Found 2043 Articles for Microsoft Technologies

How to calculate the average rate of change in Excel?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 06-Feb-2023 15:26:13


If you want to calculate the average speed and how much time you will spend going from one place and another by bicycle, then you need to know the average speed when you drive a bike. For an instance, consider you have recorded the time and distance at the time of traveling, now with that data, you can calculate the average bicycle speed – the average rate of change in an Excel sheet. Follow the steps given below to calculate the average rate of change in an Excel sheet. Step 1 Open a Microsoft excel sheet and enter the ... Read More

How to calculate the average in a column based on criteria in another column in Excel?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 06-Feb-2023 15:22:47


It is quite easy to find the average in a column based on the criteria in another column in an Excel sheet. In this tutorial, we will show how you can do it in just two simple steps. Step 1 Open a Microsoft excel sheet, and enter the data as per your wish below I have considered this data as shown in the below screenshot for your reference. Here the excel contains the date, region and the values for the sales. Step 2 Now you need to select a blank cell in an excel sheet and enter the below ... Read More

How to calculate the absolute difference between two values/times in Excel?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 06-Feb-2023 15:21:47

1K+ Views

The usage of absolute numbers to distinguish between occurrences like "Decline, " "Boost, " and "Payment, " among other things, is rather prevalent among users. When just the difference between the two numbers is required or requested in a spreadsheet, the Excel absolute difference between the two values is provided. The ABS function in Excel will return the absolute value of any difference or number that is provided. To calculate the absolute difference between two values, we may make use of a variety of different formulae, including IF, MAX, and MIN, as well as a VBA Custom Function. In layman's ... Read More

How to calculate standard error of the mean in Excel?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 22-Oct-2023 02:41:59

27K+ Views

This same standard error would be a crucial statistic that serves as a parameter. But are you able to determine it throughout the process of sampling and distribution. A standard error of measurement, often known as the SEM, is indeed a statistical measurement which also provides an approximation of the difference between both the sample mean of the data and the actual population mean. You are aware that the Standard Error is equal to the Standard Deviation divided by the Square Root of the Total Number of Samples; hence, we can convert this into an Excel formula by writing Standard ... Read More

How to calculate standard deviation in Excel?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 06-Feb-2023 15:17:17


A number's standard deviation gives you an idea of how much it deviates from the average of all the values in the sample. The fact that each of the numbers is identical to the others indicates that there is no variance. As a direct consequence of this, the numbers have just a standard deviation that is equal to zero. The STDEV function has been around for a very long time. The new STEDV.S function, which is included in Microsoft Excel and provides the same exact result, is the one that the software company advises using. We can compute the standard ... Read More

How to calculate sales tax in Excel?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 03-Feb-2023 12:28:21

2K+ Views

When we go shopping, we always make sure to pay the sales tax, with the exception of when we buy duty-free products. But do you have any idea how much in sales tax you've already paid? There may be times when you are provided with a price that does not include the applicable taxes. Under these conditions, all that is required to determine the amount of sales tax owed is to multiply the selling price by the tax rate that is in effect. Step 1 Here, you get your pay check and are required to pay a tax to ... Read More

How to calculate running total /average in Excel?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 03-Feb-2023 12:27:08


The climax of a continuing sequence of partial totals of a particular data collection is what is known as a cumulative total, which is also referred to as a running total in certain circles. The use of a "running total, " which shows the total as it increases and allows for the accumulation of data to be summarised as it occurs over time, is required in order to present the summary of the data. This widely common method is used on a day-to-day basis by students and professionals who are assigned the task of using Excel to compute and calculate ... Read More

How to calculate running count of occurrence in list in Excel?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 03-Feb-2023 12:26:01

2K+ Views

Excel makes it simple to generate a running count of an occurrence or the total number of values in a list. By using the COUNTIF function with a mixed reference, we are able to obtain a running or continuous total for an item, which in turn enables us to build a running count of an occurrence in a list. This gives us the ability to acquire a running or continuous total for an item. Step 1 if, inside the Days list, you just want to determine the current count of "Monday, " please proceed as follows. Step 2 Choose ... Read More

How to calculate retirement date from date of birth in Excel?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 03-Feb-2023 12:24:12

5K+ Views

Consider the scenario in which an employee has said that they want to retire when they reach the age of 62; with just the employee's date of birth in Excel, are you able to accurately predict when the individual will really leave their position. You may use the EDATE function to determine when someone's retirement date will be based on their birth date. Step 1 I have a list of workers' birth dates, and if their retirement age is 62, the formula that follows may assist you in calculating when they will be eligible to retire; in order to do ... Read More

How to calculate rank percentile of a list in Excel?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 03-Feb-2023 12:22:56


You could use a data collection that contains values and can be filtered based on certain criteria. For the sake of this illustration, we will make use of a list of the populations of the world's capital cities. Calculating the percentile rating of each continent's respective capital cities is going to be a difficult task for us. If you make regular use of Conditional Formatting's Icon Set, then you should be aware that the icons in the set are determined by the percentile of each value. Having said that, are you familiar with the formula that determines the rank percentile ... Read More
