Found 2043 Articles for Microsoft Technologies

What is Facebook Workplace? Can it compete with SLACK and Microsoft’s TEAMS?

karthikeya Boyini
Updated on 23-Jan-2020 12:07:42


Great companies work on enormous connections. It is the collaboration between employees which keeps the work going, ideas get shared instantaneously, decisions are taken faster, the entire team is updated, and stays on the same page at all times. These connections eventually drive employees to strive harder and perform to the best of their ability. In this article, we discuss the various enterprise social media for communication and collaboration: Facebook Workplace, Slack and Microsoft’s Teams and how they stand against each other in times of tough competition.Facebook WorkplaceBusiness ideas are needed to turn into action. Goals and expectations are required ... Read More

What are the Latest MS Word 2016 Specifications, Features, and Benefits?

karthikeya Boyini
Updated on 23-Jan-2020 11:59:18


The latest version of Windows for Desktop surfaced in March 2017 with titled version 1703. The latest version has brought many changes starting from Bing search engine integration to Skype video call, all under one roof. Also, Microsoft has added some new font styles to make it even more competitive. Microsoft’s recent work in this regard gives a clear idea on which direction it wants to improve its services. In fact, there are now many competitors in the market that are offering documentation software, such as MS WORKS.They are doing such a good job that Google Docs has also given ... Read More

The 5 Soft Skills that will get you Hired

karthikeya Boyini
Updated on 23-Jan-2020 10:31:33


Going for a job interview? So, you are good with technical skills, but what about the soft skills. That one hour of the interview will be totally focused on how you respond to their questions. Landing on a great job opportunity isn’t just about having the technical abilities but also the soft skills. If it did, there’d be little reason for employers to interview job candidates face-to-face.Soft skills are very important in a working environment. Research shows that so-called “soft skills” — your ability to work well with others, communicate clearly and solve problems — matter much more than many ... Read More

How to change the size of the Console using PowerShell?

Chirag Nagrekar
Updated on 23-Jan-2020 08:05:01

1K+ Views

You can change the size of the PowerShell Console with GUI and CLI both.With GUI −With CLI −To change the Width of the console,$host.UI.RawUI.WindowSize.Width = 150To change the Height of the console,$host.UI.RawUI.WindowSize.Height = 60

How to change the background color of the font in PowerShell?

Chirag Nagrekar
Updated on 14-Jul-2020 13:16:43

3K+ Views

To change the background color of the font, you can use the GUI and command line both.With GUI − Colors → Screen Background.CLI −$host.UI.RawUI.BackgroundColor = "DarkBlue"You will notice that the background color of the text has been changed to DarkBlue.

How to change the Foreground color or Font color of the console using PowerShell?

Chirag Nagrekar
Updated on 23-Jan-2020 08:03:21

7K+ Views

Font color is termed as the Foreground color in the PowerShell. To change the font color you can use the console GUI property “Screen Text”. There are various 16 colors available and you can change RGB properties as well.CommandTo change the color with the script, use the below command.$Host.UI.RawUI.ForegroundColor = "Yellow"OutputYou can see the immediate change in the Foreground color.

How to change the Title of the console using PowerShell command?

Chirag Nagrekar
Updated on 23-Jan-2020 08:02:29

5K+ Views

For various reasons, you need to change the title of the PowerShell console. Like the title to describe the script. For example, System Information or Service Information.To change the PowerShell Console Title use the “WindowsTitle” property in RawUI. It is just a temporary change. When you close the console and open it again, the title will be set to the default.$host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle = "System Information"Now the title of the PowerShell console is changed to “System Information”.You can also supply variable value to this parameter.$Title = "System Information" $host.UI.RawUI.WindowTitle = $Title

How to check the properties of the Windows PowerShell Console?

Chirag Nagrekar
Updated on 23-Jan-2020 08:01:45


You can check the Powershell console properties in two ways. The first method is by right-clicking on the title bar and open the properties.For Example,CommandYou can find various properties there. Like Windows Size, Cursor size, Font Size, font colors, etc. But you can dynamically change the properties when the script runs using the RawUI properties in the $host UIconfiguration. You can view the properties of the console using the below command, which is the second method.$host.UI.RawUIOutputForegroundColor       : DarkYellow BackgroundColor       : Black CursorPosition        : 0,6 WindowPosition        : 0,0 CursorSize            : 25 BufferSize            : 120,3000 WindowSize            : 120,43 MaxWindowSize         : 120,44 MaxPhysicalWindowSize : 151,44 KeyAvailable          : False WindowTitle           : Administrator: Windows PowerShell

How to get only files but not the folders with Get-ChildItem using PowerShell?

Chirag Nagrekar
Updated on 23-Jan-2020 08:00:41

8K+ Views

To get only files, you need to use NOT operator in Directory attribute parameter.ExampleGet-ChildItem D:\Temp\ -Attributes !DirectoryOutputirectory: D:\Temp Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name ----                -------------         ------ ---- -a----       07-05-2018     23:00            301 cars.xml -a----       29-12-2017     15:16           4526 healthcheck.htm -a----       29-12-2017     15:16           4526 healthcheck1.htm -ar---       13-01-2020     ... Read More

How to get only folders but not the files in the Get-ChildItem in PowerShell?

Chirag Nagrekar
Updated on 23-Jan-2020 08:02:54

1K+ Views

To get only folders excluding files, we need to use –Attribute parameter with Directory attribute.CommandGet-ChildItem D:\Temp\ -Attributes DirectoryOutputDirectory: D:\Temp Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name ----                -------------         ------ ---- d-----       13-12-2019     09:52                GPO_backup d-----       24-11-2018     11:31                LGPOSimilarly, you can combine different operations.To get the only system directories, use the below command.Get-ChildItem D:\Temp\ -Attributes Directory –System -RecurseTo get the system directories that are hidden.Get-ChildItem D:\Temp\ -Attributes Directory -Recurse –System -HiddenTo get the system directories which are Readonly.Get-ChildItem D:\Temp\ -Attributes Directory -Recurse –System -Readonly
