Found 4 Articles for Maria DB

Setting Up LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL/MariaDB, PHP) and PhpMyAdmin on Ubuntu 15.04 Server

Ayush Singh
Updated on 03-Aug-2023 15:39:42


LAMP is one of the most widely used Open source technology stacks which is used in the development of web applications. In this combination, Linux acts as the operating system, while PHP is the server side programming language. MySQL or MariaDB acts as the database management system along with apache as web server. In this article, we’ll cover how to set up the LAMP stack with PhpMyAdmin on an Ubuntu 15.04 server. With the use of LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL/MariaDB, PHP) components, we can build interactive and engaging Web applications. Let's understand each component of the LAMP stack: Linux ... Read More

How to Migrate MySQL to MariaDB on Linux?

Sharon Christine
Updated on 22-Jan-2020 08:21:42


This article will help you to migrate the database from MySQL to MariaDB as the binary compatibility of MySQL-to-MariaDB in the migration process is very much straightforward.After the Oracle’s acquisition of MySQL, the community has driven an outcome of such movement and developed a new database called MariaDB. MariaDB is the open-source and its compatibility with MySQL. Most of the Linux distributions (RH, CentOS, Fedora) have already started to use the support of MariaDB as a drop-in replacement of MySQL.If we want to migrate the database from MySQL to MariaDB then this article will help.Preparing a MySQL Database and TablesWe ... Read More

How to install install mariadb 10 2 centos 7

Lakshmi Srinivas
Updated on 18-Oct-2019 11:12:13

1K+ Views

In this article we shall learn about – how to install MariaDB 10.2 on Centos 7 / RHEL. This can be used as a guide for beginners or as a reference. Please note that, this can also be used as an alternative replacement of MySQL.Features of MariaDBMariaDB is an open-source and an alternative relational database management software.MariaDB is robust, fast and Scalable with rich storage engines.MariaDB has new features such as GIS and JSON.Server Information and PackagesThe Package included: MariadB, Mariadb-server, MariaDB-libs.The Daemon Name used is: mariadb.Port No: 3306.Configuration path: /etc/my.cnf.Installing Maria DB 10.2 on Centos 7 / RHEL 7In ... Read More

Open Source Databases

Alex Onsman
Updated on 20-Jun-2020 08:17:31

1K+ Views

Open source databases are those databases who have an open source code i.e anyone may view the code, study it or even modify it. Open source databases could be relational (SQL) or non relational (NoSQL).Why use Open Source Databases?It is quite expensive to create and maintain a database for any company. A huge chunk of the total software expenditure is used to handle databases. So, it is feasible to switch to low cost open source databases. This saves companies a lot of money in the long run.Open Source Databases in useThere many different open source databases in the market. All ... Read More
