npm install express shortidImporting shortId:const short = require('shortid');Example 1Create a file with the name "shortId.js" and copy the following code snippet. After creating the file, use the command "node shortId.js" to run this code as shown in the example below ... Read More

Node.js - process.disconnect() Method

Mayank Agarwal
Updated on 17-Jan-2022 13:13:53


When a Node.js process is spawned with an IPC channel, the process.disconnect() method will close that IPC channel to the parent process, allowing the child process to exit or finish gracefully. The process will exit once there are no other connections keeping it alive.Syntaxprocess.disconnect()Example 1Create two files with the names "parent.js" and "child.js" and copy the following code snippets. After creating the file, use the command "node parent.js" to run parent.js.parent.js// Property Demo Example // Importing the child_process modules const fork = require('child_process').fork; // Attaching the child process file const child_file = 'child.js'; // Spawning/calling child ... Read More

Node.js - dnsPromises.resolve6() Method

Mayank Agarwal
Updated on 17-Jan-2022 13:06:06


The dnsPromises.resolve6() method uses the DNS protocol to resolve the IPv6 addresses (AAAA records) for the hostname. The promise is resolved with an array of IPv6 addresses.Syntaxdns.resolve6(hostname, [options])Parametershostname – This parameter takes input for hostname to be resolved.options – It can have the following options −ttl – It defines the Time-To-Live (TTL) for each record.Example 1Create a file with the name "resolve6.js" and copy the following code snippet. After creating the file, use the command "node resolve6.js" to run this code as shown in the example below −// dns.resolve6() Demo Example // Importing the dns module const dns = ... Read More

Node.js - dns.resolveMx() Method

Mayank Agarwal
Updated on 17-Jan-2022 12:57:58


The dns.resolveMx() method uses the DNS protocol to resolve mail exchange (MX) records for the hostname. The addresses argument passed to the callback function will contain an array of objects containing both the priority and exchange objects.Syntaxdns.resolveMx(hostname, callback)Parametershostname – This parameter takes input for hostname to be resolved.callback – This function will catch errors, if any.records – Returns Mx records for the hostname.Example 1Create a file with the name "resolveMx.js" and copy the following code snippet. After creating the file, use the command "node resolveMx.js" to run this code as shown in the example below −// dns.resolveMx() Demo Example ... Read More

Node.js - Property

Mayank Agarwal
Updated on 17-Jan-2022 12:51:58


The property is used to get or set the directory where the report is written. The default value is the empty string that indicates the reports are written to the current working directory of the Node.js 1Create a file with the name "directory.js" and copy the following code snippet. After creating the file, use the command "node directory.js" to run this code as shown in the example below −// Property Demo Example // Importing the process module const process = require('process'); // Assigning a directory to store = "/tutorialsPoint" // Printing the result ... Read More

Node.js - dnsPromises.resolveMx() Method

Mayank Agarwal
Updated on 17-Jan-2022 12:43:28


The dnsPromises.resolveMx() method uses the DNS protocol to resolve the mail exchange records (MX Records) for the hostname. The promise is resolved with an array of objects containing both a priority and exchange property on success.SyntaxdnsPromises.resolveMx( hostname )where, hostname is the parameter that takes the input for the hostname to be resolved.Example 1Create a file with the name "resolveMx.js" and copy the following code snippet. After creating the file, use the command "node resolveMx.js" to run this code as shown in the example below −// dns.resolveMx() Demo Example // Importing the dns module const dns = require('dns'); const ... Read More

Node.js - dns.resolveCname() Method

Mayank Agarwal
Updated on 17-Jan-2022 12:39:19


The dns.resolveCname() method uses the DNS protocol to resolve CNAME records for the hostname. The addresses argument passed to the callback function will contain an array of canonical records in an array.Syntaxdns.resolveCname(hostname, callback)Parametershostname – This parameter takes the input for the hostname to be resolved.callback – This function will catch errors, if any.addresses – Returns CNAME addresses for the hostname.Example 1Create a file with the name "resolveCname.js" and copy the following code snippet. After creating the file, use the command "node resolveCname.js" to run this code as shown in the example below −// dns.resolveCname() Demo Example // Importing the ... Read More

Node.js - diffieHellman.setPublicKey() Method

Mayank Agarwal
Updated on 17-Jan-2022 12:28:19


The diffieHellman.setPublicKey() sets the Diffie-Hellman generated public key. The private key is a string if the encoding argument is provided. If no encoding is provided, the privateKey will be of type buffer, TypedArray or DataView.SyntaxdiffieHellman.setPublicKey( publicKey, [encoding] )where, encoding is the parameter that specifies the encoding of the public Key.Example 1Create a file with the name "publicKey.js" and copy the following code snippet. After creating the file, use the command "node publicKey.js" to run this code as shown in the example below −// diffieHellman.setPublicKey() Demo Example // Importing the crypto module const crypto = require('crypto') // Generating the ... Read More
