Found 2043 Articles for Microsoft Technologies

How to get all the processes on the local computer with Get-Process command using PowerShell?

Chirag Nagrekar
Updated on 22-Jan-2020 10:35:52

4K+ Views

To get the threads of the running processes in the server using PowerShell you need to use Get-Process command. When you run this command default fields (ProcessName, Id, SI, CPU(s), WS(K), PM(K), NPM(K), Handles) will be displayed as a table.CommandGet-processOutputHandles  NPM(K)    PM(K)      WS(K)     CPU(s)     Id  SI ProcessName -------  ------    -----      -----     ------     --  -- -----------     502      27     9796      19340       1.72   6320   1 AcroRd32     640      52   112028     ... Read More

What is the use of Get-Process command in PowerShell?

Chirag Nagrekar
Updated on 22-Jan-2020 10:34:31


Get-Process is a PowerShell cmdlet which used to get all the instances of the running background processes in the windows terminal. Whichever processes are displayed in the Task Manager Processes tab, all their threads can be displayed in the PowerShell console through Get-Process command.

How to start dependent services in PowerShell?

Chirag Nagrekar
Updated on 22-Jan-2020 10:33:58


To start dependent service in PowerShell, it is unlike the stopping the dependent services with –Force parameter because there is no –Force parameter is available.You need to first get the dependent services and then start them.Get-Service -Name Winmgmt -DependentServices | Start-Service -Verbose

How to start multiple windows services using PowerShell?

Chirag Nagrekar
Updated on 22-Jan-2020 10:33:25

3K+ Views

To start multiple services with PowerShell, we need to use comma (,) between services.For example,Start-Service -Name Spooler,AdobeARMservice -VerboseGet-Service -Name Spooler,AdobeARMservice | Start-Service -VerboseTo start the services with display name,Start-Service -Name “Print Spooler”, “Work Folder” -Verbose Get-Service -Name “Print Spooler”, “Work Folder” | Start-Service -Verbose

How to start windows service with display name in PowerShell?

Chirag Nagrekar
Updated on 22-Jan-2020 10:32:28


To stop the service using display name, use the parameter –DisplayName.For Example,PS C:\> Start-Service -DisplayName "Print Spooler" -Verbose VERBOSE: Performing the operation "Start-Service" on target "Print Spooler (Spooler)".You can also start the service with display name using,PS C:\> Get-Service -DisplayName "Print Spooler" | Start-Service -Verbose

How to stop service with their dependent services in PowerShell?

Chirag Nagrekar
Updated on 22-Jan-2020 10:26:00

2K+ Views

To stop the service which has dependent service in PowerShell -Force parameter is used. First, we will check what are the dependent services for specific service, to get them -DependentService parameter is used.ExampleFor example, WMI service (Name: Winmgmt) has multiple dependent services.Get-Service -Name Winmgmt -DependentServicesOutputtatus   Name           DisplayName ------   ----           ----------- Running  UALSVC           User Access Logging Service Stopped  smstsmgr           ConfigMgr Task Sequence Agent Stopped  SepLpsService      Symantec Endpoint Protection Local ... Stopped  NcaSvc           ... Read More

How to start a windows service using PowerShell?

Chirag Nagrekar
Updated on 22-Jan-2020 10:23:19

3K+ Views

To start a specific windows service, you need to use Start-Service command.ExampleStart-Service -Name SpoolerAbove command, will start the service name spooler. To check if service is started, use Get-Service –Name Spooler command.OutputStatus Name DisplayName ------ ---- ----------- Running spooler Print SpoolerThis command will not show the command progress. To check the command progress, use –Verbose parameter.PS C:\> Start-Service -Name Spooler -Verbose VERBOSE: Performing the operation "Start-Service" on target "Print Spooler (Spooler)".You can also start the service with, Get-Service -Name Spooler | Start-Service -Verbose PS C:\> Get-Service -Name Spooler | Start-Service -Verbose VERBOSE: Performing the operation "Start-Service" on target "Print Spooler ... Read More

How to stop service with their dependent services using PowerShell?

Chirag Nagrekar
Updated on 22-Jan-2020 10:20:18


To stop multiple services can be stopped using Name or displayname by providing command (,) between them.With name and DisplayName,Stop-Service -Name Spooler, W32Time -Verbose Stop-Service -DisplayName "Print Spooler","Windows Time" -Verbose

How to stop multiple services using PowerShell?

Chirag Nagrekar
Updated on 22-Jan-2020 10:15:43

2K+ Views

To stop multiple services can be stopped using Name or displayname by providing command (,) between them.With name and DisplayName,Stop-Service -Name Spooler, W32Time -Verbose Stop-Service -DisplayName "Print Spooler","Windows Time" –Verbose

How to stop the service with the display name in PowerShell?

Chirag Nagrekar
Updated on 22-Jan-2020 10:14:43


Similar to -Name parameter, when you add -DisplayName parameter followed by service display name, it will stop service with DisplayName.Stop-Service -DisplayName 'Print Spooler' -VerboseORGet-Service -DisplayName "Print Spooler" | Stop-Service -Verbose
