Found 254 Articles for Node.js

Difference between NodeJS and ReactJS

Mayank Agarwal
Updated on 29-Apr-2021 09:19:07


ReactJS and NodeJS both are a widely used subsets of JavaScript nowadays with high performance. But both are different in someways. In the below article, we will discuss the difference between the two and which is better to use to build a web application and why ?NodeJSIt is a completely open-source and cross-platform runtime environment used for executing JavaScript code outside of a browser.The event driven model of NodeJs lets the user to create a fast and scalable network applications. First thing to remember about NodeJS is that its neither a framework and nor a programming language. NodeJS is a ... Read More

NodeJS - Exception Handling in Synchronous Code

Mayank Agarwal
Updated on 28-Apr-2021 06:24:19


An exception is a type of an event that occurs while executing or running a program that stops the normal flow of the program and returns to the system. When an exception occurs the method creates an object and gives it to the runtime system. This creating an exception and giving it to the runtime system is known as throwing an Exception.We need to handle these Exceptions to handle any use case and prevent the system from crashing or performing an unprecedented set of instructions. If we donot handle or throw exceptions, the program may perform strangely.Exception handling in Synchronous ... Read More

NodeJS - Exception Handling in eventful Code

Mayank Agarwal
Updated on 28-Apr-2021 06:22:07


An exception is a type of an event, that occurs while executing or running a program that stops the normal flow of the program and returns to the system. When an exception occurs the method creates an object and gives it to the runtime system. This creating an exception and giving it to the runtime system is known as throwing an Exception.We need to handle these Exceptions to handle any use case and prevent the system from crashing or performing an unprecedented set of instructions. If we donot handle or throw exceptions, the program may perform strangely.Exception handling in Synchronous ... Read More

NodeJS - Exception Handling in Asynchronous Code

Mayank Agarwal
Updated on 28-Apr-2021 06:19:38


An exception is a type of an event that occurs while executing or running a program that stops the normal flow of the program and returns to the system. When an exception occurs the method creates an object and gives it to the runtime system. This creating an exception and giving it to the runtime system is known as throwing an Exception.We need to handle these Exceptions to handle any use case and prevent the system from crashing or performing an unprecedented set of instructions. If we donot handle or throw exceptions, the program may perform strangely.Exception handling in Asynchronous ... Read More

How to overlay text on an image using JIMP in NodeJS?

Mayank Agarwal
Updated on 28-Apr-2021 06:17:29

4K+ Views

Like Image, we can also overlay text on an image using JIMP. This can be used to display brands or copyright information on images. The print() method is used to write text on images. Though Jimp can only support the Bitmap font format (.fnt), but other fonts can be converted into this format to be compatible and used with JIMP.Syntaximage.print(font, x, y, message);Definition of print() paramtersfont – This describes the font passed by the user for writing the text on image.x, y – The coordinates where the file will be placed.message – This is the user defined message which is passed in ... Read More

How to apply a Sepia tone to an image in Node Jimp?

Mayank Agarwal
Updated on 27-Apr-2021 13:54:46


NodeJS – Sepia() is an inbuilt function that is used to apply a sepia or wash tone to the image.Syntaxsepia(cb)sepia() paramterscb – This is an optional parameter that can be invoked after the compilation is complete.Input ImageUsing Node JIMP – SEPIA()Before proceeding to use sepia() functions, please check that the following statements are already executed for setting up the environment.npm init -y // Initialising the Node environmentnpm install jimp --save // Installing the jimp dependencyCreate a sepia.js file and copy-paste the following code snippet in it.Use node sepia.js to run the code.Note: – The method name should match with the JS ... Read More

How to rotate an image in Node Jimp?

Mayank Agarwal
Updated on 27-Apr-2021 13:52:29

1K+ Views

NodeJS – Rotate() is an inbuilt function that is used to rotate the images. The image is rotated clockwise where the dimensions of the image remains same and no changes are made on them.Syntaxrotate ( r, mode, cb )Definition of rotate() paramtersr – Used to store the rotation angle at which the image will be rotated.mode – Used to store the scaling method of the image. This is an optional parameter.cb – This is an optional parameter that can be invoked after the compilation is complete.Input ImageUsing Node JIMP – ROTATE()Before proceeding to use rotate() functions, please check that the ... Read More

How to resize an image in Node Jimp?

Mayank Agarwal
Updated on 27-Apr-2021 13:48:56

7K+ Views

NodeJS – Resize() is an inbuilt function that is used to resize the images to the desired size. We can use resize to set the height and width using a 2-pass bilinear algorithm. It can resize an image into any size as declared by the user. We can take input from the user or resize it into fixed Width*Height size.Syntaxresize(w, h, mode, cb)Definition of resize() paramtersw – This parameter is used to declare the width of the image. This is a required parameter.h – This parameter is used to declare the height of the resized image. This parameter is also required.mode – This ... Read More

How to apply Posterize to an image in Node Jimp?

Mayank Agarwal
Updated on 27-Apr-2021 13:45:24


NodeJS – Posterize() is an inbuilt function that is used to apply posterize to images upto the level 'n'. The n will be the input parameter.Syntaxposterize(n, cb)Definition of posterize() paramtersn – It will take input to adjust the posterize level. Minimum value possible is 2.cb – This is an optional parameter that can be invoked after the compilation is complete.Input ImageUsing Node JIMP – POSTERIZE()Before proceeding to use posterize() functions, please check that the following statements are already executed for setting up the environment.npm init -y // Initialising the Node environmentnpm install jimp --save // Installing the jimp dependencyCreate a ... Read More

How to change the opacity of an image in Node Jimp?

Mayank Agarwal
Updated on 27-Apr-2021 13:40:52


NodeJS – Opacity() is an inbuilt function that is used to change the opacity of the images. This function multiplies the opacity of each pixel by a factor between 0 and 1 to produce the output image.Syntaxopacity(f, cb)Definition of opacity() paramtersf – It takes a value between 0 to 1 as an input which will the paramtere to make the image opaque. Input 1 will make the image completely transparent.cb – This is also an optional parameter that can be invoked after the compilation is complete.Input ImageUsing Node JIMP – OPACITY()Before proceeding to use opacity() functions, please check that the following statements ... Read More
