Found 2043 Articles for Microsoft Technologies

How to Export the azure VM tags using PowerShell?

Chirag Nagrekar
Updated on 06-Apr-2021 07:45:32

2K+ Views

There are two ways to get the applied azure VM tags using PowerShell.Using Tags Property of the Azure VMUsing the Get-AZTag command.ExamplePS C:\> Get-AzVM -VMName Testmachine2k12 | Select -ExpandProperty Tags Key          Value ---          ----- Patching_Day Sunday Owner       ChiragAnother way is by using the Get-AZTag command.PS C:\> $vm = Get-AzVM -VMName TestMachine2k12 PS C:\> Get-AzTag -ResourceId $vm.Id | Select -ExpandProperty PropertiesOutputTagsProperty ------------ {[Owner, Chirag], [Patching_Day, Sunday]}We need to export this tag and the best way to store the tags is using the JSON file.Get-AzVM -VMName Testmachine2k12 | Select -ExpandProperty Tags ... Read More

How to add the new tag to Azure VM using PowerShell?

Chirag Nagrekar
Updated on 06-Apr-2021 07:43:33


To add the new tag of Azure VM using PowerShell, we need to use the New-AZTag command. Please note: If you have already tags applied to the VM, you need to use the Update-AZTag command to merge with the available Azure Tags otherwise all the previous applied.For example, We have the below VM called TestMachine2k12 and after signing to the Azure account we need VMs resource ID to apply the tag to the VM.We will use a tag in the HastTable format so we will have its Key and a Value. We need to apply the below new tag.Example$tag = ... Read More

How to get the folder size using PowerShell?

Chirag Nagrekar
Updated on 30-Mar-2021 13:58:01

4K+ Views

We will first retrieve the content of the folder using the Get-ChildItem command and then pipeline the Measure-Object command as shown below.Get-ChildItem C:\Temp\ -Recurse | Measure-Object -Property Length -SumOutputCount : 1514 Average : Sum : 372060503 Maximum : Minimum : Property : LengthSo the above output shows that there is a total of 1514 files and folders and the sum shows the size of all the files and folders combined in KB. We can convert it to the MB as shown below.(Get-ChildItem C:\Temp\ -Recurse | Measure-Object -Property Length -Sum).Sum / 1MB 354.824545860291We can get the round figure, [Math]::Round( ... Read More

How to run a PowerShell script from the command prompt?

Chirag Nagrekar
Updated on 30-Mar-2021 14:05:03

22K+ Views

To run the PowerShell script from the command prompt, we can use the below command.ExampleFor example, we have a script TestPS.ps1 which first starts the spooler service and then copies a file to a different location. We need to call this script using the command prompt.C:\> PowerShell.exe -command "C:\temp\TestPS.ps1"The above command is similar to running individual PowerShell commands. Here we are providing the path of the script.OutputC:\>PowerShell.exe -command "C:\temp\TestPS.ps1" VERBOSE: Performing the operation "Start-Service" on target "Print Spooler (Spooler)". Status Name DisplayName ------ ----- ---------- Running Spooler Print Spooler VERBOSE: Performing the operation "Copy File" on target "Item: C:\Temp\EnvVariable.txt Destination: ... Read More

How to run PowerShell commands from the command prompt?

Chirag Nagrekar
Updated on 30-Mar-2021 13:24:24

9K+ Views

To run Powershell commands from the command prompt or cmd, we need to call the PowerShell process PowerShell.exe.ExampleSee the sample example, C:\> Powershell.exe -Command "Write-Output 'Hello world'" Hello worldSimilarly, you can call any command. We will use another example to get service informationC:\> Powershell.exe -Command "Get-Service Spooler" Status   Name    DisplayName ------   ----    ----------- Running  Spooler Print SpoolerTo run multiple commands, C:\> Powershell.exe -Command "Stop-Service Spooler -verbose -passthru; Start-Service Spooler -verbose -passthru"OutputVERBOSE: Performing the operation "Stop-Service" on target "Print Spooler (Spooler)". Status Name DisplayName ------ ---- ----------- Stopped Spooler Print Spooler VERBOSE: Performing the operation "Start-Service" on ... Read More

How to delete hidden files and folders using PowerShell?

Chirag Nagrekar
Updated on 30-Mar-2021 14:04:01

4K+ Views

If we want to delete the hidden files and folders from the C:\temp on the local computer, we need to use the command shown in this example.ExampleBut first, the below command helps us to retrieve the hidden files and folders from the C:\temp.Get-ChildItem C:\Temp -Hidden -RecurseWe just need to pipe the Remove-Item command and to remove forcibly use -Force parameter.Get-ChildItem C:\Temp -Hidden -Recurse | Remove-Item -Force -VerboseOutput

How to delete empty files and folders using PowerShell?

Chirag Nagrekar
Updated on 30-Mar-2021 14:03:24

2K+ Views

To delete empty files and folders, we need to first retrieve the list and which has been shown in the earlier articles.ExampleIn this article, we are using the logic that if we find an empty file or folder we will delete them. To implement that logic, use the below script.gci C:\Temp -Recurse | foreach { if($_.Length -eq 0){ Write-Output "Removing Empty File $($_.FullName)" $_.FullName | Remove-Item -Force } if( $_.psiscontainer -eq $true){ if((gci ... Read More

How to get the list of empty folders using PowerShell?

Chirag Nagrekar
Updated on 30-Mar-2021 13:10:35

2K+ Views

To get the list of empty folder on the windows OS using PowerShell, we can use the below method.gci C:\Temp -Recurse | foreach { if( $_.psiscontainer -eq $true){ if((gci $_.FullName) -eq $null){$_.FullName} } }The above command checks the C:\Temp folder and its subfolders and if the content is empty it returns the Folder full path. The PSISContainer property stands for the folder and GCI is the alias of the Get-ChildItem command. We can alternatively use the below command, instead of using the PSISContainer property.gci C:\Temp -Recurse -Directory | foreach { if((gci $_.FullName) -eq $null){$_.FullName} }

How to get empty files in Windows OS using PowerShell?

Chirag Nagrekar
Updated on 30-Mar-2021 13:05:47


To get the list of empty files in Windows OS using PowerShell, there are two ways, a) Using Length parameter. We will count the length of the file. If it is 0 then the file is empty as shown below.Get-ChildItem C:\Temp\ -Recurse | where{$_.Length -eq 0} | Select @{N='EmptyFiles';E={$_.FullName}}Output:b) Another method is a long one that we don’t want to go into. We need to check each file's content and if it is empty then we will declare that file as an empty file.Get-ChildItem C:\Temp -Recurse -File | foreach{ if((Get-Content $_.FullName) -eq $null){ ... Read More

How to take the backup of environment variables using PowerShell?

Chirag Nagrekar
Updated on 30-Mar-2021 12:53:56


Sometimes changes in the Windows environment variable can be deadly because it saves information about user profiles, application information, and OS information. It is always better to keep the Environment backup handy and update that file whenever there are any changes or at the regular interval.Taking up the environment variables backup is easy. To retrieve the environment variable list we can use the below command, Get-ChildItem env:To store the environment variable, we can use the Out-File command with text file but if the particular environment variable length is larger enough then we can’t store it in the text file properly.Instead, ... Read More
