Found 4 Articles for Mobile Marketing

9 Mobile Marketing Trends You Can't Ignore in 2023-24

Shivam Jadoun
Updated on 10-May-2023 16:32:14


Mobile marketing has evolved significantly over the years. Companies must keep up with the changes in consumer habits and technology in order to remain relevant to their target audience. This article will discuss some of the most significant mobile marketing trends that will affect the industry in 2023. From m-commerce to social media posts, marketers can find ways to collect and use data to create effective mobile marketing strategies. Despite the challenges of the digital divide and rising ad costs, they can still have an effective strategy by utilizing data. Almost half of all web traffic is generated by ... Read More

How does WhatsApp/Mobile Marketing help in Getting Leads: A Guide

Prita Roy
Updated on 26-Apr-2023 15:06:21


Since WhatsApp and mobile users have reached billions, marketers have found a huge customer base to promote products and generate leads using this popular channel. The potential business is good if you know how to use the device application and upscale business. If you don’t know how to use these popular marketing channels, read the post and get the input. When you open your WhatsApp or check your mobile inbox, you can end up promotional ads pop up. Once you buy something from your nearby store, they ask for your contact number, and you share it. Now every festival season ... Read More

Difference between 32K and 64K SIM Cards

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 21-Apr-2023 11:11:12


SIM stands for Subscriber Identity Module. A SIM card is a tiny chip used in mobile devices to recognize a user’s identity uniquely to the mobile network. A SIM card helps a mobile device user to perform various functions, such as voice calling, video calling, messaging, accessing internet services, etc. SIM Card has a small memory to contain the details related to the user, such as contact numbers, text messages, and Meta data of the SIM card user. SIM cards require different voltage supplies like 1.8 V, 3 V, 5 V, etc. to work. In context of SIM cards, the term “K” defines the ... Read More

Why are online shopping sites becoming mobile shopping apps?

Dev Kumar
Updated on 19-May-2022 10:27:32


An online shopping site is a website which can be accessed through a computer which can be either a desktop or laptop. The website can also be accessed through a smartphone or tablet and both are mobile devices. In computers, because of higher data processing capacity and more functionality, all you need to do to access a shopping site is type the URL of the site in the browser and press 'enter'. However, on a mobile device like a smartphone or tablet, you may be able to open a shopping site but won't be able to make transactions, unless you ... Read More
