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Condition Variables within Sub-Query in SAP

Sai Subramanyam
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:20


One line answer - Sub-Queries are not allowed. But if you need to handle your scenario, then you can do the following: Encapsulate your entire query into a stored procedure and then use the stored procedure. Create a view. The view is created to handle either your main query or sub-query. Create a table level variable and store the end results of view in it and then go ahead and fetch the value of table variable in the main query.

In SAP database, Importing table columns with /’s in the name

Johar Ali
Updated on 28-Jan-2020 05:49:51


I would suggest you to use BCP utility to perform an import/export of data to a text file in SQL Server. When you run below command, it loads data to a text file.BCP Db.TN out "Location of the text file " -c -S ServerName –TNow if you want to load data to SQL Server from a flat file, you can use this:BCP Db.TN in "Location of the text file " -c -S ServerName –TYou can also try editing Mappings while loading data from a flat file.

Can’t create a Dictionary Object: View by adding two db tables

Amit Sharma
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:20


When you create a view, it is created on top of multiple database tables using an inner join. Note that basis table of database views should be transparent tables.To create a view on 2 tables, you have to enter the primary table you want to maintain and place the cursor in that field and click on the button below the list of tables and select the other table to add the view. If you are not getting this option, it means Relationship is wrong.To know more about database Views: More

Running a SQL query from specific month in SAP DB

Johar Ali
Updated on 28-Jan-2020 05:13:37


When your is char filed, you should replace Order By as below −order by case when cast(left (T0.Name,2) as int)>=8    then cast(left (T0.Name,2) as int)-8    else cast(left (T0.Name,2) as int)+4  end

Importing data from Pgsql to SAP HANA database

Ramu Prasad
Updated on 28-Jan-2020 05:24:36


Import and Export using a flat file is the easiest option. You can use CSV file if it is a onetime activity. However, If you think it is a repetitive activity then I would suggest you use HANA ETL options like HANA SLT replication, Smart Data access, etc.SAP HANA Replication allows migration of data from source systems to SAP HANA database. Simple way to move data from existing SAP system to HANA is by using various data replication techniques.System replication can be set up on the console via command line or by using HANA studio. The primary ECC or transaction ... Read More

Date value is not populating while using Native SQL in SAP to insert an Order

Updated on 05-Dec-2019 09:34:22


I think you need to put a colon (before variable as below:EXEC SQL.    INSERT INTO order VALUES('2', :sy-datum) ENDEXEC.I would also suggest you to use OpenSQL instead of Native SQL here. Native SQL is used when you try to use any features that are database specific.The query you have used is very generic and not exclusive for backend database.

Adding a condition using SQL or an ABAP program and difference in performance

Rama Giri
Updated on 28-Jan-2020 05:36:38


As there are just 500, there would not be much difference among both options. You can use either of them.The ABAP code is as below −LOOP AT lt_table TRANSPORTING NO FIELDS WHERE exp > 5    ADD 1 TO lt_counter ENDLOOP

Changing Data Element of a column and showing description in Transaction SE16N

Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:20


You probably need to activate the change. Other option is by deleting the description and enter the wrong character in data element name.This will make the system show an error message since that element does not exist.Correct the DDIC element spelling. The system now considers this a big enough change to the pull in an correct description of the element.
