Found 2043 Articles for Microsoft Technologies

How to stop a windows service using PowerShell?

Chirag Nagrekar
Updated on 22-Jan-2020 08:07:43

19K+ Views

To stop specific service using PowerShell, you need to use Stop-Service command.SyntaxStop-Service -Name ServiceName Stop-Service -DisplayName ServiceDisplayNameExampleStop-Service -Name Spooler To check if service is stopped, type Get-Service -Name Spooler.OutputStatus   Name           DisplayName ------   ----           ----------- Stopped  Spooler           Print SpoolerYou can also use -Verbose parameter to check the command processes.PS C:\Windows\system32> Stop-Service -Name spooler -Verbose VERBOSE: Performing the operation "Stop-Service" on target "Print Spooler (spooler)".You can also perform the stop the service using, Get-Service -Name Spooler | Stop-Service -Verbose You can also use the wildcard ... Read More

How to get service information with the WMI method using PowerShell?

Chirag Nagrekar
Updated on 22-Jan-2020 08:06:34

2K+ Views

You can also use the WMI method to get the services information instead of standard command Get-Service.CommandTo get the service information on the server, you need to use WMI class Win32_Service.Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_ServiceOutputExitCode  : 0 Name      : Browser ProcessId : 0 StartMode : Manual State     : Stopped Status    : OK ExitCode  : 0 Name      : BTAGService ProcessId : 1468 StartMode : Manual State     : Running Status    : OK ExitCode  : 0 Name      : BthAvctpSvc ProcessId : 1460 StartMode : Manual State     : Running Status    : OK ExitCode  : 0 Name      : bthserv ... Read More

How to get services on remote computers with PowerShell?

Chirag Nagrekar
Updated on 22-Jan-2020 08:05:08

12K+ Views

To get service on the remote computer(s), simply you need to add parameter – ComputerName and provide remote servers computer name or IP address.In the below example, we are getting services information on remote computer Win7 which has Automatic start-type.Get-Service -ComputerName Win7 | Where{$_.StartType -eq "Automatic"}Similarly, you can connect multiple computers separated by comma (, ) in – ComputerName parameter.Get-Service -ComputerName Win7, TestPC | Where{$_.StartType -eq "Automatic"} If you need to identify on which particular computer(s), services exist, you can use the machinename property. In the above example, we are adding a machine name property in Pipeline.Get-Service -ComputerName Win7, TestPC ... Read More

How to get services based on multiple conditional parameters in PowerShell?

Chirag Nagrekar
Updated on 22-Jan-2020 08:03:35


To filter out services with both start-type “Automatic” and Status “stopped” we need to use the -AND comparison operator. Here, services will be displayed only when both conditions are matching.CommandGet-Service | where{($_.StartType -eq "Automatic") -and ($_.Status -eq "Stopped")} | Select Name, StartType, StatusOutputName       StartType  Status ----       ---------  ------ gpsvc      Automatic Stopped gupdate    Automatic Stopped MapsBroker Automatic StoppedCommandTo get services with start-type manual or disabled we will use -OR operator.Get-Service | where{($_.StartType -eq "Manual") -or ($_.StartType -eq "Disabled")} | Sort-Object Starttype | Select Name, StartType, StatusOutputLxpSvc                 ... Read More

How to get all the services based on their status in PowerShell?

Chirag Nagrekar
Updated on 22-Jan-2020 08:02:35

1K+ Views

Below commands will filter out services based on their Status (Running, Stopped).CommandTo get all the running services on the local computer.Get-Service | where{$_.Status -eq "Running"}OutputRunning  TimeBrokerSvc      Time Broker Running  TokenBroker        Web Account Manager Running  TrkWks             Distributed Link Tracking Client Running  UnistoreSvc_158379 User Data Storage_158379 Running  UserDataSvc_158379 User Data Access_158379 Running  UserManager        User Manager Running  UsoSvc             Update Orchestrator Service Running  VaultSvc           Credential Manager Running  VMUSBArbService    VMware USB Arbitration Service Running  WavesSysSvc        Waves ... Read More

How to get services based on start-type in PowerShell?

Chirag Nagrekar
Updated on 22-Jan-2020 07:57:33

3K+ Views

Below commands are useful to filter services based on their start types (Automatic, Manual or Disabled).CommandTo get the Automatic start-type service. These services are started automatically when the system starts.Get-Service | where{$_.StartType -eq "Automatic"} | Select Name, StarttypeOutputSystemEventsBroker          Automatic TeraCopyService             Automatic Themes                      Automatic TrkWks                      Automatic UserManager                 Automatic UsoSvc                      Automatic VMUSBArbService     ... Read More

How to search for the specific service in PowerShell?

Chirag Nagrekar
Updated on 22-Jan-2020 07:54:59

2K+ Views

You can get the specific service-related information using –name parameter and you just need to provide the service name.CommandGet-Service –Name "Spooler"OutputStatus Name DisplayName ------ ---- ----------- Running Spooler Print SpoolerCommandSimilarly, you can search for more than one service with the –name parameter.Get-Service –Name "Spooler", "RemoteAccess" OutputStatus Name DisplayName ------ ---- ----------- Stopped remoteaccess Routing and Remote Access Running Spooler Print SpoolerYou can also use the wildcard character (*) in service name so the console can fetch the entire name.When wildcard character (*) is used at the end of the name then debug console will check the starting string of the ... Read More

How to display specific properties from Get-Service output in PowerShell?

Chirag Nagrekar
Updated on 22-Jan-2020 07:51:51

3K+ Views

To display the other properties of the services than the default ones (which are supported by Get-Member), you need to pipeline the Select-Object (alias Select) command. For example, in the below command we will display theService name, start type and status of the service.CommandGet-Service | Select-Object Name, StartType, StatusOutputName                                                   StartType  Status ----                                               ... Read More

How to get all properties and methods available for the service in PowerShell?

Chirag Nagrekar
Updated on 22-Jan-2020 07:50:10

3K+ Views

To display all the properties and methods available for the get-service cmdlet you need to pipeline Get-Member (alias gm). MemberType ‘Property’ is to display the specific property like machinename, servicename, etc. and with the MemberType ‘Method’ you can perform specific operations on the object, for example, Start, Stop, Pause the service, etc.CommandThe below command is to display all the members (properties, methods) the Get-Service.Get-Service | Get-MemberOutputName                         MemberType ----                         ---------- Name             ... Read More

How to get the services on a local computer with PowerShell?

Chirag Nagrekar
Updated on 22-Jan-2020 07:48:28


To get the services on the local computers you need to use Get-Services cmdlet. This command will give you all the services which have running, stopped, stop pending or start pending status, and which has startup type is Automatic, Manual or Disabled.The output of the default table will display Status, Name, and DisplayName three columns.CommandGet-ServiceOutputStatus   Name               DisplayName ------   ----               ----------- Stopped  AarSvc_158379      Agent Activation Runtime_158379       Running  AdobeARMservice    Adobe Acrobat Update Service Stopped  AdobeFlashPlaye... Adobe Flash Player Update ... Read More
