Found 1301 Articles for MCA

What is marshalling in RPC?

Arnab Chakraborty
Updated on 16-Oct-2019 08:23:45

2K+ Views

Remote Procedure Call (RPC) is a client-server mechanism that enables an application on one machine to make a procedure call to code on another machine. The client calls a local procedure—a stub routine—that packs its arguments into a message and sends them across the network to a particular server process. The client-side stub routine then blocks. Meanwhile, the server unpacks the message, calls the procedure, packs the return results into a message, and sends them back to the client stub. The client stub unblocks, receives the message, unpacks the results of the RPC, and returns them to the caller. This ... Read More

What is the difference between context switching and interrupt handling?

Arnab Chakraborty
Updated on 16-Oct-2019 08:22:20

1K+ Views

Context switching involves storing the context or state of a method or thread in order that it will be reloaded once needed and execution will be resumed from constant purpose as earlier. This can be a feature of a multitasking software system and permits one computer hardware to be shared by multiple processes.When Associate in Nursing interrupt happens, the hardware mechanically switches a region of the context. The handler could save further context, counting on details of the actual hardware and software package styles. Typically, solely a minimal part of the context is modified so as to reduce the quantity ... Read More

Microsoft Interface Definition Language

Arnab Chakraborty
Updated on 16-Oct-2019 08:20:33


DefinitionThe Microsoft Interface Definition Language (MIDL) defines interfaces between client and server programs. The MIDL compiler with the Platform Software Development Kit (SDK) to enable developers to create the interface definition language (IDL) files and application configuration files (ACF) required for Remote Procedure Call (RPC) interfaces and COM/DCOM interfaces are included with Microsoft. MIDL also supports the generation of type libraries for OLE Automation.ApplicationMIDL can be used in all client/server applications based on Windows operating systems. To create client and server programs for heterogeneous network environments that include such operating systems as Unix and Apple, MIDL can also be used. ... Read More

What is PID manager in Linux?

Arnab Chakraborty
Updated on 16-Oct-2019 08:18:34

1K+ Views

In Linux, when an executable stored on disk is called a program, and a program loaded into memory and running is called a process. A process is given a unique number called process ID (PID) that identifies that process to the system, when it is started. If we ever need to kill a process, for an example, we can refer to it by its PID. As each PID is unique, there is no ambiguity or risk of accidentally killing the wrong process (unless you enter the wrong PID).If we open top (in a terminal, type top and press enter), the ... Read More

What is loopback address?

Arnab Chakraborty
Updated on 11-Oct-2019 13:33:08

3K+ Views

The IP address range – is reserved for loopback. Loopback IP address is managed entirely by and within the operating system. These addresses enable the Server and Client processes on a single system to communicate with each other. When a process creates a packet with destination address as loopback address, the operating system loops it back to itself without having any interference of NIC.Data sent on loopback is forwarded by the operating system to a virtual network interface within operating system. This address is mostly used for testing purposes like client-server architecture on a single machine.For example, if ... Read More

What's the difference between a context switch, a process switch and a thread switch in Linux?

Arnab Chakraborty
Updated on 11-Oct-2019 13:31:36


Context Switching involves storing the context or state of a process or thread so that it can be reloaded when required and execution can beresumed from the same point as earlier. This is a feature of a multitasking operating system and allows a single CPU to be shared by multiple processes.A process switch or process scheduling is to changing one process from another by saving all of the state of the currently executing process, including its register state, associated kernel state, and all of its virtual memory configuration.A thread switch means switching from one thread to another thread within a ... Read More

Linux Process Monitoring

Arnab Chakraborty
Updated on 11-Oct-2019 13:29:29

2K+ Views

In Linux, Top command is utilized to monitor Linux Process which is used frequently used by many systems. It is available under many Linux, Unix like operating system. All the running and active real-time processes in ordered list is displayed and updates it regularly by this Top command. display CPU usage, Swap memory, Cache Size, Buffer Size,Process PID, User, Commands and much more. It shows high memory and CPU utilization of running processes in your machine.The following command to monitor Linux Process is typed and it should access root permission.#topThe output should be like this –

Big Endian and Little Endian

Arnab Chakraborty
Updated on 11-Oct-2019 13:15:43

16K+ Views

All computers do not store the bytes that comprise a multi-byte value in the same order. Consider a 16-bit internet that is made up of 2 bytes. Two ways to store this value −Little Endian − In this scheme, low-order byte is stored on the starting address (A) and high-order byte is stored on the next address (A + 1).Big Endian − In this scheme, high-order byte is stored on the starting address (A) and low-order byte is stored on the next address (A + 1).To allow machines with different byte order conventions communicate with each other, the Internet protocols ... Read More

What is Network Port?

Arnab Chakraborty
Updated on 31-Jan-2020 10:55:38

6K+ Views

A port is a physical docking point using which an external device can be connected to the computer. It can also be programmatic docking point through which information flows from a program to the computer or over the Internet.A network port which is provided by the Transport Layer protocols of Internet Protocol suite, such as Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and User Diagram Protocol (UDP) is a number which serving endpoint communication between two computers.To determine what protocol incoming traffic should be directed to, different port numbers are used. They allow a single host with a single IP address to run ... Read More

How does a process look like in memory?

Arnab Chakraborty
Updated on 11-Oct-2019 13:04:47

3K+ Views

A program loaded into memory and executing is called a process. In simple, a process is a program in execution.When a program is created then it is just some pieces of Bytes which is stored in Hard Disk as a passive entity. Then the program starts loading in memory and become an active entity, when a program is double-clicked in windows or entering the name of the executable file on the command line. (i.e. a.out or prog.exe)Let’s look at each memory segment and how does a process look like within memory −Figure: Process in MemoryTEXTA process is more than the ... Read More
