Found 2043 Articles for Microsoft Technologies

How to Increase or Decrease Cell Number/Value by Percentage in Excel?

Updated on 27-Jul-2023 11:42:20


Microsoft Excel is a robust tool for managing and analyzing data. Offering a wide range of functions and formulas to manipulate and customize spreadsheets. One common task involves increasing or decreasing a cell number or value by a specific percentage. Whether you need to apply a percentage increase for financial calculations, adjust quantities in a dataset or perform any other similar operation Excel provides several efficient methods to achieve this. In this article we will explore different techniques that will allow you to easily increase or decrease cell numbers or values by a percentage in Excel. By mastering these ... Read More

How To Import Text Files To Excel As Separate Sheets With Original Names In Excel?

Updated on 27-Jul-2023 11:41:29


Microsoft Excel is renowned for its ability to efficiently manage and analyze large amounts of data. When working with multiple text files that contain data you need to import into separate sheets with the original name in Excel, the process can seem daunting. Nonetheless. Excel presents a straightforward yet powerful solution for effortlessly achieving this task. Within this article. We shall walk you through precise techniques on how to import multiple text files into multiple sheets. This invaluable skill allows for efficient organization and analysis of your data. Mastery of these methods grants you the ability to seamlessly import ... Read More

How to Import Multiple Text Files to Multiple Sheets in Excel?

Updated on 27-Jul-2023 11:40:20


The efficiency of Microsoft Excel in managing and analyzing vast amounts of data is highly regarded. However the process of importing several text files into separate sheets within Excel may seem daunting at first glance. Fortunately there is a straightforward and powerful solution available within Excel itself that achieves this seamlessly. This article provides a step by step exploration of techniques for importing multiple text files into different sheets in order to enhance organizational structure and facilitate effective analysis of your data set. Once you have mastered these methods you will be better equipped to import data from multiple ... Read More

How to Import Multiple Text Files from a Folder into One Worksheet?

Updated on 27-Jul-2023 11:38:39

2K+ Views

Microsoft Excel provides a wide range of functionalities to handle and manipulate data effectively. One common requirement is to import multiple text files from a folder into a single worksheet, allowing you to consolidate and analyze data efficiently. Fortunately Excel provides a straightforward solution to accomplish this task. In this article. We will carefully examine the step by step guidelines for importing multiple text files from a folder into one worksheet. This functionality allows you to optimize your data processing workflow and derive meaningful insights. Approach 1: Using Power Query to Import File Names by using "Combine and Transform data" ... Read More

How to Import Multiple File Names into Cells in Excel?

Updated on 27-Jul-2023 10:48:01


Harnessing the potential of Microsoft Excel's numerous functions can bolster your data management efforts in a variety of ways. Often enough there arises the need to import multiple filenames into respective cells within an excel worksheet as part and parcel of better organizing and analyzing information repositories. Be it for creating a comprehensive file directory or plainly listing down filenames as needed; applying pertinent methods from an extensive array available via excel allows one to complete this action quite effortlessly. Hence through this article, we aim to elucidate sundry techniques that exist for facilitating imports supportive towards streamlining data/file handling ... Read More

How to make a cumulative sum chart in excel?

Namita Aggarwal
Updated on 04-Aug-2023 13:41:15

6K+ Views

A cumulative sum chart, also known as a cumulative line chart or cumulative frequency chart, is a graphical representation that shows the cumulative sum or total of a series of values over time or another dimension. It is commonly used to analyze and visualize the accumulation or progression of data. The cumulative sum chart plots the cumulative values on the y-axis and the corresponding time or another variable on the x-axis. Each data point on the chart represents the sum of all previous values up to a certain point, starting from an initial value. As new data points are added, ... Read More

How to make a cumulative average chart in excel?

Namita Aggarwal
Updated on 04-Aug-2023 13:38:47

2K+ Views

In this article, the user will learn how to make a cumulative average chart in Excel. The different types of charts are presented in MS Excel to visualize the data and interpret the result. This article contains an example to calculate the cumulative average chart, as required in the provided task. The cumulative average chart denotes the average of all previous values up to that certain point. If the new data points would be added then the cumulative average would be recalculated. Example 1: To calculate the average of cumulative sum chart in excel Step 1 Assume the provided ... Read More

How to lookup to return an active hyperlink in excel?

Namita Aggarwal
Updated on 04-Aug-2023 14:21:57

4K+ Views

In Excel, performing a lookup to return an active hyperlink can be a useful technique when you want to dynamically generate clickable links based on specific values. Although Excel does not have a direct function for this purpose, you can combine the VLOOKUP or INDEX function with the HYPERLINK function to achieve the desired result. This combination allows you to search for a value, retrieve a corresponding URL or address, and create an active hyperlink that can be clicked to navigate to the associated location. In this article will consider one simple example to learn the process of obtaining ... Read More

How to look up the latest or earliest date in excel?

Namita Aggarwal
Updated on 04-Aug-2023 12:17:52

18K+ Views

In Excel, it is often necessary to find the latest or earliest date within a range of dates. This task can be accomplished using built-in functions that compare and retrieve the desired information. By using the appropriate formulas, the user can easily locate the latest or earliest date in each set of dates, allowing for effective data analysis and decision-making. In this article, users will learn two ways to determine the latest or earliest and end date in Excel. The provided example is based on the user-defined formula. Example 1: To look up the latest or earliest date in ... Read More

How to look up partial string match in excel?

Namita Aggarwal
Updated on 04-Aug-2023 13:37:22

3K+ Views

In Excel, sometimes the user needs to search for a specific value that only partially matches the data in a range. This can be done using the powerful combination of the INDEX and MATCH functions. By leveraging these functions, the user can easily perform partial string matching to retrieve desired information from our Excel spreadsheets. Here, will be using a simple example to demonstrate the process of looking at partial string matching in Excel. Example 1: To look up the partial string match in Excel by using the user-defined formula. Step 1 In this example, the user will learn ... Read More
