Found 2043 Articles for Microsoft Technologies

How to Remove Personal Information of a Workbook?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 08-Sep-2023 14:31:27


In today's digital age, privacy and data protection are crucial concerns. To prevent unintended disclosure, it's essential to make sure that any sensitive or personal information is appropriately removed before sharing or distributing Excel files. Before sharing your workbooks with others, you can use the built-in capabilities in Microsoft Excel to assist you erase any personal information from them. In this article, we'll examine the simplest method for getting the job done. To finish the operation, we will run the VBA module we just created, which contains the code that deletes the personal data. We'll walk you through the process ... Read More

How to Remove or turn off Hyperlinks in Excel?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 08-Sep-2023 14:30:59


When you wish to link to other websites, files, or other destinations inside your workbook, hyperlinks come in handy. However, there may be times when you need to get rid of hyperlinks for a variety of reasons, such clearing out outdated information, avoiding inadvertent clicks, or streamlining your spreadsheet. This article will provide you the skills you need, whether you're a novice or a seasoned Excel user, to manage hyperlinks properly and maintain the organisation of your spreadsheets. Let's begin by learning how to disable or remove hyperlinks in Excel. Remove or turn off Hyperlinks Here, we will first ... Read More

How to Remove or Split All Merged Cells in Excel?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 08-Sep-2023 14:30:37


Merged cells might be helpful for formatting, but they frequently cause issues when it comes to manipulating and analysing data. They may interfere with calculating, sorting, and filtering. Therefore, in order to maintain the integrity and correctness of your Excel spreadsheets, you must learn how to handle merged cells effectively. We'll walk you through the removal and splitting of combined cells in Excel in this step-by-step manual. This article is made to be simple to follow and comprehend, regardless of whether you are an experienced Excel user or are just getting started with spreadsheets. So let's get started and learn ... Read More

How to Remove/Hide Page Number Watermark in Excel?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 08-Sep-2023 14:30:04


In your Excel spreadsheets, do those page number watermarks get on your nerves anymore? Unwanted page numbers can be distracting and harm the overall presentation of your work, whether you're working on a financial report, a project plan, or any other document. The good news is that hiding or eliminating page number watermarks in Excel is a simple procedure that can improve the presentation and appeal of your spreadsheets. In this article, we'll examine the most straightforward approach to getting the job done. We'll walk you through easy, step-by-step directions on how to eliminate leading minus signs from numbers in ... Read More

How to Remove or Hide Borders From Group Boxes in Excel?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 08-Sep-2023 14:29:24


If you've ever used group boxes in Excel, you may have noticed that they have built-in borders that can occasionally get in the way of your layout and design. Learning how to remove or hide these borders is a crucial skill whether you want to give your Excel sheet a cleaner, more professional appearance or simply customise its design. We'll show you how to remove or hide borders from group boxes in Excel in this step-by-step tutorial. By the time you finish this video, you'll be equipped with the skills and confidence necessary to design slick Excel sheets that smoothly ... Read More

How to Remove or Delete All Strikethrough Texts or Characters From Cells in Excel?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 08-Sep-2023 14:28:55


Powerful spreadsheet software like Microsoft Excel is widely used for data management, analysis, and reporting. When using Excel, you may come across instances when cells include text or characters that have been styled with a strikethrough, meaning that the material should be destroyed or eliminated. For the sake of keeping accurate data or producing a tidy and presentable worksheet, some strikethrough formats may need to be removed. This tutorial will guide you through the process of deleting all strikethrough text or characters from Excel cells step-by-step. These techniques work well whether you have a little dataset or a big ... Read More

How to Remove/Delete All Spaces After the Last Character in Excel?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 08-Sep-2023 14:28:21


We will walk you through a straightforward, step-by-step procedure in this article to effectively clean up your data and get rid of any trailing spaces that might be resulting in errors or problems in your Excel sheets. Even though they frequently go unnoticed, trailing spaces can cause unanticipated issues when completing calculations, sorting data, or generating reports. Whatever your level of Excel proficiency, this course will be suitable for both newcomers and more seasoned users, offering clear instructions and helpful pointers along the way. Make sure you have a basic understanding of Microsoft Excel and that it is installed ... Read More

How to Remove Only Text From Cells that Containing Numbers and Texts in Excel?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 08-Sep-2023 13:44:07


If you've ever had to work with data in Excel where some cells mix text and numbers, you are aware of how difficult it can be to distinguish between the two. Whether you're working with survey data, financial data, or any other dataset, it's critical to appropriately clean and arrange your data. You'll have a comprehensive idea of the many strategies you might employ to successfully complete this data cleaning operation by the end of this tutorial. Remove Only Text From Cells that Containing Numbers and Texts Here we will create a VBA module and then select the range of ... Read More

How to Remove Numeric Characters From Cells in Excel?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 08-Sep-2023 13:43:37


Excel is an effective programme that enables users to efficiently organise, modify, and analyse data. Excel spreadsheets frequently contain a variety of characters in their data, including numbers, letters, symbols, and more. There are circumstances, nevertheless, in which you might need to clean your data and eliminate all numerical characters from particular cells or columns. In this tutorial, we'll walk you through many methods for removing number characters from Excel cells step-by-step. This lesson will provide you the skills and knowledge necessary to complete this operation with ease, whether you have a list of product codes, customer IDs, or any ... Read More

How to Remove Numbers From Text Strings in Excel?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 08-Sep-2023 13:42:58

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With the help of Excel, you can manage and alter data in a variety of ways. One frequent activity is working with text strings that contain numerical characters. This post will help you through the procedures to effectively remove numbers from your text strings, whether you have a dataset with mixed alphanumeric entries or need to extract text from a cell containing numbers. No matter what degree of Excel experience you have, you can follow along because we'll start with the fundamentals and then progressively move on to more complex strategies. Remove Numbers From Text Strings Here, we will first ... Read More
