Found 2043 Articles for Microsoft Technologies

How to edit the CSV file using PowerShell?

Chirag Nagrekar
Updated on 26-Mar-2020 07:32:48

6K+ Views

To edit the CSV file using PowerShell, you need to use the below commands.We already have the CSV file output.csv, we will import this file first.$csvfile = Import-csv C:\temp\Outfile.csvOutputBelow is the output of the CSV file.EMP_Name    EMP_ID     CITY --------    ------     ---- Charles     2000       New York James       2500       Scotland Charles     3000       PolandWe need to update the above file. We will change the CITY of the EMP_ID ‘3000’ to MUMBAI. If we update the CITY name by the EMP_Name, it ... Read More

How to append data into a CSV file using PowerShell?

Chirag Nagrekar
Updated on 26-Mar-2020 07:28:05

36K+ Views

To append the data into CSV file you need to use –Append parameter while exporting to the CSV file.In the below example, we have created a CSV fileExample$outfile = "C:\temp\Outfile.csv" $newcsv = {} | Select "EMP_Name", "EMP_ID", "CITY" | Export-Csv $outfile $csvfile = Import-Csv $outfile $csvfile.Emp_Name = "Charles" $csvfile.EMP_ID = "2000" $csvfile.CITY = "New York" $csvfile | Export-CSV $outfile Import-Csv $outfileNow we need to append the below data to the existing file. So first we will import the csv file into a variable called $csvfile$csvfile = Import-Csv $outfile $csvfile.Emp_Name = "James" $csvfile.EMP_ID = "2500" $csvfile.CITY = "Scotland"Once data is inserted into ... Read More

How to create a CSV file manually in PowerShell?

Chirag Nagrekar
Updated on 26-Mar-2020 07:23:52

4K+ Views

There are few methods to create a CSV file in the PowerShell, but we will use the best easy method to create it.First, to create a CSV file in PowerShell, we need to create headers for it. But before it, we need output file name along with its path.$outfile = "C:\temp\Outfile.csv"Here we have given output file name Outfile.csv in the path C:\temp.Now we will create headers, $newcsv = {} | Select "EMP_Name", "EMP_ID", "CITY" | Export-Csv $outfileHere, we have created a CSV file and exported a file to the newly created file.We will now import this file to check if ... Read More

How to Export and import CSV file manually in PowerShell?

Chirag Nagrekar
Updated on 26-Mar-2020 07:19:32

1K+ Views

When you run a command Export-Csv in PowerShell, it automatically creates a CSV file to the specific location.ExampleGet-Service | Select Name, Starttype, Status | Export-Csv C:\temp\services.csv -NoTypeInformationIn the above example, Services.csv file created in C:\Temp folders with the header Name, Starttype, and Status headers.Similarly, you can use the other commands to get the output into the CSV file format.If you want to check this file from the PowerShell console, you need to use Import-CSV command.Import-Csv C:\temp\Services.csv | ft -AutosizeOutputName                                     StartType     ... Read More

How to use custom headers in the PowerShell output table?

Chirag Nagrekar
Updated on 26-Mar-2020 07:07:34

5K+ Views

If you want the specific properties in PowerShell, you need to use the Select-Object (Alias − Select) as a pipeline.In the below example, we will retrieve the specific properties of the Spooler service.ExampleGet-Service Spooler | Select Name, DisplayName, Starttype, StatusOutputName       DisplayName    StartType    Status ----       -----------    ---------    ------ Spooler    Print Spooler  Automatic    RunningNow we will customize the header by renaming the “Name” property to the “Alias Name” by the Name and the Expression syntax inside the Select-object.ExampleGet- Service Spooler | Select @{N='Alias Name';E={$_.Name}}, DisplayName, Starttype, StatusYou can also use ... Read More

Explain output formatting PowerShell

Chirag Nagrekar
Updated on 26-Mar-2020 07:03:15


In PowerShell, the output is in the default table format. To format the output in the desired format, mainly below pipeline commands are used.Format-TableFormat-ListFormat-WideThere are also commands to format the output data but not used widely.Format-CustomFormat-HexIn the below example, we will get the service's details using Get-Service and format it using the different output cmdlets.Get-Service WinRM, SpoolerOutputStatus     Name        DisplayName ------     ----        ----------- Running    Spooler     Print Spooler Stopped    WinRM       Windows Remote Management (WS-Manag...As you can see Display Name for the WinRM service is not ... Read More

How to manipulate Date in PowerShell?

Chirag Nagrekar
Updated on 20-Mar-2020 07:08:36

2K+ Views

To add/remove date from the date string you need to use AddDay() method. For example,We need to add 6 days to the current date.(Get-Date).AddDays(6) 25 March 2020 22:40:36To go back to the specific number of days, the same AddDays() method will be used but the numbers are negative. For example,(Get-Date).AddDays(-6) 13 March 2020 22:45:34

How to format date string in PowerShell?

Chirag Nagrekar
Updated on 20-Mar-2020 07:05:50

3K+ Views

By default the when you run the (Get-Date) cmdlet, its output is in the below format.PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> Get-Date 18 March 2020 22:56:18You can format the above output in the various format supported by PowerShell.Examplesd – Short date pattern.PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> Get-Date -Format d 18-03-2020D – Long date patternPS C:\WINDOWS\system32> Get-Date -Format D 18 March 2020f – Full date pattern with a short time pattern.PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> Get-Date -Format f 18 March 2020 23:01F – Full date pattern with a long time pattern.PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> Get-Date -Format F 18 March 2020 23:02:22g – General date pattern with a short time pattern.PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> Get-Date -Format g 18-03-2020 ... Read More

How to check if the date is adjusted by Daylight saving time using PowerShell?

Chirag Nagrekar
Updated on 20-Mar-2020 06:57:02

3K+ Views

To check if the date is adjusted by the daylight savings you need to use the function IsDayLightSavingTime() of the Get-Date cmdlet.PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> (Get-Date).IsDaylightSavingTime() FalseTo know more about DST, check the link below.

Explain Get-Date function in PowerShell.

Chirag Nagrekar
Updated on 20-Mar-2020 06:52:48


Get-Date function in PowerShell is to get the current system date and time. For example, when you type simply Get-Date, the output will be, Get-DatePS C:\WINDOWS\system32> Get-Date 18 March 2020 19:17:03When you check the type of the (Get-Date) function, it is DateTime.(Get-Date).GetType() PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> (Get-Date).GetType() IsPublic IsSerial    Name       BaseType -------- --------    ----       -------- True     True        DateTime    System.ValueTypeWhen you check all the properties of the (Get-Date).PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> Get-Date | fl * DisplayHint : DateTime DateTime    : 18 March 2020 19:32:32 Date        : 18-03-2020 ... Read More
