Found 4219 Articles for MySQLi

Upgrading MySQL Binary or Package-based Installations on Unix/Linux

Updated on 09-Mar-2021 07:24:51


Let us understand how MySQL binary and package-based installations can be upgraded in Unix or Linux. This can be done in-place as well as by using a logical upgrade method. Let us understand both these methods in brief −In place upgradeAn in−place upgrade involves shutting down the old MySQL server, replacing the old MySQL binaries or the packages with the new ones.Once this is done, the MySQL server is restarted on the existing data directory.After this, the remaining parts of the existing installation, that require some kind of upgrade, are upgraded.For some Linux platforms, MySQL installation from RPM or Debian ... Read More

Upgrading MySQL on Windows

Updated on 08-Mar-2021 12:07:36

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MySQL can be upgraded on Windows using two methods. They have been listed below −Using MySQL installerUsing Windows ZIP archive distributionUpgrading MySQL with InstallerMySQL installer doesn’t support upgrades between the community and commercial releases. If such an upgrade is required, it can be done using the ZIP archive method.Let us understand how MySQL can be upgraded with MySQL installer. This is considered the best approach when the current server installation is performed along with it and the upgrade happens within the current release series.MySQL installer doesn’t support upgrades between release series, such as from 5.7 to 8.0 and so on. ... Read More

Upgrading a Docker Installation of MySQL

Updated on 08-Mar-2021 12:07:08

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Before upgrading the docker installation of MySQL, ensure that the below mentioned steps have been followed −Download a MySQL server docker image.Start a MySQL server instance.Connect to MySQL server instance from within the container.Following are the steps to upgrade a Docker installation of MySQL 5.7 to 8.0 −Stop the MySQL 5.6 server using the below command. Here mysql56 is the name of the container.docker stop mysql56Download the MySQL 5.7 Server Docker image.Start a new MySQL 5.7 Docker container with the help of the old server data and configuration.Perform modifications if required.If MySQL community server is present, run the below command ... Read More

Upgrading MySQL with Directly-Downloaded RPM Packages

Updated on 08-Mar-2021 12:04:43


MySQL can be upgraded on RPM based platforms using MySQL Yum repository or MySQL SLES repository.Upgrade with RPM PackagesIf MySQL needs to be upgraded using the RPM packages that is downloaded directly from the MySQL Developer Zone, go to folder that contains all the downloaded packages (ensures that no other RPM package has a similar name), and use the following command −yum install mysql−community−{server, client, common, libs}−*The yum is replaced with zypper for SLES systems, and with dnf for dnf-enabled systems.It is much preferable to use high-level package management tool such as yum to install the packages, but users who ... Read More

Copying MySQL Databases to another Machine

Updated on 08-Mar-2021 12:04:24

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When databases need to be transferred between different architectures, the ‘mysqldump’ can be used to create a file. This file would contain SQL statements. The file transfers can be done from one machine to another, and this file can be used as an input to the ‘mysql’ client.Move Database between two machinesOne way to move database between two machines is to execute the commands on the machine on which database is present −mysqladmin −h 'other_hostname' create db_name mysqldump db_name | mysql −h 'other_hostname' db_nameCopy a database from a remote machine over a slow networkIf database needs to be copied from ... Read More

MySQL Environment Variables

Updated on 08-Mar-2021 12:03:49

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Let us understand the environment variables that are directly or indirectly used by MySQL. We will name the environment variable and give a description about it in the below section −AUTHENTICATION_LDAP_CLIENT_LOG − It is the client-side LDAP authentication logging level.AUTHENTICATION_PAM_LOG − It is the PAM authentication plugin debug logging settings.CC − It is the name of your C compiler (to run CMake).CXX − It is the name of your C++ compiler (to run CMake).CC − It is the name of your C compiler (to run CMake).DBI_USER − It is the default user name for Perl DBI.DBI_TRACE − It is the ... Read More

Generating MySQL Doxygen Documentation Content

Updated on 08-Mar-2021 12:01:08


The source code of MySQL contains a lot of internal documentation, which is written using Doxygen. This Doxygen content is available ata This Doxygen content can be generated locally from a MySQl source distribution. This can be done by following the below mentioned steps −Install DoxygenThe first step is to install Doxygen 1.8.11 or a higher version of it. The distributions are available at it has been installed, the version number has to be verified. This can be done using the below command −shell > doxygen −−version 1.8.13Install PlantUMLNext step is to install PlantUML. When this is installed on ... Read More

Downgrading Binary and Package-based Installations on Unix/Linux

Updated on 08-Mar-2021 11:59:48


Let us understand how to downgrade binary and package-based installation on Unix or Linux. Downgrading binary and package based installations on Unix or Linux can be done in a variety of ways. They have discussed below.In-Place DowngradeIn-place downgrade involves shutting down the new MySQL version.Once this is done, the new MySQL binaries or packages are replaced with the old binaries or packages.Once this is done, the old MySQL version is restarted on the existing data directory.MySQL has to be configured to perform a slow shutdown by setting innodb_fast_shutdown to 0.The below command would do the same −mysql -u root -p ... Read More

Steps to upgrade a MySQL installation

Updated on 08-Mar-2021 11:58:45


Below are the steps mentioned to upgrade a MySQL installation −Upgrade the pathsPrepare the installation for an upgradeUpgrade the MySQL binary or package-based installation on Unix or LinuxMySQL can also be upgraded using MySQL yum repository or APT repository or SLES repository or on Windows.The next step is to upgrade the docker installation of MySQLUpgrade the troubleshootingThe tables or indexes have to be rebuilt or repaired.The MySQL databases have to be copied to the other machine.MySQL binary and package-based installations can be done on Unix or linux in many different ways. They have been mentioned below.In−place upgradeLogical upgradeMySQL cluster upgradeLet ... Read More

Postinstallation Setup and Testing for MySQL

Updated on 08-Mar-2021 11:58:15


Let us see the post-installation set up and testing that needs to be done once MySQL has been successfully installed −Once MySQL has been installed, the below mentioned steps have to be performed.Data DirectoryIf required, the data directory has to be initialized and the MySQL grant tables have to be created. For certain MySQL installation methods, the data directory initialization is done automatically.MySQL InstallerThe Windows installation operations are performed by the MySQL installer. It can be installed on Linux using a server RPM or Debian distribution which is from Oracle. The installation can be done using the native packaging system ... Read More
