Found 254 Articles for Node.js

How to Configure Nginx as Reverse Proxy for WebSocket

Sharon Christine
Updated on 02-Nov-2023 00:49:03

37K+ Views

The WebSocket is a protocol which provides a way of creating web applications that supports real-time bi-directional communication between both clients and servers. WebSocket makes it much easier to develop these types of applications. Most modern browsers support WebSocket including Firefox, Internet Explorer, Chrome, Safari, and Opera, and more and more server application frameworks are now supporting WebSocket as well.For a production environment, where multiple WebSocket servers are needed for getting a good performance and high availability of the website or application, a load balancing layer which understands the WebSocket protocol is required, NGINX supports the use of WebSocket from ... Read More

How to Install Etherpad Lite on Ubuntu

Sharon Christine
Updated on 20-Jan-2020 12:57:41


Are you really hunting for web-based notepad to collaborate with your team?. Etherpad is a web-based open-supply file editor which makes it possible for you to collaborate on a file in actual-time. Using Etherpad, a bunch of users can edit a textual content record. This article explains about -“How to install Etherpad Lite on Ubuntu”.To install Etherpad Lite on Ubuntu, it should require Node.js and NPM, To install Node.js and NPM read this article –Install Node.js on LinuxTo install supported Python libraries for Etherpad, use the following command –$ sudo apt-get install gzip curl python libssl-dev pkg-config build-essential gitThe sample ... Read More

Difference between NodeJS and AngularJS

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 28-Jul-2022 11:40:33


The demand for different programming languages is constantly shifting due to the creation of new mobile and online applications. Additionally, emerging programming languages provide useful capabilities for the construction of powerful websites. A study done by developers at 2020 shows that JavaScript is widely considered to be one of the most popular technologies.Both NodeJS and AngularJS are open-source technologies that are based on JavaScript and are in wide use. AngularJS is a framework written in JavaScript, while NodeJS is a runtime environment that works across several platforms.Angular is a client-side JavaScript framework that allows developers to construct dynamic web applications ... Read More

Integrate node.js with SAP HANA system

Srinivas Gorla
Updated on 12-Mar-2020 12:31:12


You can insert data into HANA database using node.js. You can also connect to SAP HANA database via JDBC driver.To connect via JDBC, you need to install JDBC driver ngdbc.jar. This driver is installed as part of SAP HANA client installation. Ngdbc.jar file is available at this location −C:\Program Files\sap\hdbclient\ on Windows platforms /usr/sap/hdbclient/ on Linux and UNIX platformsNext is to add ngdb.jar to the classpath and write a Java program to connect to a database and execute SQL command.jdbc:sap://myServer:30015/?autocommit=falseYou can also add one or more failover servers by adding additional hosts.ExampleFollowing is an example of connecting SAP HANA Server ... Read More
