Found 2043 Articles for Microsoft Technologies

How To Delete All Charts In Excel Workbooks ?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 07-Jul-2023 17:17:00


In Excel, charts are a useful tool for visualising data and improving its understanding. To clean up your data or to start over with new visualisations, you may occasionally need to remove charts from your workbook. You will be guided step−by−step through the manual and automatic processes for removing all charts from Excel files in this tutorial. This tutorial will provide you the skills and expertise to effectively delete any charts from your workbook, regardless of how many you have dispersed throughout it. This will be done without affecting any other data or formatting. We will look at many strategies, ... Read More

How To Delete All Blank Lines Or Only The First Line In Cell In Excel ?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 07-Jul-2023 17:05:06


Microsoft Excel is a potent spreadsheet programme that enables you to efficiently organise and analyse data. You may encounter situations while working with huge datasets or text within cells where you need to eliminate blank lines or just the first line to improve the readability and presentation of your data. In this article, we'll look at two typical situations− removing all blank lines from a cell and removing just the first line. You will be given step−by−step guidance on how to carry out these activities utilising various Excel−compatible techniques. Regardless of your level of Excel proficiency, this video will enable ... Read More

How To Delete Active Workbook (Current File) In Excel ?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 07-Jul-2023 17:02:27


It's occasionally necessary to delete the file you're working on in Microsoft Excel because it has so many robust tools and capabilities for organising and modifying data. This article will walk you through the procedure step by step, whether you wish to start again or delete superfluous files. A few straightforward but essential actions are needed when deleting the active workbook in Excel to prevent unintentionally deleting valuable data. It's crucial to remember that this step permanently deletes the file, so it's advised to make a backup or make sure you don't need the workbook anymore before moving forward. We'll ... Read More

How To Define Range Based On Another Cell Value In Excel ?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 07-Jul-2023 16:57:50

1K+ Views

Excel is a robust spreadsheet programme that provides a number of tools and functions to make data analysis and manipulation easier. The chore of dynamically establishing a range based on the value of another cell is one that users frequently encounter. You may automatically modify your formulae and calculations as the value of the referenced cell changes thanks to this dynamic range definition. In this article, we'll look at a variety of approaches to defining dynamic range in Excel. In order to ensure that you have a thorough understanding of how to apply this concept in many settings, we will ... Read More

How To Define Named Range Across Worksheets In Excel ?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 07-Jul-2023 16:54:30

1K+ Views

With the help of the robust spreadsheet programme Excel, you can effectively handle and arrange massive volumes of data. Its ability to construct named ranges, which makes it simpler to refer to certain cells or ranges inside your spreadsheets, is one of its important advantages. You may make your spreadsheets more useful overall and make formulas easier to interpret by giving a region of cells a name. Although it's normal practise to define named ranges within a single worksheet, there may be times when you need to expand the named range across many worksheets. You will learn how to define ... Read More

How To Data Validation To Allow Date Greater Than Today Or A Specific Date in Excel ?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 07-Jul-2023 16:51:34

1K+ Views

Data management and analysis in Excel depend heavily on the validation of the data. It helps to preserve data accuracy, consistency, and reliability by making sure the data entered into cells complies with certain requirements or limitations. When working with dates, for example, data validation is frequently required. You may want to prevent users from inputting dates that are earlier than today or dates before a particular reference point in various circumstances. With the help of this article, you can configure Excel's data validation to accept dates that are older than the current date or a particular date. You may ... Read More

How To Create Value At Risk Template In Excel ?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 07-Jul-2023 16:40:24


Value at Risk, a popular risk management technique, determines the potential value loss of a financial portfolio over a given time horizon, assuming a particular degree of confidence. By calculating VaR, investors and financial institutions can determine the most money they could lose with a certain likelihood. We'll demonstrate how to develop an Excel VaR template in this article so you can evaluate and manage the risk associated with your investment portfolio. Along with the formulas and computations necessary to develop a powerful and useful VaR template, the key VaR concepts will be discussed. Whether you are a finance professional, ... Read More

How To Create/Make A Shared Workbook In Excel?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 07-Jul-2023 16:38:11


A useful feature that enables simultaneous collaboration between numerous users on an Excel file is sharing workbooks. A shared worksheet can increase productivity and simplify your work process whether you're working on a team project, performing data analysis, or simply exchanging information with coworkers. In this lesson, we'll walk you through each step of creating a shared Excel workbook. From activating sharing options to controlling user access and settling issues, we'll go through everything you need to know. You'll have a firm grasp on how to efficiently work on Excel files with your coworkers or team members by the end ... Read More

How to get the cell value based on row and column numbers in Excel?

Namita Aggarwal
Updated on 22-May-2023 15:39:58

9K+ Views

In the article user will understand the process of generating a cell value by utilizing the row and column numbers in excel. The main purpose of the article is to describe two simple ways to solve the provided task. In the first example, an already defined formula is used, that is by utilizing the INDIRECT value, user can generate the required result. On the other hand, the second example is generating the same cell value by using the VBA code. After writing the VBA code, the user needs to generate a function call from a provided method. Example 1: ... Read More

How to get the list of last or current opened Excel files?

Namita Aggarwal
Updated on 22-May-2023 16:01:56

1K+ Views

In this article, the user will learn the process of accessing a list of the last or recently opened Excel files. Before starting the article, it is important to understand the reason or purpose of using this task. Consider below provided the advantage that the user can get by using the provided task − Accessing the list of last or current opened Excel files will allow the user to access the data quickly, having access to a list of recently opened files can save time by allowing you to quickly open a file without having to navigate through ... Read More
